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i seem to be the only person anywhere lamenting the death of simple sports cars built for ordinary people and their replacement with hypercars and restomods built exclusively for the extremely wealthy

why is nobody in the car community talking about the most important paradigm shift since the energy crisis in the 1970s?
I have my car already, idc if you can gwt yours
good thing toyota/subaru makes 4 sports cars just for you at affordable pricepoints
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buy a bike lol
If only a country like Japan would make fun and affordable simple sports cars for the average person
two slow, boring cars? really? that's it?
there's literally over 100 hypercars, supercars and restomods available today if you're extremely rich

14s wasnt slow and boring 30 years ago, that's what some ferraris ran in the 1/4 mile. you just sound like a spoiled magazine racer

go look at how much some of the old sports cars you idolize today cost when adjusted for inflation and how many were available even in the 1990s. mk4 turbo supras cost the equivalent of $100k usd today for example

Hot hatches
>14s wasnt slow and boring 30 years ago
It was if you were actually used to driving fast cars
t. magazine racer

a fast car in 1994 ran high 13s (300zx tt) and a hypercar (f40) ran 12s

a miata/integra/240sx ran 16s in the 1/4 back then

now the hypercars run 9s, the fast cars run 11s-12s, and the "slow cars" run 14s, the gap actually got smaller all around

buy a used tesla if you just want to magazine race
When I say "fast cars from 30 years ago", i'm not talking street cars
In Japan all the new versions of the classic jdm cars are sold at very reasonable prices.
Tariffs and other taxes added by your greedy government makes them unaffordable to you.

Source: was in Japan and seen the pricetags firsthand.
At the price they sell a brand new GT-R, you can only get a several years used one in my country.
It's been one of the most common sentiments here for well over a decade.
The cars in your picture were expensive to buy new and about as technologically advanced as it got at the time. An R34 would be over 80k to buy today factoring for inflation.
>When I say "fast cars from 30 years ago", i'm not talking street cars
pick a lane, faggot
This. OP doesn't lament that nobody makes new fast cars for the everyman, he laments that these new cars don't depreciate enough for the everyman to afford them used in a few years. Thanks Obama.
cheapest used gtr here is around $38k.
BRZs are less than $10k for low miles.
The 25 year rule really fucks americans.
This, in essence. Outside of the US, a used GTR is relatively affordable performance.
FD RX7 owner here. These things are seriously slept on. Yeah, they don't make them like this anymore and never will. Bench racers care too much about on-paper specs and instead of considering what makes a car actually fun to drive: simple, lightweight, plenty of power to have fun, makes all the cool noises
Nah, doesn't hold water.
Design back then was Analog systems being assisted by technology, now we have technological systems being assisted by analog small as fuck engines.

Fuck these digital houses on wheels. Fuck planned obsolescence.
Fuck these retarded consumers who keep lapping this slop up going broke just to finance these scams.

A vehicle of the 90s or even early 00s is NOTHING like the the garbage we have now.
Okay luddite... you're like an old man complaining about fuel injection.
Your take is beyond retarded, especially when these cars were the computer on wheels of their generation, you would have said the same thing about them back then.

Planned obsolescence, buy a Z32 or another flagship jap car and see how that works out for you.
A kit starting at 20k with 10k to finish it off that's about half as much as a brand new sports car.
14s quarter miles also was very much slow and boring 30 years ago
the "fast" cars in 1994 were all modified
can't do that with a miata or BRZ unless you do an engine swap or set it up as a pure track car
>14s quarter miles also was very much slow and boring 30 years ago
I remember going to drag strips in the '00s and 14s were decent but not "fast" for street cars. You'd have modded 5.0 foxbodies doing upper 15s competing against newer for the time Hondas. Twin Turbo supras would show up and run mid 13s. Evos/STis would run low-13s stock. Tons of 90s cars with garbage mods running 16s and 17s.
To me 12's are fast. It's still just as fast as it was then obviously, but new cars are a lot faster than 20-30 years ago.
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you've missed the point of my picture entirely; the point isn't that those cars were cheap, the point is that those were relatively new cars at the time, being about ~10 years old (yes, i know when the pictures were taken) which were all designed using different philosophies and had totally different characteristics which a regular person could afford if he saved up a bit

