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Two million subscriber biker girl from ruzia is dead in bike crash.

How is this gonna change your biker life?
>How is this gonna change your biker life?
Uhhh, you got any naked pictures her?
...what is this?
She is ashes
So much for trad orthodox russ I guess.
have you seen the Russian dash cam videos?
it was only a matter of time

this wouldnt happen if she was in America
Nigga I ride a sportbike in the third world, do you think I'm afraid of death?
Post it

Changing my riding habits none. I am not a woman chasing internet clout from thirsty guys and I don't ride a sport bike.
Is this the one that crashed into a guard rail because she wasn't paying attention?
>How is this gonna change your biker life?
It won't.
Shame. Personally I prefer petite woman.
It's called photoshop
Traffic accidents are the number 3 killer of Russians behind alcoholism and the SMO
It was in turkey, this summer. Sanctions killed her.
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It's going to change my life about as much as that dude in Uruguay who just ripped a nasty fart. What are useless fucking thread.
another ruZzian death due to putler hail zelenskyyyyy

actually not surprised either as much as westerners bitch about goyslop and big pharma and trannies thirdies die in more traditional manner like tuberculosis, car accidents, and gunshots

>How is this gonna change your biker life?

WTF i haet bike nao gone 3 soon
>sport biker
>female influencer
>kills herself
no surprise here
>another instathot dead
Allah's will is served, Alhamduliliah
Good. I fucking hate women.
>tuberculosis, car accidents, and gunshots
and occasionally getting eaten by a camel
The ultimate attention grab move.
Typical woman behavior.
so wheres the gopro footage?
>it’s a cross
>”oh, that isn’t so bad..”
>right next to her pussy
Sucks to lose someone's daughter, but its a Russian so my empathy is practically null and void due to their countries fuckery.

Let this be a reminder theres only two types of riders.
Ones who have been down, and ones who are going down.
Imagine the smell after a track day
Madame Clawdia Chauchat with a bike
>that dude in Uruguay who just ripped a nasty fart
story NOW
is there any clip of the actual time she got killed? kinda like that russian chick that was hanging out the window of the car half naked down a highway or something only to get smacked by a pole
My online girlfriend!
also she's been dead for three months lol
still would
You date a non-anime girl? Shame on you.
>Muh Russian fuckery. It's true because MSNBC told me it is!

Westerners don't know shit about the history of the places they shouldn't be interfering with, only what their goyslop distributing masters tell them. Jump through the hoop goy! I am sure master Biden will reward you with an extra serving of MSG for your blind loyalty. How is that BMI BTW? Can your bike hold up your embarrassing weight?
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Good boy fido, now roll over for the kremlin!

>Midwits are too dumb to realize the real jews have been the Russians this whole time.
Don't you got a trench to die in or something vatnik?
Did you put a Lada engine on your cradle arm frame or are you riding around like bear on 125cc unicycle.
nice try mossad
Your pitiful attempts to maintain your illusion is comical.

Next time when you speak to me back up a few inches to pull putins cock from your throat orc.
i couldn't care less about some pvp happenings halfway across the world. but the "russians r the REAL jews" is just too obvious
Jews are mostly Slavic from Russia and Ukraine, so partially true. Russian is the 4th most spoken language in Israel behind Hebrew, Arabic, and English and it's also why the Israelis were mostly neutral until October 7th happened.
damn, the world lost one shapely ass
huh, the more you know. have they also been kicked out of 109 countries?
The Russians want you to be indifferent so they stop getting fingered by uncle Sam's old surplus. You're being a useful idiot anon (if you're acting in good faith as an American that is.)
>Imagine not being aware of the actions of the RIA, Tennant media, or RT
>Imagine thinking some random dune koons with a tablecloth of land control everything but not one of the united states biggest enemies who stands for everything against western values
>Da joos started everything! Bbbecause they just did okay!?
The KGB never disappeared anon, they went digital to make tools out of fools who are none the wiser.

America first is stomping out Ivan.
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Video of those
am not american so yea. i just don't like how jewish politics involves putting their own people first at the expense of everyone and everything else
my mum works with a jewish doctor and she reckons they're the most stubborn, obstinate people to work with.
>you could have a patient literally bleeding to death in front of him and he'd still not let you have the operating room to save his life
>>Da joos started everything! Bbbecause they just did okay!?
and i didn't say that started everything. just that there's a reason they've been kicked out of 109 countries in history.
The KGB never did anything to you, faggot.
Is this the chick that went wide on a turn and ate a guard rail a few years ago?
nah, this chick died three months ago
also that guard rail chick survived
if the timestamp didn't work, skip to 1:48
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Told her bikes are unsafe.
She's not dead
I'm an ADV chad. I ride to Starbucks, obeying the sneed limit, and am extremely careful around intersections. Then I ride home. I don't see how biking is *that* dangerous for me, considering 80% of the accidents I read are extreme speed sport bikes or drunk cruiserfags.

I mean yeah there is still some risk, but my riding style must cut it by at least 95%.
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Comes with a free target on the back
you know what they say, every new bike off the factory line is another man(or woman) dead. Nothing will change for the two wheelets
>ride fast while filming for clout
anybody know if she did any track days or skills sessions during this or was she just completely a squiddie ?
most of the risk in motorcycle riding is bound up in alcohol or drugs, it is unbelievably correlated to fatality
second is inexperience, which is the same thing as excessive speed or basic skills, but this is almost always failure to negotiate a turn or target fixation
third is excessive speed, which is just another way of saying suicide by stupidity
fourth is environment and upkeep - bad tires, shitty brakes, riding in the rain with "le pro slicks lol"
the ratios of the categories don't change much by bike type excepting where age is a confounding factor, so they're very hard to pull the info apart - younger guys are likely to ride more dangerous bikes with more dangerous tires and feel confident in or seek out driving impaired, and fair to upkeep tires to the point of comedy
ADV riders by virtue of being older, upkeeping their equipment and in general being more boring personality types tend to dodge all of these factors and in rare instances one in a great while they might even have a bit of fun
>How is this gonna change your biker life?
why would I care if a retarded squid roastie died?
>wrecked - imagine dragons
russian shills really failed to realize how much they have sank there entire nations image.
There mechanizations created the anti nuclear movement so yes they can fuck right off.
i'm assuming you meant machinations
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>"check out my cute eyeshadow, expensive purse/watch/shoes and manicure :)"
they could walk around in closed sleeping bags and still flaunt themselves
>what is the daigo fukuryū maru.
This saved my day. Gonna coom to her videos later tonight.

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