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>$240k porsche 911 gt3 rs
>$10k pontiac fiero with a $5k porsche body kit and $225k in mods
which would run a faster time at the nurburgring?
Car driven by better driver

What could you actually spend 225k on? At what point is it no longer a fiero even in spirit?
Both are slower than a $20k K20 Honda build in whatever small shell of a car.
If you put 225k into any shitbox it would MOG any porsche lmao you can have massive horsepower giant brakes and giant racing slicks
My question is, has anyone tried to transverse mount a Buick 3800 with a supercharger into one of these bad boys to make the GM version of the Toyota MR2 that should've been?
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Plenty of people have done it, and it's a well-documented and arguably one of the most popular swaps for Fieros. There's a Fedbook group with 10k people in it dedicated to just sharing info on 3800SC swaps into Fieros, and lots of other sources of old forum posts (likely with dead image links) detailing info on doing the swap.
>no, I don't have one
That rocks. When I kill the trans in my car, I'll get a Fiero I guess.
That thing was a purpose-built spaceframe silhouette car that only used the roof and windshield from the car it was "based on".
Pic related, however, was still at its core a normal production Audi C3 100/200 unibody.
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It's definitely a bucket list car of mine, always hated seeing so many butchered into fake Ferraris and Lamborghinis when I think they look cool the way they are.
Yeah man, it's got the look. I've always had a soft spot for the Fiero because my uncle had one when I was growing up. It's like a Firebird had a baby with an MR2.
The Fiero, easily. You can build a seriously fast car for $225,000.
Literally hundreds of them have been done. You can also put an LS in them with a in-the-valley supercharger and a 6spd manual
Fortunately GM made a lot of them so there's still unbutchered ones out there.
First year Fiero production is almost the same as total North American sales of the AW11, SW20, and ZZW30 mr2/mr-s.
The Porsche because of the sheer amount of pussy the Fiero driver would be drowning in
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>LS4 w/ Bolt hybrid transaxle
>Tesla transaxle up front
>Compound E turbos
>2 stroke Miller cycle cam
>A couple electrical engineering degrees
>Structural steel skin welded to space frame for retard-stiff chassis that's sturdy enough to not need a roll cage on the interior
>Tubular subframes with solid mounting points on all corners of their bays
A stripped, drivable fiero is like 1600 pounds. The drivetrain conversion would bring it up to 2500 depending on how much battery you want. That leaves 700 pounds or so of steel you can add before you're at the weight of the 911. If you're autistic enough to make it work, that's a simple way to make 2000hp without going crazy on boost
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wow a fiero thread
absent a complete redesign of the suspension, and at that point youre basically just building a full on race car chassis, the fiero will be severely handicapped by its front and rear strut suspension.

basically what you're asking is is a purpose built race car faster than a production GT3. and the answer is obviously yes.
fake and gay
> First year Fiero production is almost the same as total North American sales of the AW11, SW20, and ZZW30 mr2/mr-s.
it always amazes me how well dogshit sells compared to good cars.
I mean, if they were as good as you believe they are then why didn't they sell like you believe they should have? Talk to me about this.
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this guy is midnight method
You'd want to use an '88 as that has the improved suspension that the fiero was supposed to have day 1

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