Why/how do so many people lack basic spatial awareness behind the wheel? I see on a daily basis people stopping a whole car length in front of the line in intersections and just needlessly tailgating people. What is wrong with these people's brains?
Because all you need to drive in this country is to be 16 and have a pulse. If you meet these koalafications you can command a 4,000lb death machine
>>28108900Qualifications for driving should be two years minimum of high speed driving, defensive driving, general car control, slow speed maneuvering, driving backwards at speed, formation driving, and proper car maintenance. Also only land-owning males should be allowed to drive.(Verification not required.)
>>28108900I dont live in a poor brown area so i havent expereinced this
>>28108900Combination of you take your driver's test once and never again for the rest of your life, and chances of you doing illegal maneuvers doesn't get caught by the cops so people become embolden to bully other drivers.
>have older carburetor car>Accel pump shot is gone, have to blip throttle from a stop first before letting clutch out or car will stall>Drove like this for yearsThat was almost 30 years ago, to this day I still doubt tap the gas on starts and can't not do it unless I am aware of it like manual breathing.
>>28108900Cell phones have rotted most people's brains and destroyed their depth perception. People in North America have some really shitty attitudes as well. Everybody lives their lives wearing blinders and have no consideration for others or others time. Mostly it's because their lives are shit so they try to offload it onto others. People get tailgated because they can't hold their fucking speed.