>Yes I will hog the middle of the tight country road>No I will not let a single wheel even touch curbside dirt on a tight pass.>Yes I will use high beams in city streets>Yes I will use high beams while tail gating youIs there any fucking more obnoxious driver than the fucking Land Rover driver?
He's better than you and he knows it.
I don't live anywhere where they are common enough to notice their behaviour.
>>28110418>woman>on dey fone>middle of the road>doing half the speed limit
>no, I will not yield the right way>no, I will not use blinkers>yes, I will go 150 kph too fast
>>28110418The Range Rover driver is an elite and you are a useless poorfag prole crushed under his boot. Your opinion could not be more irrelevant
>>28110418Man. There was this one faggot in a Jk 4 door wrangler.>i am driving ram>RHD country, LHD vehicle>come across afformentioned faggot>35" BFG K02 on his car mind you>i squeeze up to the gutter to the point where half my tire is over it>cunthole comes up and goes close to the flat dirt/grass on his side>no risk of sinking but he still refuses to go on the grass>starts shouting at me to give him more space>call him a buller (top faggot)>he starts saying i am unreasonable>call him a chichi (bottom faggot)>he is aghast and sits there for a couple mins before he asks a pedestrian to guide him between myself and the grassI saw his car parked later in the harbour and parked in front of it while my workmen and my self drank a couple beers and pissed over each wheel.
>>28110732>>starts shouting at me to give him more space>>call him a buller (top faggot)>>he starts saying i am unreasonable>>call him a chichi (bottom faggot)>>he is aghastkek
>>28110418>Yes I will hog the middle of the tight country roadFunnily enough, I find that the faster you drive, the quicker and further they move over. Had several near misses when slowing down to nearly 10mph, but bombing down at 40 makes pretty much everyone give me a wide berth.