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tonight i had my worst driving fuckup
>be me
>get new car
>go for random night drive with fren
>pull through random small town
>pass by interesting building
>wanna turn around so i pull into a parking lot to loop through real quick
>mistake pic rel for exit of parking lot
>drive over get front left wheel over the curb and front left in the grass
>horrific scraping noise
>immediately brake and stall
>car is now stuck
>try to reverse out
>manual newfag
> reverse slightly but stall and scrape back down
> attempt 2 works and i free the car to horid scraping noise
>car is now leaking fluid picrel
>now noided that i've managed to destroy my car
>in what is quite possibly the most retarded way possible
>jack the car up and see the leak coming from near the transmission
>immediately assume absolute worst scenario
>begin to realize my situation
>look at my fren
>realize we might be stranded in....
>fucking dublin texas
>it's over
>begin to formulate suicide plan
>almost finalized how to self euthanize
>crawl under the car to find exact source of leak
>crawl deeper than ever before
>the shity oem jack on the questionable jack point the only thing insuring my life
>travel down the river of mystery fluid
>deeper into the heart of darkness
>arrive at transmission
>prepare for the worst
>follow the liquid
>see leak is from above the transmission
> an open black hose
> a drainage hose
>an a/c drainage hose
>that's my dream
>that's my nightmare
>an a/c drainage hose leaking
>flood of relief
>drive home
>car not destroyed
>feels good man
pic rel side view shows how retarded I am for driving over that shit.
woman tier driving error
>feels bad man
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tomorrow i will reinspect for damage. I am convinced that the fluid is from the a/c,I can see the drainage plug it's coming out of. I just can't explain why it's leaking so much, it stopped dripping after being jacked up from the front right wheel. I don't know what is the cause of that or the increased drainage and why it persist even after the drive home. I am very afraid I've broken something and just don't know it. anons is it paranoia? is it real? [how long can a man enjoy what he doesn't feel] how should i go about problem hunting to avoid a cascade effect? car is a 2023 impreza
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>a/c condensation

nigga that is blinker fluid leaking from the clicker in the dash that shit is highly flammable and you could die
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but anon the blinker fluid reservoir pressure gauge was nominal, a breach in the blinker fluid system simply isn't possible
I did something similar once I first got my license. Mines arguably worse really, because it wasn't that I was mistaken. I drove over a curb because the road was at a very weird angle going down and turning, but the curb was extremely high. Scraped and crunched my entire underbody but nothing ended up breaking, lucky. It was really fucking embarrassing because there were tons of people watching.
I drove over an unmarked curb while cutting through an empty lot, too. The part I was on just dropped 3-4" without any warning at all and asphalt all the way to the edge. No damage but I was confused til I saw the concrete face of the curb in the mirror
Reminder that this is the same type of person that will say "you don't NEED a truck because you don't haul 2 tons of concrete a day"......
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Finally a good post
That was such a weird rally.

In 50 years there will be college courses for the study of the covid era.
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I feel ya bro. I drove out to meet a buyer for my 350z and when he was looking over it he pointed out a leak from near the engine not long after I was spouting lyrical about how great and leak free the car is. I feared the worst, got real worried, then noticed it was dripping from a rubber drain hose. Fucking A/C condensation. We both shared a nervous laugh and he bought the car. Good times.
learn to pay attention to everything on the road around you.
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i drove over a median curb while turning left onto a street a week or so ago. car was fine but i can't bring myself to show my face around there again
i like trucks, with the caveat that there are only three acceptable configurations: single cab 4x4 Inline 4, single cab 4x4 inline 6, and single cab 4x4 V8. The engine should also ideally be diesel,
this incident has taught me a lesson i will not forget
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only time i ever ran into a curb was in the winter, there was what i though 3 lanes going straight except the lane i was in was a turn lane and straight ahead of me was a elevated divider. i drove straight into it. there was a foot of snow, i couldnt see shit.
it was the perfect width that the wheels were off it at both sides, and it was just high enough to almost bottom out the car.
i had to reverse out of it, my rear wheel wouldnt turn and kept pilling on snow. i was able to get the snow out of the way, and the car backed up. took a good 15 minutes
it almost bottomed out and was scrapping hard on the concrete. i had very little traction, but i got it out.
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lmao imagine driving a vehicle that can't just go right over curbs

