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At 45 mpg with a 5mt
>Two adults
>Golden retriever sleeping on back seat
>4x SUV wheels and tyres
>$200 Costco shop

Any more load than this, hertz is 10 minutes away, I'll rent a real truck and work it mercilessly
A Corvette can carry 2 people too.
An ignis is 21-25k
A corvette is 70k+
So the only hobby you have is taking your Labrador to the dog park?
>blows transmission trying to haul a sand rail up hill.
>floods the interior on the boat ramp trying to launch the jet ski.
>tears the upholstery when loading wood for the campfire.
And I always love this one
>I'll just rent a truck for $200 a day
That's a pathetic mentality.
You're admitting that you don't have the capability to function as a man and have to borrow something to get the job done.
I'll bet your wife does the same thing.
Yeah, just spend 50k more.and you could then do these extremely uncommon things that I fantasize about
My neighbor got one for his kid to drive.
Wow these used to be under 15k a few years back
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Trucks start at $26k. This one gets 41mpg.
Not sold in the US cuz were too gay for it and can’t have the Jimny either. All we get is J33p which is Chrysler junk.
Gayer Subaru Baja
>these extremely uncommon things that I fantasize about
That shows how pathetic your life is.

Glamis Sand Dunes sees 1.3 million visitors a year.
That's 1 Campsite.
In 1 Park.
In 1 state.
Gay as fuck. They will all probably start blowing up soon with whatever time bomb engineering decision Ford made.
>here's your anemic 2WD budget truck that still has a bunch of shit you don't want
>we could've made it durable and basic for like $15k
>but instead we made it unreliable and shitty for $26k

>oh what's that? you want the new Toyota $10,000 truck
>heh, no way jose that's a FOREIGN truck we don't take kindly to them japs
lmao fukken wut
lol maybe. I mean Ford has been making the 2L eco boost since 2015 so it’s pretty proven but a retarded child on /o/ thinks otherwise so I guess they’re going to start shittin’ the bed in two weeks.

The hybrid is unquestionably rock solid and again is a proven design (they’ve been in NYC taxis for years racking up 70k miles a year. And again, /o/ doesn’t know what an ecvt is or how it works, so it’s really a nonstarter to even talk about it.

0 to 60 in 6 second, quarter mile in 14.7. Not a sports car but fast enough. 45lb tow rating, so better than most similarly sized vehicles.
>it’s unreliable! Trust me bro.
>the europoor can not comprehend anything beyond the walls of his government mandated 300 square foot apartment.
Nobody tell him about Ford putting in wet oil pump belts randomly in their "proven" engines. The only thing Ford has proven is that they can and will fuck up consistently through retarded decision making.
good 4 u
u look and act like a faggot but at least you squeezed that 3% extra efficiency out of your life
Yeah the ignis is a cool little car. Probably the top for its category. I would love to have a awd one as a second car.
My buddy got a Corvette for 7 or 8k
>>I'll just rent a truck for $200 a day
>That's a pathetic mentality.
>You're admitting that you don't have the capability to function as a man and have to borrow something to get the job done.
How is renting tools in any way related to your capability to "function as a man"? Am I not a man because I've rented scaffolding instead of buying it?
To me being a man is making smart and logical decisions. Being a woman is blowing your cash on shit you don't need just to impress other people.
Admit it, you're basically a bimbo bitch in a male body
what color is ur bugatti
usg pikachu bullshit
Why would I want to spend double the cash then be stuck with a long, clunky truck all the time?

I, like most people, spend like 363 days a year not needing a truck at all. They drive like shit, waste fuel (or in your case, are hobbled with hybrid complexity), waste space, and don't have a secure dry place for your daily bullshit.

Also when it comes time for truck stuff, I have the flexibility to rent a real one, or a bus of any size, or a proper mine spec LandCruiser, etc. They do the job effectively and I don't care about getting them dirty or scratching up the tray.

But like I said, the real need for that is actually rare. I just grab a HiAce van occasionally when friends are moving house.
It's no wonder why you people haven't been to the moon yet lol.

Holy fuck get a new fucking script.
Hubcapper! So it's a manual, right? Ignis is fun in manual.
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I tried the small car route and it's just a struggle for me. I like the 5-door hatch, but I just want a bigger 5-door hatch.

I'll miss squeezing into stuff without issue.
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>blows transmission trying to haul a sand rail up hill.
Holy Shit man...
What's next, his vehicle should be able to complete the Paris-Dakar?
>Congratulations Pod Racers!
The dual sliding doors offer unparalleled versatility for cargo and such.
Fuck crossovers.
Long live the Utilitarian minivan.

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