What vehicle should I get to make people know I'm insane?
Deuce and a half
Mitsubishi Mirage with all of the body panels, covers, doors and muffler removed.
>>28111221kek>be a white guy in a black country>own a slightly ratty sidekick>not too great, scratched and dented to fuck but still better than some others>use it for work>after years of work i get fed up of the cloud of dust that puffs up everytime you do anything in the interior>strip it out to power wash everything>everything out in the sun drying>gf says some bullfuckingshit about how she needs something from the store right now>annoyed but whatever i can grab some beers as well>bolt in drivers seat and throw in a bunch of empties to return>reach store>vagrants see white man>swarm car>begging>i am saying fuck off while knocking one out of the way with my door>they see the lack of interior and bottles everywhere>AW MAN YOU FUCKED UP TOO>they stopped bothering me near that store while i had that car
my car but its not for sale
>>28111231He said insane not lucid
1981 Excalibur
20 year old Harley
>>28111217More or less
>>28111217Altima that has been previously enjoyed by the melamine enriched. The bigger the "ryehms" the better.
>>28111231Where’d you get this picture of my van?
>>28112161I'm in your walls
>>28111231Based Knower
>>28111231>soulesprit.comlol that site's still up
>>28111240top kek
>>28111240You lived in France? Was it a Renault?
>>28112685>sidekickpresumably a suzuki sidekick
>>28111231What's with all the tires?
>>28111217Twingo/Pt Cruiser, bicycle, or whatever vehicle that gets turned into a schizo mobile. >>28111231
>>28111231>all corona vax babies are struggling to speakwoah he's right! well actually I think modern parenting is more the cause behind modern mental retardation but that actually might be more tragic
>>28111217Rusted out Dodge Neon with missing/mismatched body panels, opaque window tint and open headers.Tube frame death kart with the loudest fartiest 4 banger ever made, again open headers.100kW e-bike on fat road tires, no helmet