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File: 2006 lancer es.jpg (44 KB, 512x288)
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just picked up a 2006 mitsubishi lancer es for $350. minor front end damage, otherwise the car is in good shape. 38,xxx miles 4th owner.

Anyone else have experience with these platforms/engines? what manner of thing have i acquired? does it compare to honda civic or toyota corolla for reliability?
Based tree fiddy car, oil change every 3K until it fucking dies.
My sister had an auto ES Lancer and the thing was unkillable, even with her "tee hee oopsies" driving and sporadic servicing. From memory it had 450,xxx km's when she sold it and still ran perfect. I would borrow this whenever my s13 was on jack stands and I deeply regret not buying it off her as a daily beater. Literally service it when you need to and it'll last a lifetime.
>just picked up a 2006 mitsubishi lancer es for $350
my brother in christ HOW?for me it seems like nowadays you gotta put down at least 1K to get ANYTHING that even runs
Be ready to replace a timing chain or two
Lel if he drives this for one month at $350 he did better than most people do on their cars, let alone a whole year or more, the economics behind a shitbox are kinda ridiculous.
Sounds like a great deal, unless there's some hidden disaster. I have a 2008 but it's the next generation so don't really know how similar they are. Check the VIN and see if it's made by japan bros.
Mine's at 130k miles and I had to replace the serpentine belt and tensioner recently, but otherwise it's ticking.
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where the fuck are you finding automobiles, let alone RUNNING ones, for anywhere near that price range in current year?
If you really meant $350 and not $3500, check all the critical stuff like timing chain, etc. the first chance you get, because that thing's about to blow.
This. People are selling non-functioning cars for $3000 here.
Flush the cooling system to prevent Mitsushitzi head gasket failures and change the timing belt before the required service interval so you don't wipe the head. Otherwise it will run forever with regular oil and coolant changes. If it's an auto, change the fluid every 30k.
I just got a 08 pre LCI 328i n51 for $1500 had bad PCV, coils, plugs, broken DISA valves and has shopping cart dings on every panel with curbrashed wheels and 130k with broken engine plastic and missing heat shields, and I consider it a deal. I would absolutely buy a trashed Mitsu shitbox for $350 and I'd feel like king of the world.

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