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File: FordFail.jpg (1.16 MB, 1080x1350)
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Ford is suing a company for swapping modern broncos with the vintage design. Do they have a case? Are they pulling a Ferrari here and are they going to win or will they back off?
I'm not really sure what case they would have. If you own property you're allowed to modify it. You can also sell the property your own
Yes they have a case. You can't just resell Ford Broncos without Ford's permission.
The article obviously isn't about modifying your own car, it's about selling and profiting off of Ford's intellectual property, which includes car design.
Just like I can't rewrite a copyrighted book you sell me to another book you wrote and sell it for profit.
This. You can do what you want to YOUR OWN car. Very different from creating and then selling body kits to people that copy designs from manufactures.
>it's about selling and profiting off of Ford's intellectual property
You're allowed to mod cars and then sell them. Is Hennessey also going to get sued?
They're not copying the design or making body kits. They're putting the old body on the new one.
>copy designs from manufactures.
Which you certainly CAN do for a profit IF you are LICENSED to do it.
You need the proper legal basis like being licensed to do it, which Hennessey obviously is.
>They're putting the old body on the new one.
Yeah theres just a company with unlimited classic ford bronco bumpers lying around XD
No, theyre obviously manufacturing them.
>which Hennessey obviously is.
are they actually or are you just assuming?
Well if that's the case then I might agree with you
Are they selling these with a shitty dynacorn body and a Ford powertrain warranty?
They are, indeed.

Ford's always been VERY protective of it's logos and tradename. On top of that, they're probably having a shit-fit, that a fifty-year-old body is better looking than their faggoty-ass modern one.
Ford might have a decent case but is vastly more interested in being a pest to consumers.
Who the fuck do you chuds think you are?
You WILL drive the ugly new body style and you WILL be happy!
We had our top code trannies and pajeets design that new body style!
How long does the ownership on designs last. Like that one company that makes new 60s mustangs, how does Ford still own that? They haven't made it in decades, I wouldn't think it would be copyright (but that would explain the long times), and it could actually help them sell the cars (more options for consumers and larger aftermarkets make some people feel better about buying with that).
I mean its a single sensationalized case with an obvious clickbait title.
This is an assumption but Ford probably filed a cease and desist to the company before, they didn't listen, and now they're suing.
There are plenty of companies that make aftermarket parts and body kits that exist.

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