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>I drive an '01 picrel. 2.0 AQY (Golf IV Platform) 5 Speed Manual.
>So far I've switched: Pads, Discs, Calipers, Brake Tubes (Not lines, no rust on them), Master Brake Cylinder
>The system has been bled multiple times using both a bleeding machine and using the 2 person method.
>After that didn't help I had a master mechanic bleed it using a machine + VCDS to make the ABS open up

The problem is that the brake pedal has a long "travel" where I need to push it in a good bit if not basically the entire way for it to start doing something and to start having resistance. When the motor is switched off, the pedal is rock hard already but can be made harder my pumping it a bit. The pressure is kept well if I keep my foot on it.

When driving I can feel the brakes having an effect from basically the first mm onwards, it's just that for actual brake performance to happen it's 90% travel. After that it begins being kinda squishy but with resistance.

When standing, the pedal is very undefined until the 90% "resistance point".

I've taken it out for drives and the brake performance is consistent.
I can make it ABS brake just fine, and it's survived a couple emergency brake processes too.

When I bought the car, the pedal already felt kind of shit. (Not that it's much to go off of. The suspension + brakes had to be basically completely redone. New Shocks + Springs, Wheel Bearings, bushings, stabilizer bar etc. are on it now)
Could be something with the brake booster, that's where I'd look next.
did you adjust the pedal after replacing mbc?
this, sounds like a booster issue.
btw, a spongy pedal means the booster is doing its job. a stiff pedal means the booster isnt boosting as much.
check the pedal assembly for any worn out clevis pins
there can also be an adjustment rod on your pedal like some clutch pedals have.
make sure your firewall isnt flexing a ton. consider a brake booster brace
check the vacuum hose going to your booster for leaks or cracks.
check engine vacuum
also, a clogged engine intake manifold can increase engine vacuum giving you extra booster vac and making your pedal spongy.
google says mk5 had direct injection.
get your intake cleaned.
Have you tried driving cars less than two decades old? I've heard it helps a lot.
eat shit.
Bauhaus is a timeless design
Lol you sound like a fag
Jesus you're a bigger faffot than op
Decent cars, probably one of the last cars built to last, not quite as solid as the old mercs and certainly not refined, but a decent cheap car without to much silly bullshit. The newer octavias are absolute shite by comparison. I want one of the petrol 4x4s but there aren't many about. I had considered a Volvo T5 or one of the old w124 estates, but those cars are 30 years old plus now. These Octavia's have still got some life left, plus your can park them anywhere and leave the keys in the ignition
Did you bleed it using the nipple on the master cylinder or just at the wheels?
Unless I overlooked something, the MBC I installed doesn't have a bleeding valve.
It's a: [code]1J1 614 019 G[/code]

This car is all I could afford, sorry.

Will check & see if I can find adjustment options.

It's an MK4 platform. Manifold injected.
I'll have a look and see if I can find any adjustment screws. Given the fact it's at well over 200,000 KM, I can imagine parts on the assembly being worn out.

As for the leaks: I could kind of see it having a leak and then also causing a vacuum issue. On a warm engine (cold it doesn't show that much), it'll have hiccups. Almost like a "half misfire" of sorts. Just a tiny vibration. No error codes thrown.
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Strange. All golfs/octavias of that generation I've worked on have always had nipples on the master cylinder. Do you have callipers on the rear too?
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Yeah, calipers in the back too.
Discs all around.
picrel is the cylinder. No bleeding nipples in sight, and when I installed it, I also didn't see any.

You reckon that there's somehow air trapped inside the cylinder despite having bled the system and having had it bled by someone else as well?
Possibly or air being drawn back in somewhere. That's more likely with wheel cylinders though, hence asking what brakes you had on the rear.
why would i want to ride a vibrator?
Booster also has a pin that you can adjust for spacing. Check make sure that is in spec. Seen it happen twice.
>Almost like a "half misfire" of sorts. Just a tiny vibration. No error codes thrown.
I would do the needful and replace the fuel filter, plugs, inspect ignition wires, etc.

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