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I saw this guy in a Rolls Royce Wraith and he parked it at a Wal-Mart parking lot and while I was supposed to buy my son his very own PS5 for his 12th birthday, I decided to stay in my Toyota Camry to observe the people observing his fancy smancy douche mobile. I sat in my car for 40 fucking minutes, and I shit you not, not a single fucking person glanced at his quarter million dollar car. Zoomers even walked past it with their phones glued to their faces.

FUCKING LMAO! Imagine being so god damn pathetic that you waste a quarter million dollars on a depreciating asset in an attempt to impress people or women hahahaha
So you buy your cars so that others would look at them? Weak.
Oh, never mind.
I can see the tears in your eyes though
What's wrong with a Camry? It's a car just like that RR and can get me from point A to point B while costing just a fraction of the price.
Rolls royces look like cheap dogshit inside its incredible
Literally no better than a genesis
If you want a good car, buy a bentley
It's faster, the materials are nicer, it looks nicer and not nigger, etc
>Announcing a report
Shiggy. Looks like I found the RR owner who's ego is as fragile as a cheap Chinese champagne glass.
You can spend the same money for Ferrari Portofino and not only have all bimbos in the world but also have fun. Instead you buy a car that's just as heavy, costs more, has less hp and less doors than Tesla X Plaid.
>I decided to stay in my Toyota Camry
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This is coming from a guy who sat in his car for 40 min? Lmao you're crackin quackers nigga.
maybe he just likes it
>announcing a report
holy newfaggot
>cares what others think
i mean its cruiser maybe guy just likes it
bentley is ,,nigger'' af lmfao. but yeah probably still best car on market which does everything. maserati would be there if it wasnt that shit interior
> Imagine sitting, watching, and seething at a Rich person's car for 40 minutes then posting about it online and lying about having a son so no one thinks you're a huge faggot for buying a game system with no games at a walmart.
what if he just likes driving it
to be fair i doubt given how huge that thing is
t. >>28111919
This is what I did for a month after I got fired and my gf forced me to look for a job and pretend to go to job interviews .
I drove to the parking lot of the nearest mall, and just played games on my laptop in my car
vws are GAY as FUCK lmao
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If I could afford an absurdly expensive luxury car, I would buy something like Rezvani Vengeance. Not only poeple would look at it but also be scared of it.
>I obsessively seethed at this man's parked car for almost an hour
OP fucking OWNED that dude
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>”More like Porcofino, amirite?”
>Says the guy making a thread about my car
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>I watched this guy's Roller for 40 fucking minutes
>not a single fucking person glanced at his quarter million dollar car
>besides me who sat and watched it for 40 minutes and then went on 4chan to make a post about it and argue about it with anonymous people for hours
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>my Toyota Camry
Lol the guy in a toyota camry is making fun of the guy in the rolls royce after staring at his car for 40 minutes
Have you ever considered that maybe he just likes his car and thats why he owns it?
please, camry is a shopping cart. if you had a rwd car, then we could talk
damn, that inrerior looks like first class in airplane. I always thought car exterior is not only thing that matters, but the interior must also be one that makes you feel like king!
interior obviously matters thats where u are spending your time, hell so does sound insulation
but a big comfy boat can be nice to drive
i'd imagine a rolls royce would be very comfy. especially if you paid 200k or whatever for it.
yeah but not in the city obviously even with empty streets. for relaxing night cruise it probably is one of best if not best, but i imagine thats what it is for anyway
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Judging by what you wrote, I think you're just envious of people more free than you and you're trying to use having a family and kids as means to virtue signal. Appreciate what you have instead, it can always be much, much worse.

That aside, LMAO yeah no shit luxury cars are a fucking meme
what if it's a rwd camry with a nicer interior
Still 700 kg lighter than Wraith
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>It's a car just like that RR
nice bait retard
Based OP. Luxarycells are seething, but I've noticed the same thing too. First of all, a woman under 40 can't tell the difference between a Kia and a BMW. They don't care. Their brain sees the same thing. Unless it looks like a supercar or a pikachu shit, a woman just sees "car" when she looks at your richfag ride.
They really are. You don't get anything that is worth what you are paying for it. They only make sense if you have so much money you can't buy anything else you'd rather have with it.
Should have said "my wife's son" and something about buying an apehoop game to go with it.
Explain the pikachu shit.

t. Visits /o/ for 2 month periods every time I buy a car.
That's why you buy a V12 S class. It looks nearly the same as a C and E
Attention starved mexican muslim that's desperate to make a name for himself loves pokemon for some reason
Women detected
Did you forgot to take your meds again?
Saved, been looking for this classic.
Luxury is for insecure cock suckers. They give head to get ahead.

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