Just got my Gr Corolla out of the shopwhat do you guys think ?
>>28109234What is your time to the nearest Walmart?
>>28109234you must tear up the toegay and your splitter on the entrance of many parking lots
>>28109240used to be 20minsnow its 10 with the new upgrades.
>>28109234>GTA tier splitter>on a souped up city carmoney can't buy neither taste nor skill
>>28109234You paid people to do this?
Is that styrofoam?
I dont mind someone playing with mods on their car but a splitter on a road legal car is were I draw the line.
>>28109234'rolla wagon here.I hope this is a GR and/or you drive it on a track.
>>28109234>usg boyricer wrenchletthanks for giving everyone else on the road a good laugh
>>28109234is the GR hood steel or aluminum stock?I heard some carbon fiber hoods are actually heavier than stock.
>>28109367Most are. Especially when compared to a simple unvented aluminum hood. It’s hilarious.
Somehow I had a feeling that an image search would solve this one. I'd be surprised if it isn't dead posting as anon.
>>28109234>No hood pinsGood luck with that.
>>28109234>putting aero on a car with less than 500hp
>>28109367>>28109586So the CF wrap is actually a performance upgrade?