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Went to my first car meet yesterday...
Is it over br/o/s?
sure the cars are cool, albeit tired and ricey, but the whole community seems more clout oriented rather than performance oriented.
Not to mention I didn't see a single car that was older than 10 years
This is how car meets have always been. It's always about IRL benchracing. Car meets are for fags, exclusively.
>sure the cars are cool
no they're not.
car culture is dead in the US. car shows are as interesting as walk around a car dealership now. everything is just [stock 2023 sports car that the bank owns] or [classic muscle car restored to be as close to stock as possible]. The latter is kind of cool, but also boring.
if you want to see cool shit, go to japan. places like daikoku pa or akihabara udx still have 80s-early 2000s heavy customized cars
this. every car meet i see is just chargers and challengers with limo tint and window decals, if someone is a real enthusiast they have aftermarket wheels.

even lifted brotrucks are more inventive, albeit you can only look at so many RAM1500s with Rancho shocks and truck nutz
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That's what I always think is cringe when I see photos taken from a US Corvette club meets. It's always just rows of fat boomers standing next to their stock Vettes, that are without exception from current or previous gen. Never C1-C4.
The meet I went to had the most newer-gen vette's I had ever seen in one place, only, it was all young people driving them.
A couple of them had some cool engine swaps though and a couple were turboed
last car show I went to there were ~100 cars
around 30 or so were 60s mustangs and camaros, 56 chevys, basic classic boomer cars
about 20 corvettes, 2 c5s, a bunch of stock c6s and c7s, and I think 3 c8s, all stock.
about 40 mid 2000s-current muscle cars, half of which had matte wraps
1 mclaren that I thought was funny was getting zero attention the entire time I was there
3 hot rods
1 40s tow truck
5 imports, a nismo 350z, a jdm mini, and some kia or nissan econo shitboxes with random borderline hentai stickers slapped on them with the biggest landwhales imaginable sitting by them.

car shows are boring.
every community is like this it all devolves into class based dick measuring contests full of women normies and crimmos enjoy lol
even japan is starting to get infested with garbage like this since they're getting a decent amount of americans coming there.
bro that sounds interesting AF what is wrong with you faggots in my town the most interesting car is a GT86 and 2 malaise era shitboxes.
are you expecting to see 250GTOs,koenissegs,etc. in every meet?
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>I want to talk about performance
>no I'm not going to a performance driving event
>I'm gonna go talk to people who park their cars and talk at each other about them
>no way they're all dumb and don't like cars or driving
The lamest car driven hard is cooler than everyone who has ever gone to a car meet
Car meets used to have a lot of people that did more with their cars than just drive them off the lot and bring them into the dealer for an oil change ever so often. You had a lot more people with engine swaps and turbos and itbs and paint jobs and gawdy ricer shit and things to actually talk about. People did things with their cars.
Cars as a hobby are kind of dead. The most modification you'll typically see now is autozone wheels and a shitty vinyl wrap. I think it's probably largely do to cars getting too complicated for the average joe to work on them, and cars being so good that there's not really any reason to modify them at all.
In cali this is literally every car meet you will go to.
It gets really old really fast after the 66th cholo in a lowrider passes you by, their faggy metal-cut club sign sticking out of their rear window and the voice of Smoky Robinson molesting your ears.
>In cali
it's basically the same in washington, arizona, and colorado from my experience. Montana was more trucks, but basically the same.
I just don't bother with car shows anymore.
Quads of truth.
I'm so tired of vinyl wraps its unreal.
Your matte, pink lighting camo luminescent, iridescent M3 doesn't look cool... IT LOOKS TACKY, IT LOOKS TACKY OKAY???!
wraps are the autozone vents and underglow of 2020.
>daikoku pa
>he doesn't know
you know what, you shouldn't bother to know, just keep it as a good old memory.
It's getting worse every day, but it's at least still better than the shit we have here.
The only good car meets take place after midnights on highway bridges.

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