How would the auto industry look today if the big three went under in 2008? By all accounts, these zombies should definitely be dead if they needed bailouts.
>>28112862Ford didn't need a bailout. It was in good financial health already from an earlier restructuring.
>>28112862Chrysler didn't need a bailout, either. they were robbed by shitty state owned european car companies who shouldn't have been allowed to exist at all if we're against government dollars being involved in the auto industry.
>>28112862GM didn't need a bailout either, they just had to trust opelchads
>they didn't need a bailout, they just needed a loan:D
>>28112862> By all accounts, these zombies should definitely be dead if they needed bailouts.Auto industry is an extremely capital intense industry due to its low sales margins, long turnover times for stock, high competition, importance of scale, dependence on external financing and slowness of retooling factory lines. If an external shock - say, a housing crisis - destroys the short term market, all car markets are in big financial trouble in short term. This is by no means an attribute unique to American big three. Thats the rationale for government loans to stipulate operations of these manufacturers.Also, its not like the three had done nothing in 2000s. GM was scaling its China game like crazy and killing least profitable parts of its portfolio, Chrysler had just divorced with Mercedes and Ford had secured a very good finance package in 2006 with new well selling models like Mustang and Edge + sales of Jaguar, Aston and Land Rover. If the package wouldn't have been cobbled together for GM and Chrysler, US would have lost 200 000 manufacturing jobs and probably around a million jobs to support those instantly. In future, US market would be dominated by Asian mass market cars and European luxuries. Chinese cars would be welcomed with open arms. Michigan would be a VW style collapsed economy.
>>28112892never forget what they took from usdaimler committed corporate and cultural murder, like they were taking vengeance for ww2did anyone ever notice how the cars just suddenly went from sleek and airplane-like to dull chunky pastiches of what europeans think americans like? they fucking did it on purpose. they did it because they were scared.of HIM
>>28112960>Also, its not like the three had done nothing in 2000s.Well it certainly doesn't feel like they've done much of note since.
Tesla and EVs would have taken off sooner
>>28112862Idk, if slayer Metallica and megadeth all bought the farm in some crazy ass La Bamba plane crash in 2008 I don’t know how that would affect the automotive industry? What exactly do you think would’ve happened?