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Why are White cars faster than y*llow cars?
Nissan claimed, which was also widely reported in the media, a ring record for its Nissan GT-R Nismo as "world's fastest volume production car". Engineers later confessed that the car had been "specifically tuned for the Nurburgring" with significant changes from the standard car, including the addition of non-road-legal parts.

Also Nissan is yellow and Corvette is white because Asians are yellow and Americans are usually white.
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>Americans are usually white.
>Engineers later confessed that the car had been "specifically tuned for the Nurburgring" with significant changes from the standard car, including the addition of non-road-legal parts.
> but PistonHeads spoke to NISMO engineers.

>All of those modifications will become available to customers so perhaps there isn't any smoke and mirrors going on here.

It seems like your source is wrong.
Road and Track spoke to Jim Mero about his 7:04 time.
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And? What does Jim Mero or Road and Track have to do with this conversation? Are you having a seethe induced stroke and posted in the wrong thread?
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>Americans are usually white.
>ZR1 Exists
How come it's not on the official Nurburgring circuit leaderboard?
Or in the oficial leaderboard of BigGarage, one of the biggest companies related to driving on the Nurburgring?
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>how dare you not use the correct benchracing site

The burgerking has never been a high priority track for Americans and I doubt it ever will be.

Don't you guys get tired of making the same troll threads every week? Didn't we get this behavior out of our system 15 years ago?

You were alive 15 years ago, right?
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>The burgerking has never been a high priority track for Americans and I doubt it ever will be.
False, ex-Corvette chief engineer Tadge Juechter literally called the Nurbirgring "The ultimate validation for a car's performance" and said "There's nothing quite like the Nurburgring"

It seems like the Nurburgring is very important for GM, how come they haven't released any official laptimos for the C7 or C8 Corvette? Did they just give up after they realized they couldn't compete with Nissan's 7:08?
>S/o/viet pls pls stop making GTR vs Corvette threads!
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>slower than a snek with a truck motor and airplane wings
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What production trim of the Viper ACR comes with a rollcage, a racing seat and no upholsery on the roof?
Nigsan fanboy cope. The snek is faster.
>A modified car is faster
congrats, Can it drive on public roads with that seat and rollcage? because if it can, it should be in the modified/not production section of laptimes.

>N-No that only applies to Nissans!!!
Yes, it's still street legal. Nigsan cope won't make up a 7 second gap
>Yes, it's still street legal.
Can we see the TUV certificate? How come it has American license plates? The only way you can drive legally on the roads in Germany with foreign plates is to to affix a nationality plate of the country where the motor vehicle was registered and you have to display both the third-country nationality plate and the national registration number plate
The viper doesn't have the national registration plate next to the third-country plate next to the, pic rel, it can't be driven legally on german roads lolz.
>Americans are usually white
Not a single (1) person in america can currently be said to be white you dumb fucking mutt
Pic rel is what the nationality plate looks like, is the USA oval sticker next to the plate.

>The viper is neither production because it was modified and wasn't street legal because it didn't have the nationality plate
>Just realized all three corvettes are labeled as C6s

aww shit now I have to fix this.
Uh but Chevy fags were saying that the new Corvette was almost as fast as a formula 1 around a track? Seems like it’s slower than a pigfat 15 year old GTR…
What happened Chebby bros?
Theyre gonna cope about price or something, that because its cheaper it actually cant be compared kek
Japfags will stop at nothing to win any argument and nothing you say matters. Kuso thread.
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>Americans are usually white.
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>Japfags will stop at nothing to win any argument

if that was the case there'd be a japanese street legal production car faster than 7:04, but there isn't. :)

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