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Would naturally aspired cars be better if they weren't naturally aspired?
depends on their aspirations
depends on their nature
people who modify supercars deserve to be taxed to ruin
If you have a supercar, why not make it a hypercar?
>People shouldn't be able to do whatever they want to things they own
Communist spotted. I'll put a brick on the gas and send it off a cliff if I want to.
>would a car with instant power delivery be better if you removed instand power delivery?
Turbos also act as mufflers and make the exhaust note worse.
Buy your own and leave it stock if it bothers you that much.
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>unnaturally aspirated
>supernaturally aspirated
Depends on the car. 4 cylinders and V6s have no business being heard in the first place so the turbo noises are a huge improvement. My favorite part about turbo 4 bangers is cutting the muffler off and listening to all the wonderful noises a turbo makes
cheeky fuc
If you're talking like Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Then probably not. They're designed meticulously to the point where you can't rev them too much while standing still without risk of setting the car on fire.
The funny thing is that with hypercars you can't.
You're legally bound to what you can and can't do to a car.
Ferrari will literally confiscate your car if you paint it a color they don't want.
>people who modify supercars deserve to be taxed to ruin
Why? It's just a car. If they can afford to do whatever they want with it, more power to them.
Ferrari doesn't make a hypercar
if it's not boosted it's stock. You could have the best na engine in the world and it's not shit until it's boosted
Yes. You can't get power when breathlet can't breathe.

Natural aspiration=mouthbreather guy who is not using diaphragm. Like 4channer on his desktop.
I'm thinking that fat people don't excercise because they get easily short breath. We should accept and normalize oxygen masks as part of normal people work outs.
How do you like the potatoes cooked that way
i will hunt you down
>ywn have casper sitting in your airbox boosting your engine's performance
why even live
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Why doesn't some one make an unaspirated combustion engine desu?
>Internal non-combustible engine
I did, left a rag in the intake. rip in pieces 2001 honda civic
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Kek they put fucking monster truck suspensions even on supercars to appease the old guys that buy them, so you need to lower them out of the box.
Owner of picrel said it was a "fucking suv" before he lowered it.
He also put a loud exhaust on it.
Kek cry pussy
I used to think this way but even the supercars today are completely soulless. No more breathtaking new designs it's just tiny modernizations like a new set of headlights and wheels on a shape that hasn't really changed in 20 years.

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