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Many anons post this shit ironically but not today.
I fucking LOVE drinking and driving, it's so much fucking fun.
Kys (one day you likely will)
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ironing is my favourite type of humor and tragedy is the best comedy
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>least intoxicated bimmer driver
It's more likely that he'll kill someone and go to prison for life (at least if he's American).
May your back be broken in two places so you can drive an drive in a wheelchair forever!
i make sure to report anyone even remotely failing to stay in their lane as drunk drivers :)
have fun with the police
my driving is perfect, not my problem
Yep, some fun-loving driver, in my town, just took out two telephone poles and the wall, in front of a house. His first words, when he got sober, were "please tell me I didn't kill anybody". BTW each pole replacement costs about $12K. KYS.
Why is it that every sad story in america start with

>my uncle/aunt/brother in law was killed by a drunk driver

People like to drink and going to the bar in something that is not a private automobile is unthinkable.
We're posting like this is an American only phenomenon. UK drink drive is common as well.
Pubs have car parks to park in while you get drunk.
Navigating your car afterwards can be a bit problematic but if you had to get a bus to the pub you wouldn't have to drive your car home.
My village has a eight pubs and the fartest one is about a ten minute stagger.
You can drink and still be sober enough to drive it depends on your individual tolerance
hey that's me
>it depends on your individual tolerance
Legally it doesn't. BAC is just the amount in your blood, if you have a huge tolerance you'll still have the same BAC depending on how much you drank, but you won't get as intoxicated from it.
That's dangerous because you think "I'm not even buzzed" then get pulled over for something else and blow a 0.12 when you legit aren't intoxicated.
It's not a game worth playing. I have a huge tolerance but 2 shots or beers and I am not driving for the next 9 hours.
I have been known to drive with naughty BAC. To be honest having three or four pints in the pub at lunch and working the rest of the day was normal.
Getting wankered was above and beyond, my mate Craig (RIP) would do that. By fuck he would do that and spend the rest of the day working a call centre.
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'round these parts we call it booze cruising.

>My village has a eight pubs and the fartest one is about a ten minute stagger.

I fucking hate england. But the fact that even small villages had a nearby pub made it just about bareable for me not to off myself for the 6 years i was there.
If you crashed into me and I can tell you’re intoxicated I will kill you and face the consequences for it. I will seriously strangle you while you’re trapped in your seat or I’ll cut you with a piece of glass
you won't do shit

Ok timmy. Now show us on the doll where the ma-I mean woman, with the half rack of ice cold bud light touched you.
You know you can simply walk up to a drunk driver at a red light and shoot them in the head, right?
You will not go to jail, just say they tried to run you over.
A drunk drover killed Billy Herrington.

Never 5get.
What type of game is this?
You say I shouldn't drink and drive, what is this?
Pass the Heineken and mind your business.
A patience tester.

The first thing that the game puts in front of you is having to rebuild an I4 from bare components.
Fuck you talking about I just like drunk driving. I'm not posting it ironically

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