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I got my licence finally, wish I could buy you all a beer
I got it on Yamaha MT-07 2022
full A category here in Europe (fucking expensive)
I really like picrel but they are expensive and made in india
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Fortnite dead
HD forever
Doesnt matter what bike you get.
It's like your first girlfriend.
You're going to do stupid shit with it and eventually trade it for a better model.

Just get whatever is easily available and affordable in your area that is comfortable at whatever speed your commute will be.
Don't buy a 250 if you're on the autobahn but also don't get a Hayabusa if you're traveling cobblestone streets in Paris.
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$2500 Sportster 1200
holy based
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Alternatively, a $1500 dual sport is fine too

Go with God
Not as cool as the Harley but still cool
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Agreed. They both have their place.
would Tenere T7 be too much?
Good choice for everything except the freeway.
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Aircooled BMW boxer.
Fast enough to always go a bit faster than traffic (which is the safest way to go), and fast enough to go touring, yet calm enough that it doesn't prompt you to race stuff and do stupid shit.
Heavy, so you learn to respect it, yet easy to handle due to low center of gravity, telelever and ABS. Even the lifted versions have remarkably low seat height.
Easy to pick up if you drop it (get engine guards if it doesn't come with them though), and will protect your feet with the engine if you fall proper.
Extremely reliable, extremely practical, about as common as bikes get because touring guys, police and midlife crisis guys all swear by it, thus very inexpensive for the amount of bike you are getting.
It is the perfect first bike, and also the perfect forever bike. It's the Crown Vic of bikes, it is the meta. Everything else is a sidegrade.
And if you want a brand new one, they are making brand new ones.
boxer is for retards and geriatrics
Retard is an apt description of any first time rider, so it's THE perfect first bike.
Literally the worst design configuration for a motorcycle that's possible.
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Fine, be a special snowflake, slather your hands in (chain) lube and get a Honda CB1100. It's a worse bike, it's a more expensive bike, but if it satisfies your autism, so be it.
no its not, retard
you are intentionally recommending an absolute shit to any rider , let alone a beginner
and you are doing it in bad faith on anonymous forum, pathetic
not OP but what would be a good dual sport for learning
If it's shit, then why do cops swear by it? It's not cheap to buy new. It's not fast enough to chase down anything bigger than a 600 either. But what it is is a no-nonsense, unintrusive bike that lets you focus on awareness. Most riders die because they do stupid things, and to minimize stupid, you gotta maximize ease of use. Airhead boxers are about as easy to ride as it gets.
>be a special snowflake
That's what YOU described.
I4's have been the standard in bikes for 40 years with v-twins being a close second (or first for you third worlders).
Opposed cylinders is the meme form.
As light weight as possible in your market.
Don't try to impress random people by buying some 500cc+ street legal dirtbike when YOUR life is on the line.
Get the smallest frame that will handle your weight. They're easier to control and regain control of (that last part is what's important).
if you are not a dumb maniac and ride like a reasonable human being then the weight and frame of the motorcycle do not matter

a retard can crash and die on a moped as much as on superbike
You have a shit opinion and if that's how your brain functions then you should be ignored for all eternity.
>a beginner can ride an 800 pound full dress Harley just as well as a KDX 80!
That mentality is why bikes have such high fatality rates.
The dry clutch is very unforgiving on these, easy to pick the front wheel up a little or slip the rear wheel a bit on upshifts. Definitely not something I would recommend to someone new to riding
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Get a fast bike, they're cooler, you want to be cool? Don't you?
If you were cool to begin with you wouldn't need to worry about looking cool.
if by cool you mean stone cold and 6 feet under, then great idea. mt09 is a fucking animal. i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, let alone a newbie.
>dude wears no gear yet has full guards on the bike
the guy is into ntr
he'll grind a limb or two into bloody pulp and then someone else will ride his bike that he protected from losing resale value
and the best part, he'll totally keep contact with the guy who bought the bike
offroad bikes are cooler than streetbikes
Yamaha is probably in the proccess of refreshing there line up.
R1 nameplate is getting pretty old.
Gotta keep those flagship models fresh to keep that market share.
Get whatever <500cc naked or standard bike you can find on Facebook marketplace newer than 2015 for under $4000. I don't recommend going super cheap or old with your first bike because you'll want something reliable and predictable.
too slow
get at least a 650, those are fast enough to comfortably go any speed limit plus 10
slow bikes are not safe and bikes that can go fast but have to be pushed to be fast are by far the least safe out of the bunch because they feel fast but then tell you to race instead of just going
A beginner is not going to hit the limits on a 500cc.
Once again that's a garbage recommendation.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you people.
if a beginner is not hitting limits on a 500, he's not going faster than traffic
and if he's not going faster than traffic, he's getting overtaken
and if he's getting overtaken, he's not in control
and when you're not in control on a motorcycle, you die
if op wants to not die, he has to be in control, so he needs a bike that is fast but controllable enough
a screamy 500 rat is not that, it's as far from that as it gets
a torquey midweight grandpa bike is that
What kind of trash 500's are you familiar with that can't outrun cars?
Your opinion is utter garbage.
I question if you have even ridden a bike before.
>Kawasaki EX500 has a 0-60mph time of 3.7s on the '87-'93 models and 3.8s on the '94 and newer models
If you're buying new. Ninja 500 if you want something sportier. Z500 if you want something less.
Bro, a ninja 400 is much faster than 95% of cars. You are utterly retarded.
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>muh first bike
pic rel and stick to sidwalks fag until im done impregnating your girlfriend
how come nobody addressed the OP pic?
is KTM 390 Duke a good starting bike? (besides being expensive, that sucks)
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500 buck Ural with a seized transmission and stuck piston rings.
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400cc inline 4 from the 90s
holy shit look at that shitty chain
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literally a brand new chain
exactly, shitty
He's the shaft drive sperg.
Chains scare wrenchlets.
KLX230/250 depending on your price point
>and if he's getting overtaken, he's not in control
>and when you're not in control on a motorcycle, you die
Statistically, the vast majority of injuries and fatalities on motorcycles don't happen because some bubba truck overtakes someone on a 250CC and decides to run him over.
The vast majority happen because Shiela the 80 year old geriatric or Pablo who just entered this country and its his first time driving a car pulls out in front of a motorcyclist at an intersection.