get your shit together OP
how heavy was the traffic on the road?
late night cursing, not a lot of cars out there, heavy snowfall covering up previous wheel tracks
>>realize we might be stranded in....
>>fucking dublin texas
>>it's over
>>begin to formulate suicide plan
>>almost finalized how to self euthanize
What the fuck is that reasoning?
Needing a truck because you're a blind retard who shouldn't be allowed to drive isn't doing you any favor.
>baise les pommes
Hahahaha pas mal.
should have bought a gmc hummer ev
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the shame of not only driving over a curb, but also doing so in a way that damaged and immobilized the vehicle.
In previous eras, such dishonoruu would be grounds enough for suicide
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>bottom of bumper is high enough to fit over most curbs at parking spots
>mfw hearing a loud crunch as a plastic clip catches for a moment as i reverse
i stopped parking like that but it hurt everytime
>lowered car

Also you should have dipped your finger in the fluid, then checked the color and smell to try and figure out what it was.
Did the same thing a month back, scraped my rear left tire and wheel and got really mad. I walked around there later that day and saw a piece of the curb lying on the street.
So you've never had a truck, got it.
how do you mistake a sidewalk for a road when it's that lit?
While I was roadtripping in Iowa I lost like 4 bolts when driving the gravel farm roads and enjoying the thrill of it. Only noticed because once I got back onto normal road it sounded like my tires were scraping everything repeatedly. Turned out it was just some trim pieces infront of the rear wheels. On both sides the bolts were missing and this plastic trim was now riding into my tire. Luckily I just shoved it back up and under and it's been fine since. I told the garage I go to when I went home and those idiots still claim everything is fine and nothing is missing.

Over in South Dakota, Souix Falls, I was driving around some neighborhoods to get somewhere. Going fairly decent speed, didn't expect anything out of the ordinary. The road was slightly slopped downwards so didn't think much, and then suddenly there was just a giant dip in the road. Bottomed out my front bumper, kept going thought I was fucked for sure. Got lucky. In the end it was just some scratches under it that aren't visible.
crewcabs and extended cabs are for fucking faggots, who need the extra room to carry all their lgbtq pollycule
the real truck user needs only a seat for himself his dog and his waifu
>unprovoked truggold coping
>just put the guns and ammo in the bed because the cab has no storage space.
You don't own a truck.
You've probably never even driven a truck.
And it shows with every post.
>I NEED a big truck so I can absent-mindedly run over curbs and endanger everyone around me
Female mindset at play, typical truckold.
We've all done shit like that. I forgot the car was on, put it in gear and it jolted and smacked a pole. I can't even get it fixed because its silver. It has kinda ruined the car for me.
>point out truggold's insecurity
>w-w-well I'll shoot you!
Whoever designed that parking lot/exit/handicap space needs a bullet to the skull. After your car is fixed use it to move from retard-town.
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akchully you need be careful anon when blinker fluid is cool with condensation saturation it could still leak through the gasket housing near the muffler bearings. best not push it. put on a condom immediately and wait until tow truck arrives.
I will be honest. I am a bit unsure how to gauge this scenario. The guy rolled up on him with a gun. Which basically means to me that he was ready to die and gives the white pickup stand you ground(at least in Florida). However, a part of me is just like.... yeah but still. I mean, I do imagine the truck driver was a huge douchebag but the dead guy really did pull up on him with a gun in hand...
So you need a truck because you can't navigate the road?
anon the guy that walks up to somebody with a gun in hand making threats when he could have just gone home is clearly in the wrong
This is why coffee cups come with warnings.
thats a fucked up design.
To be fair the green hipster fella pointed a gun at him too. He even held it sideways!
Yeah, nah, if someone rolls up on me with a firearm then I'm not gonna take that risk. People who use a firearm as a threat in something as petty as an argument should realise that actions have consequences. Guns are for protecting yourself, not threatening others.
>buy a whole entirely different class of car to make up for your shit driving
Foid coded behavior, don't you know pickemup trucks are for suburban moms now?
>be me
>own an old Buick still good to 140 mph for days
>go 90 to 100 on my favorite rural interstate stretch that's paved like a jet runway for miles on end, and where cops are rare.

Of course I'd like to take it on the autobahn, prohibitave as shipping costs are.
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>take obvious exit from parking lot to road
>put concrete blocks on it to turn it into handicapped parking
>handicapped parking for worse access to whatever the fuck the lot is for than the normal parking
Malicious compliance?

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