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I'm calling it now, this is all a setup, when they reveal the car it will be a big V8 in British racing green and they're gonna show all these fairies get eaten by jaguars live on air.
I genuinely hope this is the case.

...but you just know...
No one was buying there cars before this might as well make a hail Mary for sales.
They better be making spaceships if they're only gonna use gay aliens in their advertising lol
So who is Jag, I mean, jaGuar, aiming at?
Do you think head of marketing said
>yeah, keep refreshing the pages and respond to all questions in a super positive and inclusive manner
Gettin' real "creepy cult" vibes from this.

"Oh, we have such sights to show you ;)"
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>i fucking you, benchod basterd will you joining us for a traditional inglish cuppa tea isn't it sahib

it's ova
>a marketing team and their agencies definitely DIDN'T include several slides in the PPT explaining how these cheeky replies would get screenshotted and endlessly repasted by people online for infinite free publicity
You are getting one over on the big bad corpo, anon
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Ask Bud Light how the "infinite free publicity" thing worked out for them.
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Wonder what trannie they'll run
They look pathetic and desperate responding to everyone
Indifference is my guess because AB owns modelo and michelob too. They own some insane number of labels and something like 98% of all lost budlite sales went to other labels. Then they raised prices across the board for em all.

Jaguar isn't likely to put potential buyers into a range rover or a tata.
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Humiliation ritual. Nothing more, nothing less
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This looks like I was looking at Vespa's webpage but done it wrong, the absolute state...
Oh, wow. Another supposed luxury brands caters to the unenthusiastic, "counterculture" market that doesn't really care about -and doesn't have the money to buy- the products they sell.
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What causes this to happen? I assume Jaguar is run by old ass British guys who live in castles. Did they just hire a trendy ad agency and tell them to do whatever they want?
I dont get it, its not even tangentially related to cars at all
the only financially viable part of JLR is Land Rover and really just Range Rover
Jaguar should have been Pontiac'd a decade ago
Yes, though there is a real chance it is bad on purpose. There are whole agencies that specialize in just going viral, doesn't matter the reason. You might remember Chuck Testa and it was exactly that. It is just to put the name out there.
Yeah this is so freaky man.
>A seismic change is coming!
Oh boy, can't wait to feel all the seismic forces from a bland EV in a soap-bar CUV advertised by mentally ill people sold by a company in india. I'll bet that'll shake things up.
It's incredible how much globohomo hates and wants to destroy the English people, despite their empire and technology effectively making their schemes possible in the first place.
Seems like a purposeful attention grab and not a misguided attempt at progressive virtue signaling. And it worked perfectly. I hate woke shit and in many cases I think backlash is warranted but in this case I think its exactly what they want.

This reply proves it for me
It's for women duh
Britain literally created israel and refused to surrender to the nazis.
Jews are the opposite of a grateful people, they want to PUNISH and HUMILIATE the people who helped them exist.
trvth nvke
I do not understand why in the world they told their third world Twitter manager to respond to literally every Tweet about them
Because paying a jeet 15 bucks an our to reply to posts is a good deal considering all the free publicity they get from interacting with people obviously puzzled or even outraged about their faggotry. You can even see it on this board - People are talking about the brand again. That's literally all they wanted and they got it.
People talked a lot about Concord anon
Thats the second time I've seen people pointing that out
>look at all the attention the brand is getting!
1. Attention, negative or otherwise, doesn't always turn into revenue or profits.
2. Horrific attention doesn't do anything but tarnish a brand. See Martin Skreli's pharma company. See Phillip Morris. See any company that egregiously fucked up and then kept doubling down until shareholders manually turned the company around by throwing a billion dollars at firing people. 3. Again, even if this were positive engagement and attention, if they're marketing towards the chronically unemployed who cannot afford the product, praise doesn't help any company, brand, or product.
Someone is about to respond to you saying "No such thing as bad publicity" without considering a single one of your points.
Bud Light has never regained its market share from before the Queer Beer incident.
In fact, there have only been two days in the 18 months since that you could sell your bud light stocks at a profit if you bought them that day. And your profit would be under 2%.
almost feel bad for their social media people who are obliged to defend this new direction
>copy nothing
>use exactly the same fagnog aesthetic every other major corporations shits out
powerful science
It's likely a AI tweet bot that has been fed nothing but a marketing buzzword dataset. I'm sure whoever wrote it got paid, and doesn't really care if it's getting ripped up in the public realm.
>I'm sure whoever wrote it got paid
tata is an indian company. They called a cousin and they scripted it for $100.
please redeem the ad and do the needful purchase of jaguar saar
And don't forget, when Procter & Gamble bought the Gillette brand it was worth $54 billion dollars. Today it's worth around $12 billion and still falling, with most of that loss attributed to their "all men are rapists" and "biologically female trannies need to shave too" ad campaigns.
Jesus christ is that true? $54 to $12? How the fuck do you lose 75% market cap and someone doesn't get taken out at the c-suite?
waste, haste and no taste
It's true. It's actually worse, Gilette is valued at only 7b now.
But P&G claims it's because shaving has just become that unpopular.
Jaguar is for an non-binary black tranny
Bongs keep selling their soul to the kike backstabbers all the time. lmao

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