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File: 1984-celica-lt.jpg (97 KB, 584x383)
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Why isn't the 3rd gen Celica not beloved as the rest when its pure muscle/sports combo kino?
File: CqYGo79WAAASmrk.jpg (59 KB, 910x752)
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>yet ANOTHER A60 thread after the last two didn't get any replies and dropped off the world's slowest moving catalogue
why are zoomers like this?
He said it's "muscle/sports combo", we can assume that he's probably referring to the muscle styling which the widebody GTS undeniably has.
where is it muscle you fucking moron? its literally just another nipshit pikachu car, its as muscle as a pinto. but the what did I expect from a generation who think that by cutting off your dick you can become a woman
I mean... you can pretend you don't know what muscle styling is if you want to, or that you can't recognise it when it's in front of you, but the rest of us will continue to call muscle styling muscle styling regardless of your autistic screeching.
literally nobody ever used the word "muscle" to prefer to any genertaion of the celica you genderfluid freak
We do say the A60 GTS has muscle car styling.
(In terms of the decent models) I think it's because it doesn't have the pedigree of the ST185 and the allure of the ST205.
I think Celicas are still generally slept on. I hope this continues as my favourite childhood car was the ST205 GT4.
It's the mach I stang style fastback and the front end is generally a bit 70s muscle car. I can see it
I am absolutely obsessed with 3rd gen celicas and I would trade my left nut to get one but I just can't find a good one anywhere. please don't tell people how cool they are until I can get my hands on one. please please
>pseudo-sedan abomination trim
Just why?
Which country m8?
Nah that car fucks
It's called a coupe bruz
White version of this is like a stormtrooper Battlestar Galactica style
looks nothing like it, the hatchback celica looks more like a coupe than this monstrosity
That's what a coupe looks like retard, the "hatchback Celica" is called a liftback.
>Celica A60 thread
Can't wait for the autist to argue that the A60 celica is so much better than the AE86 because there were 10 of them sold with a slightly stronger engine.
celicas will forever be slept on because they weren't in initial D or fast and furious, and they're overshadowed by supras.
Same with gc8s, no one gives a fuck about them because their only significance was in motorsports rather than in popular media. enjoy it.
While retards spend 40k on an ae86, just go drop 5k on an a60 that does 99% the same things.
canada :- /
they're all hopelessly rusted out here. I've gone to check out a few that were sitting in fields, all totally gone. the nice ones are always on the other side of the country or super expensive
celica GTS is better than an ae86 because it has independent rear suspension and a turbo 22re with cams can twist the hell out of those rear wheels
Yeah can't help you there m8 - 80s Toyotas most certainly WERE NOT BUILT for Canadian winters and salted roads.
There's still plenty going cheap in the USA but you definitely need to be at least an entry level "car restorer" to take one on.
Low quality bait. The A20 is literally a Japanse Mustang.
Can't find em
that would be the z

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