>go 80 mph>car starts making weird noise next morning >tfw fell for the “get the Toyota Camry the most reliable car in the world” meme
>>28109154First Camry driver to go 80mph
I literally cruise @ 90mph in my slow daily. weeblet commodity pikachu economy bullshit drivers are so gullible goddamn
>>28109154Toyota cars are reliable because their driver's don't go above 55 mph.
>>28109154fix your car dumb frog
>>28109154if you're going to make a shit thread at the very least put a busty woman image so I can goon and not read your dumbass take.
>>28109223Is it okay to post anime women?
>steering vibrates at 65mph>get front tires balanced>wheel weights fall off in 3 months>repeat
>on bumpy road car shakes so hard that i think theres something wrong with the tires>sigh of relief as i get back onto a smooth road and everythings fine
>>28109154>OP buys a 1993 Camry with blown shocks and automotive AIDS>wtf I thought Toyotas were gudlol. they're decent but not invincible. still better than amerishart cars though.
>>28109296>still better than amerishart cars thoughThese shit all over Camrys
>>28109419their owners shit all over them too, incontinent geriatric car
>>28109419True.>>28109489Also true.
>>28109419For me it's the Roadmaster™
>>28109154But did the Gamry stop driving?(It will never stop)
>car door starts rattling nonstop>turns out it was just the window not being rolled up all the way
>>28109154>neglect your coomry>let all the rubbers rot>never clean it>never apply wax>never rotate the tires>never get the wheels balanced>never air up the tires>never replace the clutch or flush ATF>change the oil maybe once a century>it shakes at freeway speeds, shifts rough and all the paint flakes off>"wtf i thought toyotas were reliable?"many such cases
>>28109171>Complains about weeblet commodity pikachu economy bullshit drivers>Drives a weeblet commodity pikachu economy bullshit car
>>28109611Enjoy replacing your transmission, at least the Toyota will go on its original drivetrain for 300k.