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In particular what cars do women seem to find interesting or sort of attracted to??.
>sport cars
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dating grills for the past year+, age range 22-30, sample size 30 ish

they consistently compliment my mustang (manual, slightly louder than stock)

they hate absurdly loud cars (big city with bmw exhaust tune epidemic)
multiple times they've went out of their way to shit on teslas / electric cars
one told me sedans give her the ick
they generally like trucks, g wagons, landrovers if you ask what they're into
expensive cars
Doesn't really matter as long as it's clean on the inside and fully functional
Women like """""luxury""""" vehicles so a full-size pickup truck
Women love to be the package on motorcycles and go showing their ass. No cars.
the women i’ve been with liked my shit box C4, just cause it was loud (but not annoyingly so) and fast (in their perspective, not every drives lambos like the supposed anons here).
Got a very clean c4, women find it cool until they get inside and realize how low it is and how much it rattles
I live in a wealthier area so maybe they're used to ultraquiet luxo brands
As long as it’s something they can brag about to their friends. If they’re not a car girl at least.
Classic trucks and motorcycles are somewhat universal
>other classics werk but some lesser women might get the "dad ick"
>corvettes kinda werk but even higher chance of "dad ick"
>luxury brands give a +1 but no more
The best bet is always a clean car
dunno, my girl likes the fact that it’s low, it lets me hold her hand as I help her in. also, as much as my C4 is a shitbox, it never rattles (well other than when driving over the horrendous roads we have here). tbf though she isn’t like the typical woman, she enjoys cars so maybe that’s part of the experience for her just like it is for me
>>well other than when driving over the horrendous roads we have here
Yep, that's where it rattles
Inept city govt takes a month to remove roadkill skunks from the road directly in front of the fucking city hall, so imagine how bad any road that isn't a main road is and you get the idea
>In particular what cars do women seem to find interesting or sort of attracted to??
99.9% of women don't give a shit about your car as long as it looks clean and can get you to your date. If you specifically want to buy something to impress women with your vehicle, you've already lost and might as well spend the money on hookers instead.
not whatever i drive apparently
>t. khhv virgin
Neither of those. Go look up the stats. I'll give you a hint. It's the one that "men with small dicks drive".
I've never dated a woman who cared about what I drove.
They only cared about how I made them feel.
that simple anons.
Do you fucking virgins actually live in this dream world? Do you really think real life is like some rom-com where some fat neckbeard gets all the women?
they think because they scooped up a 3/10 asian girl that they get to bully incel and people without gfs on the internet
it must suck to be short, fat and poor.
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I drive pic and it seems to always attract girls, then again i also dont like an overweight creeper
Women buy wranglers, immitation wrangles (bronco, bronco sport) and other off-roady type vehicles for vacations and beach parties they will never go to.
>t. salesman
Oh man I think my favorite color is green now
>one told me sedans give her the ick
Into the trash she goes
Girls always like cute old cars without exception. New gaudy muscle crap like >>28108753 is a clear sign of poser for them.
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Pic is all you need

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