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And yet I almost never see a Tesla on the road
Yeah if i lived in a trailer park in oklahoma id probably never see one either
>muh stock market cap
Doesn’t mean shit.
There are ~7 million Teslas on the road right now. So you have to be blind to not notice it or be living in a place thats in poverty state.
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It seems like a third of the cars I see are tessies; they're so fucking ugly and gay, and they're always driven slow as FUCK
duh they don't sell in poor parts of the world
Tesla is propped up by the US government.
All traditional automakers are.
You think oil just gets to america without massive subsidies of oil companies and us navy to protect these ships?
I see multiple Teslas every day
ferrari bigger than GM and ford? Wtf?
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EVChuds won. ICEissies lost.
But then gasoline gets taxed at the pump so those “subsidies” are more than offset.
>gets smoked by a 40 year old foxbody
Lol, lmao even.
You can really build a 5.0l small block Ford though. Those things are the LS of their day.
>market cap
Are y’all retarded?
>There are ~7 million Teslas on the road right now.
There are ~300 million cars on the road right now.

Tessie's aren't as common as you think.

We saw this same type of retardation during the panic, people would think covid was 'over' because less people died than during the previous period. As if it somehow invalidates all the the deaths that have already occurred.
That wasn't a Plaid though. It was a P100D. Those "only" do about a ~11s quarter mile.
And here's what you never take into consideration. Yes there are faster cars. Of course there is. There's always going to be some V8 car with a turbo the size of a Honda B16 stuck to it. But that's not the point. The point is a Tesla can perform anywhere anytime. Any highway, any redlight, you mash the pedal and you just go. You don't have to strip the interior and build the engine and fill it with E85 and put drag radials on it and do a burnout to warm up the tires and brake boost it. It's a 5 door family sedan with heated seats and air conditioning and air suspension and street tires you can use in the rain and you can just drive it around and use it like a normal car but also it has hypercar levels of acceleration
>what is addition?
That’s how many they sold in a single year. What’s it like being this dumb? Serious question. Is life harder? Or maybe it doesn’t matter because you don’t realize how bad things are for you.
you think there are more teslas on the road that toyotas? lmao
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It’s exactly this. I mean fuck, I live in fucking New Orleans which is like 70% niggers and I see them all the damn time.
>it has hypercar levels of acceleration
No. It doesn't.
Any thing making serious power is 100% aftermarket.
Yeah, when that Mustang was built there were probably only a handful of legit street cars in the country that would beat a Plaid.
Is that the only hypercar in the world?
I see them all the time but only where the laptop class lives.
Daaaamn. This is a “breakfast question” level response. Holy shit, bro.
I see them all the time.
Often going 70mph in the left lane.
teslas don't usually last more than a year so that number is about right
Really? Where I live in Texas, I see them every time I step outside.
They'll last longer than that. It's just like most new-car fags, Tesla owners only lease them for a year at a time so they're always driving a new car.
And Tesla make 1/10 the cars Toyota makes.

And the fact that right now Wallstreet is obsessed with profit percentage over gross revenue, so "bleu chip" companies selling comodity products are all grossly undervalued rn.
>trailer park in oklahoma
That's oddly specific.
In the US, Toyota sells ~2M cars a year. Tesla this year will sell ~700-800k cars. Prob ~35-40%. So 1/3 - 2/5

In China, Toyota sells similar 2M and Tesla prob sells ~500K. So thats ~1/4.

Globally, Tesla will do close to ~1/5 of Toyota sales.


And Teslas earn close to 8X per car vs Toyota. So do the math.
The tesla model y was the best selling car in america in 2023 - behind 3 pickups and the toyota rav4.
Look around.
Cool story, they're fucking everywhere if you live near civilization though.
i see so many teslas that i no longer care.it's basically a camry
That's why Chevy copied the Windsor and not their 351 when they made the Ls
Southern Orlando is absolutely lousy with them. I never imagined so many people would want to buy those hideous cybertrucks. Definitely an area thing.

Also this >>28107915
Investors must believe Tesla has a potential value that the other manufacturers can't easily emulate.
It can't just be the electronic platform, because Toyota could easily copy whatever Tesla does with their mechanical drivelines, it can only be the self driving potential - which is definitely a possible potential, I can't imagine the other companies could easily emulate Teslas self driving if they have a breakthrough.
It's not just one thing, it's a collection of things. It's the self driving, it's the supercharger network, it's the software, it's the competitive pricing, it's the app, it's the ota updates/diagnostics/repairs, it's sentry mode. It's the amalgamation of all the things a Tesla gives you that other makers either can't or won't do that make them such a dominant force. Even if Toyota overnight copied the self driving, the cameras, the software, the app, the range and performance value, they're still lacking the supercharger infrastructure, they're still beholden to dealership service centers, and they lack the production lines and volume to offer the cars at a competitive price. And even if they did price them well, how do you convince someone to go to a dealership and pay Model Y money for a 1:1 Model Y clone when they could just get a Model Y?
You might live in the hood or a white trash area.

Also 2 things I haven’t seen mentioned in this thread that are the reason the market cap is so high:

#1 is Tesla technology. Every complaint about Tesla is simple to fix assembly line issues. Tesla’s autopilot tech and everything else is miles ahead of the major car manufacturers. They could license that tech to Toyota for $$$$$$$$$$$$

#2 is Tesla’s charging network. The Tesla charging type is probably going to become the standard for all electric cars at this rate because anybody who buys an electric car will want access to Tesla charging stations, and Tesla is going to bank when Honda and Ford have to pay Tesla a fee for each car they install a Tesla charging port on. It’s like it’s 1920 and Tesla is making gasoline engines and bulding gas stations while the other car makers are designing cars to run off whale oil.
>Bunch of dudes in california all agreeing the company they are heavily invested in is worth a lot of money
Very foolish of you to assume Toyota couldn't do those things and that people who wanted X type of car wouldn't buy X type of car with a Toyota badge.
All Toyota has to do is copy Tesla half as good and that share price will become massively over valued.

It has to be the self driving tech.
Some things they literally can't do. They literally cannot bypass dealerships like Tesla can. It's legally not allowed in the USA. They cannot develop their own supercharger network. They can put Tesla ports on their cars so owners can use superchargers but you have to pay more to use one than it you had a Tesla. And Teslas have the superchargers built into their navigation system. It keeps track of where they all are and how many free connectors there are, and how many other vehicles are en route to a supercharger, and will weave supercharging into your long distance travel so you don't even have to trip plan. Toyota could potentially do this but I don't know if Tesla shares that data like that. They could develop better software and an app and self driving but how are they going to spend several millions if not billions developing all that and not pass the cost onto consumers? You think they're going to just eat all that and sell cars at a loss for 10 years hoping they'll eventually have strong market share?
Isnt Porsche and VW the same thing...?

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