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Uhh so modern cars are coming with superhuman perception. What now?
Paying attention and following the rules are superhuman now?
Just try to pay attention to everything and follow all traffic rules in a megacity like Mumbai or Delhi.
given that all you need to do if you want to cross the road there is look at oncoming drivers in the eye while being predictable it shouldn't be that hard for you
It's cool that we call literal shithole megacity nowadays lol lmao go back to your sewage ranjeet
Being better than subhumans doesn't make something superhuman.
A Tessie would move 30ft in 5 hours then run out of battery in Indian city traffic
Does it even know what a motorcycle, or what those gay trikes are?
That's glitchy as all hell, cars popping in from nowhere, merging with other cars, the edge of the road bending. People trust these things to drive them around? Go drive yourself, it's not even difficult.
Autopilot is really cool 95% of the time but the 5% of the time that it isn't, it really really isn't. Although it does only get better over time. It used to have a problem with two way service roads. These are very common in Texas. But the car wouldn't want to cross over 2 lanes to merge onto the interstate, so it would put the blinker on like it was going to merge and then just give up. Now with the newest update, it will jump over the oncoming lane to get on the highway, but for some reason won't use the blinker anymore. A bigger problem is when exiting the highway, it wants to stay in the left lane, which is what you normally would do on any other road. But the left lane in this instance is oncoming traffic. I've not yet encountered a situation where the lane was occupied and I don't know what it would do but I imagine it involves slamming on the brakes. Autopilot actually slams on the brakes a LOT. It doesn't understand the concept of yielding at all. It blows past yield signs at full speed and only takes preventative action to avoid a collision (that it would have been responsible for in the first place). A normal driver knows to slow down, without stopping obviously, and check for traffic but the Tesla just yolos it and hopes for the best. Especially at traffic circles. The best way I've heard autopilot described is that it's like driving with a 15 year old learning how to drive. You want to just let them do it but you're constantly on the edge of your seat waiting to grab the wheel and hit the brakes. Full automation is just not viable with existing tech at all.
Yes. There's 2 types of knowing it knows. 1) something occupies space-time (blob of certain size/shape) 2) that something has a shape/size/speed that resembles a category they know (bike/car/truck/person/animal)

The first type is what the car understands and drives around with. The 2nd type is what it visualizes on screen for humans to understand.
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Is this what kids want now? I keep my row of gauges thanks.
>It blows past yield signs at full speed
this is how you're supposed to treat yield signs, you only slow down if, you know, you need to yield to the right of way traffic, but if you can merge seamlessly then there's no reason to not continue at full speed
Technically yes but practically no. You need to be prepared to stop if you need to. The car doesn't. It doesn't understand the concept. It assumes it's safe to go without looking to see if it is, and if it wasn't, then there would either be a collision, a hard brake, or someone very pissed off in the other car. See as humans we can predict traffic behavior. We can look and see the car with its blinker on and know it's about to exit and yield to it. We drive proactively. Autopilot might see the car but it won't know what the car is going to do and it can't alter its own travel path in anticipation. It can only drive reactively. It won't yield to the other car when it's supposed to. It will only react after the fact to avoid a crash. For this reason I don't think camera based self driving systems with ever be viable. The cars need to have some short range communication system so the exiting car can say "hey im exiting, cars on the service road need to prepare to yield to me" and then the other cars can, without having to violently slam on the brakes or swerve out of the way
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer

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