cars like that don't really exist in any meaningful capacity anymore because the economy has become so disjointed that the only profitable high-performance cars are built for the very rich
perhaps i should have used a simpler picture to make it easier for the people here to understand
we've got pretty different ideas of what we consider fast
i consider 12s to be on the outer boundaries of moderately quick
when i think of a very fast car, i think of something like a mcmurtry or a valkyrie
Buy a Corvette stingray and turbo it for 100k otd
I got my fast fun car, i hope they stop making them so mine increases in value haha
Cant wait for electric to take over.
So then modify a car now. Nobody is stopping you from buying a mk5 supra and boosting it to 1000hp. I don't really know what you're complaining about
>we've got pretty different ideas of what we consider fast
Yes we do. I had an STi in uni running 12s that would destroy corvettes and even a W12 Merc at the legal drag strip. Grown engineers would shit themselves just to get me to take them for a ride.
Now that isn't considered fast comparatively, but it's still just as fast as it ever was. I've had a car that did 4.4 0-60, but I still have a blast redlining gears in my current car that's over 8 sec 0-60.
I consider 11s "very fast" but I just don't really care any more. I'm in my upper 30s and the docs stopped the adderall 6 years ago, I'm not looking to go 150+ mph every day anymore.
If you are only about comparisons, you're missing out on the physical fun that cars provide.
>W12 Merc
Sorry, V12.
>If you are only about comparisons, you're missing out on the physical fun that cars provide.
the only comparison i care about is what ordinary people can afford compared to what extremely rich people can afford and what ordinary people can afford is looking more and more bleak by the year because if trends continue, we will all be forced to drive EVs by 2045 whereas everybody who is extremely rich will be driving the only interesting cars left that actually make noise and provide you with emotion
>the only comparison i care about is what ordinary people can afford compared to what extremely rich people can afford
Yes, you and I are very different. I live on a compound with a 6-bdr house, an RV garage, a tractor garage, 4 car garages, a greenhouse, a lake, acres of forest, acres of farm, and a barn. We are not the same.
I only care about physical pleasure, risk, and experience and I want it as cheaply as possible. I can enjoy slow cars where you cuck yourself out of pleasure in the name of looking like you have money.
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Picrel, check this ish out. I can see this from by bedroom and the gravel driveway is on the right. I built a lot of that fence.
Spend your life chasing simple pleasures like beating the shit out of cheap machines in stead of going into debt pretending to be rich.
>the most important paradigm shift
In general, people don't live life, they pretend to live life to their online friends and then discuss their online-erry with their irl friends
...And they call you a loser if you point out the bullshit
It's fucking tragic
and yet here you are
>14s quarter miles also was very much slow and boring 30 years ago

that's what a 300zx tt, lt1 Z28/trans am, mustang cobra, or e36 m3 ran in 1994-1995. there was only a small amount of cars that were faster (corvettes/supras/911s ran mid 13s and vipers/911 turbos ran high 12s)

if you had any of those cars you were hot shit, fast drag cars ran 11s back then with a cage and slicks.

you can eat shit with even a 14 second car. look at the people wrapping s2000s into poles and curbs every day.

plenty of regular people on this website even finance $50-70,000 cars and buy $30-40,000 sports cars cash.

the real problem is that new cars are really fucking good out the box with a few exceptions and aren't meant for modding because the manufacturer did most of the work already and there's a certain hard limit you'll hit with all of them

literally most cars the best you can do is a exhaust retune and tires/wheels/brakes maybe coilovers. past that they get really unreliable, undrivable (think 400+ hp fwds or focus rs/gr corolla turning fwd when abused) or just break
>These things are seriously slept on
>for a 20yo jap car
>i seem to be the only person anywhere lamenting the death of simple sports cars built for ordinary people
Yes. The rest of us learned how to install ebay turbos on anything.
>To me 12's are fast
12s is fast. That's a 100 mph trap speed.

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