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Sir are you aware that i demand you check your mirrors once every 3 seconds and your speed once every 3 seconds giving you 1 out of 3 seconds to look at the road and what you are doing?
If you do not check your mirrors and speed more often than you look at the road then expect extra taxes to pay for our Mercedes and BMW police cars.
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>my response
I need to find the video of the dead Australian cops and the based Porsche 911 Turbo Chad they pulledcover saying "awwwww look at your little computer".
Absolutely too based. Never die in front of me, you will end up on film.
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An Australian man has received a 10-month jail sentence for filming and mocking police officers as they lay dying at a crash scene.

Last month R.P. pleaded guilty to the rare charge of outraging public decency, as well as other offences.

The 42-year-old has already been in custody for nearly 300 days, so he will probably complete his sentence within days.

The sentencing judge called his actions "heartless, cruel and disgraceful".

Still, families of the victims were disappointed with the length of the sentence in a case that has stirred huge public anger.

Last month, Judge Trevor Wraight said the media had demonised R.P. to the point where he was "probably the most hated man in Australia".

The mortgage broker had been speeding in his car on a Melbourne freeway last year when he was pulled over by four officers.

While they were making his arrest, all four were struck by a lorry that had veered out of its lane.

Senior Constables Lynette T and Kevin K, and Constables Glen H and Josh P died at the scene.

R.P. had been standing a few metres away and avoided the crash, but afterwards pulled out his phone and began filming numerous videos, some of which ran for more than three minutes.

The court had heard that R.P. stood over and taunted Senior Constable Taylor as she remained pinned under the lorry. Experts said she was most likely still alive at the time.

"There you go. Amazing, absolutely amazing," he said, according to vision from the constable's body-worn camera which was tendered to a court.

"All I wanted was to go home and have some sushi," he added, before using expletives to blame the officers for ruining his Porsche sports car.

He fled the scene on Melbourne's Eastern Freeway shortly after. The next day he was arrested at his home and initially charged with speeding, drug possession and reckless conduct offences.

However, police then also discovered R.P.’s video and that he had shared it among friends.

lmao stupid fuckin pigs cant even see
The lorry driver, Mohinder S, was jailed earlier this month to 22 years for the deaths.

A court found that the truck driver had been high on drugs, suffering delusions and hallucinations, and driving erratically when he ploughed his truck into the officers.

On Wednesday, Judge Wraight condemned R.P.'s behaviour while noting he was only being sentenced for his actions. R.P. hadn't caused the deaths of the officers, contrary to some public opinion, the judge said.

"Your conduct in recording the police officers in their dying moments, together with the words you used as you recorded, was not only derogatory and horrible... but it was also callous and reprehensible conduct," Judge Wraight said.

He noted that R.P. had a history of mental health problems, including a complex personality disorder "which may go some way to explaining your behaviour". But he said it did not excuse his actions.

R.P. had previously testified he felt ashamed about the videos and that he often said offensive things "because that's how [it] comes out of my head".

R.P. was also fined a $1,000 (£557; $774), put on a two-year good behaviour bond, and had his drivers licence suspended.

Families and supporters of the police officers criticised the sentence after it was handed down in Victoria's County Court.

Stuart S, the husband of Constable Taylor, said he felt "almost unbearable" pain every time he remembered how his wife was treated in her final moments.

"This sentence is totally inappropriate of this offending," Mr S. told reporters outside court. He argued it was the court's duty to "set the appropriate standard" in penalising such behaviour.

The offence of outraging public decency has rarely been prosecuted in Australia, and the charge carries no set penalty.

The head of Victoria state's police union also criticised the sentence.

"Four upstanding heroes died on that day and… one soulless coward lived," Wayne G said.

4 retards cant get out of the way of one truck
He's innocent
>Mohinder S
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LOL his commentary is hilarious
kek, if i do, i'll make doubly sure to be in front of you lol. i think this sort of thing doesn't get talked about enough. plus after years and years of leeching off sites like rotten.com, kaotic, liveleak (ok maybe they can get fucked), watchpeopledie etc. i think the least i could do was to give some content back in return zozzle
>Stuart S, the husband of Cuntstable Taylor, said he felt "almost unbearable" pain every time he remembered how his wife was treated in her final moments.
Maybe if your bitch wasn't out doing highway robbery she wouldn't have had such a humiliating demise
>outraging public decency
Holy fuck europe is so cucked lol
lived in nsw qld vic sa past year their all aids only place i can stand is countryside SA so far except the vic boarder faggots defected my car, their getting so bad all over im glad my project cars out of action over christmass to new years waiting for dyno to be fixed a tune turboand top end work
lol the absolute state of american education everyone!
Kek europeans get baited so easily
Isn't australia right next to germany? Pretty sure hitler was from there too
Whos worse Sushi or Roo
u silly bugger dont make me invoke a roo
can confirm fritz lolikill was moi neeba
How do australians remember that they have to do the accent all day when they wake up
>watch abbo videos
>slur everything
bonza m8s ez azz karnte!
Normally we sound like some NIDA faggot cunts
Well if they can be on eurovision they are european country
brown skin
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Hey Victoria Police,
My name is Dick, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day harassing motorists. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun fining people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I drive my Porsche at 420 km/h on the highway while on coke, and chase the skybus to get free wifi. What do you do for fun, other than abuse the public? I also got straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's my cool Porsche
Based dead cop filmer, may your life be blessed with top tier sushi
nsw highway patrol are unironically browner than browns themselves
also this isn't helped by the fact that management has decided that if a cop pulls someone over, they need a VERY good reason to let them go without giving them some sort of punishment that isn't a warning. it really is just revenue raising.
Highway robbery.

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