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File: C4wreckb36e3db5b9_b.jpg (279 KB, 1024x768)
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Been noticing this past ~month, drivers swerving everywhere has gotten REALLY bad
Used to be somewhat uncommon, now every day I see at least one motherfucker swerve and almost crash like they're glued to their phone or drunk or something
DFW area if that matters
spike proteins causing glaucoma
nerve gas & atrazine in water
>like they're glued to their phone
they're """steering""" using the lane keep assist while watching the new skibidi toilet 164
there's your problem
Noticed bad drivers too, not only swerving.
Lately every low life scum got their driver's license and some low life cheap car.
Driving should have remained a privileged activity. Not everyone should be allowed to drive.
Saying it like this sounds like the democrats did this with their equity agenda.
But really... do they put drivers licenses in cereal boxes as prizes lately?
these days I see lots of people using their smartphone while driving
the matrix adopted engagement-based traffic programming from gta v
New drift movie just came out
America has been swerve central since the 90's. Thats what i noticed while visiting. My family and i found it insane that these people had such a hard time holding a straight line.

Aparently even simply talking on the phone means you cant drive straight for many americans.
big if true
>low life cheap car
Yeah ever since inspections disappeared I've been smelling a lot more exhaust too
100% true. I try and avoid multi lane highways these days due to the amount of niggerbrains on the road with the janny assist cars.
Excellent answer
They are swerving because of all the wireless technology in the cars nowadays. It sends out energy waves that disrupt basic motor control functions, leading to the arms moving on their own. I don't drive any vehicle with wireless cancer waves, and it makes me safe, stay away from new vehicles before they kill you.
Tech in cars
All of that tech once it fails, is an instant binary.

Look at a cyber truck for example with its Steer By Wire system. There's no linkage wearing. There's no progressive deterioration being done. You can't sense the small things that indicate wear and when this system fails its catastrophic. Everything wears. It's inevitable but how it fails is where it matters.

Phones and tech distract us and pulls our attention. Pair this with a system failure and now you have a perfect combination for a crash and a person in the market for a new car.
They're swerving because it's WINDY. Wind blows your car around and makes it hard to stay straight. Winter is windy
It's because that's how drivers drive in turd(skin) world countries and they won't assimilate.

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