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I'm looking for a manual/awd car for snow driving again. Last one I had was a 2007 328xi. I just saw this nice Green audi show up for $3k. It's a manual and it's only got 180,000 kms. Seems like a good deal, but I don't know shit about audis. I know VWs are hella unreliable. How are these 1.8ts? Will it feel any less bad on gas than my e90? Are they sorta reliable (by euro standards)?
1.8T is the one to get if you're getting a VW 4-cyl. Give it a good look-over in person. If it seems fine, it probably is fine.
okay so it's kinda considered a decent engine by VW standards?
The 1.8t is super reliable and doesn't suffer from any major catastrophic sludge issues at all
The 1.8 20vt is generally one of the more reliable vag group engines, but it's quite old and you're gonna have 'old car' stuff that break. It was also (and still is in some countries) a very popular tuning platform.
I can't speak for your us-spec 328 with the undertuned n52, but in eu-spec it would get better fuel economy highway and worse city.
That makes sense. I want better city economy. The 328xi WAS great on the highway, but it killed me driving it around every day.
I don't mind old car stuff that breaks, but I just don't want the engine to suddenly die for no reason like a subaru
man this thing is actually a v6
I just went and checked it out. It was very clean, no rust, shocks were good, clutch was good. IT had the following problems:
>needed new disk brakes
>one window motor was shitty
>needed tires
>coolant temp sensor didn't work
The guy seemed almost too clueless. Was kinda weird. Seems sus.... but also like a super good deal? Are there major catastrophic problems that could be hidden in the v6?
If you can't drive in the snow with a 2000 pound fwd shitbox with bald all season tires, you ain't White.
I can and I'm pretty good at it, but I just enjoy AWD snow driving dynamics. And I want to take it out on the lake and ice race it a little bit
Only if the retarded last owners did 15k km oil changes. Otherwise its pretty fucking good. got extra 32kw out of it with just a simple tune.
turns out this car is the V6, not the 1.8t. how is the V6?
fuel economy is utter dogshit in that generation. We avoid 2.4 and 2.7 petrols. Probably fine for tuning but at what price?
ah okay it's insanely bad on gas right
I think you should get TDI quattro. Gaysoline is for two wheel drive.
Did you crash the E90 again?
i drove a 2004 a4 1.8t awd.... back in 2012. wasn't too unreliable. definitely good in the snow, even with all season tires.
VW didn't have a good naturally aspirated v6 at that time, untill the 3.2s came along.
The 2.4 especially is extremely anemic, might as well go with anything else.
that would be dope, but I'm never finding that in Canada
A4 has one big issue people tend to forget or ignore - due to engine placed along it has heavy front which affects steering, making it understeer
I'd better go with Audi A3 due to sideway engine which makes it better in terms of weight distibution, much better handling.
that car is fucking old man
Meanwhile in A3 models, even from same years/generation, engine is placed sideay, so it's centre of mass is right at the length of wheels. You do not have any extra weight in front of front axle and this makes A3 much more responsive and less hront-heavy understeer like A4 or A6.
This. Get A3 with haldex 'Quattro' system.
>1.8T is the one to get
Make sure it's had regular oil changes because if not you're in for a world of hurt. The pick up tubes like to clog at the asinine 15k oci's vw was recommending at the time.
They're pretty reliable by euro standards. You'll probably end up having to replace the snub mount and engine mounts as they fail pretty frequently. Although at that kind of milage it'd be a smart move to redo the timing chains
Probably the best engine available in that chassis. Lots of parts, both OEM and aftermarket, and very well documented.
Just make sure to keep up with oil- and timing belt changed, and get familiar with the procedure of taking the entire front clip off.
Kinda crap. Alu block means it's lighter than the older models, but they fucked with the oil passage design so they like to clog.
Their best use is as a factory stroker kit for the 2.7TT as the crank drops right in.
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Hol up my nigga! The commendations everyone's saying are based BUT VW made a ton upon ton of cars that use this engine.
Pop the hood and you'll see an engine code between the intake and the head, picrel. Idk which engines yurop got but here in the states it comes down to AWM and AMB motors. AMB only came in the A4 and it has a cheaply British Coscast head that's prone to cracking. Lotta guys just swap the AWM in.
Do your research and join some FB groups with 100k members as its way easier to troubleshoot issues that way. These are relatively high maintenance vehicles but well worth the cost IMHO.
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Hell, 2.0Ts are reliable too as long as you do regular 3k oil changes. Fuck what the manufacturer says.

I haven't had a single debilitating issue with my Audi A5. In fact, the only issue it's developed since I got it is a faulty door lock.
I see you got the R8 coil pack retrofit too.
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>ECS cover

holy based
>I know VWs are hella unreliable
You don't know shit.
Buy a based Porsche

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