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The reason why Honda never brought the Type R to the states until 2019 was because of these two American four pot behemoths
And then fucking Hyundai came and shat all over the FK8 and FL5 LOL
incel cars, why would any man with any ounce of T buy a vehicle with less than 8 cylinders and 5 liters of displacement?
>these two American four pot behemoths
how can someone be so delusional?
My friend an SRT4 in highschool. Fun lil' thing. Is it true that Dodge may revive the Neon?
Yes as an EV crossover
Impressive engine, shame about the rest of the car tho.

LMAO, even.
does that make 4.6L the 5'11" king of manlets tier?
>incel cars
The performance is the ultimate decider, not your whimsical notions.
250hp at the flywheel and it was bulletproof and fun, and not too expensive.
>Yes as an EV crossover
Do you really think a manufacturer would bother designing a new ICE sedan in 2024? The sedan is dead. IF it comes back it'll 100% be a crossover or a stupid fucking "liftback",
>bother designing a new ICE sedan in 2024? The sedan is dead.
Ordinarily I would agree.
However, being as we're on the precipice of a Depression, and that EV is starting to be repudiated for various reasons, the traditional ICE sedan (if at a good price point) could be a winner for the right manufacturer who's willing to take the risk.

This market segment doesn't exist anymore, but there does seem to be unquenched demand for them.
I could be completely wrong though.
Where's the data proving people want sedans? If people wanted them they would be buying them. They obviously don't and crossovers sell 10000x more units.
anon they brought back the dodge dart as a compact economy sedan (just like the original). And nobody cared so they cancelled it. Why would they bring back another compact sedan?
>Where's the data proving people want sedans?
Admittedly, I cannot produce any.
>anon they brought back the dodge dart as a compact economy sedan (just like the original). And nobody cared so they cancelled it.

My best guess is that it was crap.
I'm in lazy mode and don't care to research the exact reasons.
Having said that, I submit to you that if a Honda Civic EG / EH were to appear, at the relative pricepoints, they would sell like hotcakes again.
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The cobalt SS, son. Fastest FWD car at the time.
Was a proud owner of one.
God emperor Trump will revive ICE. After he deports all the illegals and outlaws interracial marriage.
>outlaws interracial marriage
Not gonna happen with the number of asian women BREEDING white men on a daily basis.
More black men breed white women at an exponential rate than white men breed asian women.
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It may have been mostly regulated to the drag strip but these things killed anything in their class on the circuit. They were essentially N cars before Hyundai hired a bunch of M rejects.
Hey dont insult N cars. People hate on them the same way they hated on neons/cobalts/focuses
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Truly the pinnacle of the hot hatches
turbo or supercharger?

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