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any reply below this one is a dumb faggot
/pol/ claims these people aren't white while looking like they came straight out of the favelas of mexico city
Fuck ya mudda
Ashkenazis are about as white as hapas, spics and mulattos are white.
>hapas, spics and mulattos
So 95% of /pol/ lol
No U

"jews aren't White", and "/pol/'s userbase isn't White" aren't mutually exclusive statements, schlomo.
I feel like you need to be white to claim who isnt and is white. Which /pol/ isn't.
I don't even get the point of this non-sequitur. Is it meant to be offensive to the post you're replying to?
Last I checked we were on /o/. Sounds like you should go back to /pol/ with the other screaming mischling retards.
>Last I checked we were on /o/
Then whats with the obvious kikebait post from op
You failed terribly, this isn't your gay social club a la reddit, we don't "rep" communities here, do you feel me dawg?

>Then whats with the obvious kikebait post from op
It is car related and you're having a melty because they're heebs. Go back to your swamp.

Shut the fuck up spic
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Well I tried to save all you gay faggots from getting baited so I guess you actually are gay fags
We are white esse we are doctors n lawyers n shiet mayne
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/pol/ website

Browns won
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>Here’s your Biblical Hebrews bro
>Now pay up go “their” holy land goy

Your response?
>Your response?
Why won't you learn English?
>Browns won
The race to the bottom? Certainly not the US presidency!
Why learn the language of a servile class. (You) should learn Hebrew, the language of your masters.
Whiter than most of /pol/
So what claim do a bunch of pasty whiteoids from Lithuania have in Israel?
God no. Nothing wrong with smol fast cars. Most these days are too fucking tall and fat for the use case, and hideous to boot. This is not to say that there aren't a lot of ugly small sedans out there, Chevys in particular. I have a special hatred for Ford crossovers, which are almost all black, and almost of of which look like cops from a certain distance. Those grim bitches are no fun, particularly where conditions suit it, and cruising at 90 is comfy in a big long sleek sedan.
Nothing. No one has an ethnic claim to any land lol. What claim do a bunchy of pasty white people have in Texas or California? Land belongs to people who can defend it. of course, jews cant really defend land, they are more of parasites who need others to defend it for them.
But also arabs aren't even from the levant, theyre from yemen.
>/pol/ website
You mean the containment board for stomfags that couldn't contain itself and was one of m00t's several final frustrations with the site so he sold it to hiromoot which in turn gave us more censorship and surveillance? Did you notice the cookie requirement update on the site from the last month?
Based Leon coming out with a 9 second people hauler.
I am White. I don't use /pol/. Have I made myself clear, schlomo?
I hate elon musk so much it's unreal
>I am White. I don't use /pol/.
I dont disagree with you, in fact you are an example of what i am saying, that /pol/ is filled with anti semitic brownoids.
Based. Total Chud Dominance
To be honest, I admire gookmoot the longer he reigns over this site. I sometimes wonder how original moot is doing, how and where he lives, what his assets are, etc It's a weird position to be in, in either case.
He lived the dream working for Google in Japan for a long time. I heard he got laid off.
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I don't have much of an issue with him, but I feel some sense that he's doing more about surveillance and law enforcement cooperation. No proof for that other than the cookies thing and just some vague feeling.
I know what Kirtaner (420chan founder and one of the heads of OG anonymous) is doing (it's not good), but m00tykins seems to value his privacy and I respect that. He left a mid-upper-lvl position at Google so he's probably doing something interesting and good for him.
As far as I remember he got laid off Google around 2019. As far as Google goes these days, search is shit, but YT is out of this world, one of the greatest institutions on the planet, Weird how those things work. Still wonder how original moot is doing, and wish him well
all /pol/ silliness aside, that's a crazy high number of bespectacled men
do they all wear glasses? is that a jewish thing? (are they fake lenses to fit in (and fake payots) i'm so confused)))
They read their holy texts obsessively in dim light for most of the day
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>Moot's final retiring from 4chan thing
At 19:20 he says "something-o" (I can't tell what he's saying) is one of his favorite boards and he loves the "/dbt/" thread. Was he talking about us?
He used to post here from time to time. I've got a pic of him with a modded E30 but I can't seem to find it in my 90GB downloads folder where I put literally everything I download lol.
Still I find it hard to relate. Managing any degree or kind of fame seems like more trouble than it's worth almost no matter what the case or conditions.
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>Managing any degree or kind of fame seems like more trouble than it's worth almost no matter what the case or conditions.
I agree. I even feel using this tripcode is too much attention for me but I've used it here for over 15 years so I just keep doing it.
Moot didn't know it was coming to him, he made the site as a kid, I don't think he wanted the "fame," but I think he handled it well.
Here's that pic.
newfag here what was life like when christopher poole ruled this site?
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>get hit by jeet
>batteries catch fire
>door won't open
>Elon Musk gets charged with a hate crime
The same except he was here to be shit on, I have never seen a post from Hiroshimoot.
Same shit, except with a liberal anarchist theme and the racism was actually ironic. People used to make their own meme images back then in stead of posting the same wojacks and pepes which was cool. We had the /rs/ board where you could pirate anything direct download.
There was a lot more anime and porn and it wasn't so serious. Nowadays a lot more people are looking for drama because they have nothing to contrubute.
>To be honest, I admire gookmoot the longer he reigns over this site.
are you braindead
God damn that sounds like shit
glad we live in the current era of 4chan lol
All of Jewdom got bottlenecked down to like 1000 individuals a few centuries ago so they just have a ton of fucked recessive health issues.
its like how asians wear glasses more than whites
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Yeah I love this new era of 4channer that hates anime, loves shitty meme templates and can't shut up about how non-white everyone is while being non-white themselves.
panda5 was right for the most part except it wasn't really the "same shit" because you have to read in between the lines to see the differences in site culture from then compared to now
the other anon is completely wrong

just about every single oldfag will tell you that this place was much better pre-2012 (from what i've seen) but that doesn't mean it was perfect because problems will always exist, it's just that those problems have grown to such a gigantic size now that they dwarf the positives of this site
there were no captchas, there was no 4chan pass, there was no 900 second wait time to make a post
there's that famous chart on here showing 4chan traffic over the years and what it showed was that the traffic increased multiple times over because of the 2016 election
let's not even mention the enormous influx of pajeet posters with the cheap mobile network incentives they've had access to over the past 5 years, so that's one more thing shitting up the site

of course i'm talking about many different boards in general, not just /o/

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