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Did I fuck up or am I fretting over nothing?

I picked up a 2001 ford escort from an elderly couple for 500$. The body is in perfect condition, besides common clear coat fading, only thing is the engine is dead, and possibly a damaged or loose engine mount, the car only broke down about two weeks ago, and the shop they took it too wanted too much to repair or replace the engine for what the car is worth to them, and I have connections with guys who do pick-n-pull runs all the time, so I figured I could get an new engine easy if this engine can't be rebuilt. I paid sight unsee, as everything was fairly straight forward. I haven't actually looked into what the actual problem is, as I figure if this engine is unsalvageable, I can just buy another engine.

I haven't worked on an escort before, so any suggestions or guidance is welcome.

I would like to know exactly what engines are compatible, google and wiki only says 2.0lt, but not which 2.0lt, is it zetec, duratec, or something else? Could I drop in a duratec 2.3?

Or should I just get this thing running and flip it for a mk1 focus?
These used the 2.0L SPI and IB5 manual. Only the ZX2 coupe used the Zetec and MTX-75. SPIs have a reputation for dropping valve seats. Zetecs are solid but very. ZX2 Zetec have VCT, Focus Zetec don't. SVT Zetec are interference, regular ones aren't e.t.c.
The zetec 2.0 is what you seek. The duratec is significantly different and would take some work to drop in
>Did I fuck up
You could probably pretty easily get your $500 back out of it pretty quickly so you're fine lol
Just pull the same engine and swap the electronics from the old one on.
You NEVER "fucked up" buying a car for $500 OP, worst that happens if you can't get it running pull a couple things from it and sell them off to recoup costs. Cool project, keep us updated
There are write ups on FEOA.net. A zetec from a ZX2 is pretty much a straight drop in swap, but you'd ideally have any entire parts car to pull everything from.
Should I?
After it runs?
No, before it runs. Why would I fix it first if it ain't lookin fly?
Is this actually the same front clip just with the bumper going over the headlights?
Look at the FSM dude I dunno, why are you wasting your time here instead of on FEOA?
If it's a sedan it's the SPI CVH engine, and a likely cause for death is that it probably dropped a valve seat. These came with zetecs in the ZX2 flavor so a swap to that would probably be a little easier than a duratec.

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