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So I need a fucking car asap and after spending the whole day eyeballing cars at my local dealerships I was only convinced by these three units:
>2020 Golf VIII wagon, 2.0 TDi 115HP
>2019 Renault Talisman, 1.5 DCi 120HP
>2018 (December) Ford Focus wagon, 1.5 EcoBoost 150HP

All of these cars have similar specs, are in similar shape, drive the same, have more-less the same bells and whistles and cost more-less the same (Golf is the cheapest by 200€ and the Focus is the most expensive also by 200€)
For the love of me I can't choose between them. Anons with more mechanical experience, which one would you choose?
extremely based wagon and sedan enjoyer
the golf has a wet belt to drive the oil pump, therefore into the trash it goes
the talisman is the only one that doesn't have wet belts but it's still french
Get a better taste in cars. These are all shit. If you can't into that then get the ford. At least it's petrol and you want be shackled with all the adblue buffoonery. Still shit though.
>WV 2.0 TDI 115hp
>Same power as their 1.6 over a decade ago
Why do these all send power to the front wheels? Is there something wrong with them?
What's that wet belt thing you mentioned? also what do you mean by "but it's still french"?
>Get a better taste in cars
Wagons and sedans are what I like, you are free to leave the thread
the adblue question got solved a decade ago you clown. now they simply disable it from the ECU in every dealership if you want to
rwd is for niggers and queers
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No seriously, why are you on this board if youre just interested in FWD transversely mounted 4 cylinder NPC goyslop? You like understeer or something?
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Wagons and sedans are cool. Your choices are still beyond shit though.
If your country has no mandatory inspections then you can do that sure.
bmw f30
BMWs are gypsy cars
>gypsies drive better cars than (You)
corolla ts
Just get an E24, E30 325i, E39 530i, E92 or LCI E90 335i, W124, R129, W140, W201, or W202 already goddamn
Based wagon lover. Hmmm I'm american anon but lemme see... I'd consider the ford but only in manual cause the autos are shit, The Renault is hit or miss but seems OK. Vw is the same but I worry you'll be annoyed by the gay ass haptics and stupid lights.
I'd get Focus
MERCEDES is a gypsy car
Gypsies drive better cars than a lot of people. They have a monarchy that reaps most of the profits of their various organized crime endeavors. There is a gypsy prince in my area that drives a W205 AMG. So in a sense
>>28109907 is right. Poorfag gypsies drive claptrap BMWs though.
Imagine going
>Eeew I am not buying an AMG! Gypsies drive that!
Racists cope like no other.
I have both and I don't have a job. What else can I do to gypsymaxx?
Top is the best looking one, but it's a VW so it's bound to be the most shit/unreliable one of the 3.
The Golf is the worst kind of krautslop and possibly built during the kungflu. The Focus is fine, but I would choose the Renault for the fuel economy and reliability of the 1.5 DCi.
Is 2018 the year Ford had really shit automatic transmissions? I forgot what years it was. The issue with with autos though so you wouldn't have to worry about it if it's manual.
Get the Focus. I'm not a fan of factory turbos and I have the 2.0l. If you can find an older Focus with the 2.0l you'd be better off since the engine never dies. If you can only find automatics make sure it's 2016 or newer or if older has the TCM upgrade from Ford to fix the DPS6. They're still doing it for free through 2025.
the ecoboost is the odd one out, why not search for a duratorq ferd?
A makes sense. B is for girls and C is for people that need a penis extension.
I wouldn't buy any of those but I do have a European estate car that isn't German.
Renault Talisman is the most handsome and spacious but the engine is very slow.

Focus is best to drive due to gas being most responsive.

Golf is always an all arounder, albeit people really dislike Golf Wagon design. I'd go with Talisman for personality or Focus for package.
Get TDI cuz it is an extreme bulletproof car.

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