Now, I know Bubba and his truck DOES squish motorcyclists because the retard tailgates literally every single thing he can to make up for his tiny penis. Most of the time a faster bike isn't going to be the thing that results in him squishing someone from his tailgating, bad application of brakes from the cyclist that causes him to high-side under Bubba's truck are the reason. So anything with good ABS should fix it.

I've been told before that even a KLR650 isn't good enough for exactly the reasons you list: It's not a superbike, it's an old carbureted shitbike that can maybe do 75 if you drop it out of a plane. It's still statistically far safer than any Harley on the road.
We covered the Duke in a thread like 2 days ago.
Nothing wrong with it but it's a yuppie bike. You're going to pay more for the bike and then 2x as much for repairs.
>yuppie bike
is this how poorfags call it?
I did by saying exactly what you should buy. It was always within your ability to decide whether a Duke 390 falls inside those parameters. If you can find a cheap used one then yes it's perfect.
my already weak confidence is a bit shattered after this anon called it a yuppie bike >>28112239
It is a yuppie bike. If you want an unpretentious version of the same thing, get a z400, mt-03, or CB300R. That doesn't make it a bad beginner bike though. They're all the same in the ways that matter for that.

The key with the price thing is to get a bike that you won't feel bad about dropping. You won't enjoy learning and riding as a noob on a bike that you care about dropping, and you will learn slower. And I'm serious when I say "don't care" like you should be able to buy it then throw it purposely right on the ground. Then it's a perfect beginner bike.
i wouldnt care about dropping any bike
they are made to serve me, not me to serve them
>it's a yuppie bike
It's just a cheap as fuck low capacity bike. If someone had money, why would they buy the 390 over the 790/890 or 1290?
t. owned a 390 Duke
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GS500. There is no other answer.
Once you can GS500 then you are probably capable of making the decision of what first motorcycle to buy.
>It's just a cheap as fuck low capacity bike
in what world is it cheap you pathetic arrogant faggot
ktm engines are ANGRY. other than their big advs, they are tuned softer.
are KTMs good quality at least to justify the price? or are they ripping people off because of le brand
>leaky bastards
I've never seen a KTM in a dealer without a drip tray under the gearbox sprocket.
Just saying.
In the UK, the smaller KTMs are a slight step above Chinese bikes. 390 Dukes are £4500-5000 new. CBR500s are £5500-6000 new and Z500/Ninja 500s are £6500 or so.
>muh 390 Duke is comparable to CBR300/MT03/Z300
A class of bikes that literally do not exist on the road when you can get 500s on the same restricted licence.

If there were yuppie bikes it would be gucci Italian bikes they can throw their money at, no rich cunt would buy a Bajajaj tier built in India tiny capacity thing
in russia, we affectionately call ktm guys "клyб тpyдoлюбивых мeхaникoв", club of diligent mechanics. you can guess why. they are light and powerful for a seemingly fair price, but that balance comes at a cost of reliability. you might luck out, you might have every single piece of electronics fail in a sequence.
People buy KTMs because they feel that jap bikes are for commoners.
They're the kind of people that would buy Louis vitton socks.
Not knockoff socks with the LV logo.
But actually go to the Louis vitton store and buys socks.

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