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Next week i get the most powerful car i've ever had, a 2013 1.5L honda Jazz Vtec. Yes the Honda Jazz RS in Japan.

First car, Ford Laser 1.6L with 71hp
Second car VW Golf 1.2L with 103hp
Then a series of motorbikes and scooters
Now, a Honda Jazz with 118hp, and far lighter than the Golf, how will i deal with this enormous horse power?!?!?!?!
my first car as an idiotic teenager was a pile of shit C4 that pushed over 300HP, why do we even let europoors post on this site if they can’t even best that?
There’s no need for that kind of power. Take it to your local Honda service centre and ask them to de-tune it to a more sensible power level.
I knew i should have gone for the 1.3L!
I'm going to be honest, with you, anon, the Jazz RS does seem cool because it's stiff, has AWD, and has as strong of an engine as you need for a commuter car. If you're in the US, you can just swap in a K24 and have a reasonably fast daily driver.
Oh it was literally used as a racing car and won a rally in Australia.
i have 1500hp and 20 cylinders between my 3 vehicles. god bless the usa.
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So we can partake in the admiration of american automobile creation. I speak for the entirety of Europe when I say this: we all love your older, inefficient V8s that you put in your C3s that sound like they're dying between gurgles of gas theyre inhaling like it's some drug from the carburetor, or some trans am from the glory days, to newer eggshit cars like the ford focus rs that beat the eruro competition with ease.
Of course we have a lot of cars we can enjoy and drive as well, but it's not the same. I am planning a holiday in America and I think my activity will mainly be driving across the states in some american classic.
They are honestly awful, but something is so engaging about how awful they are

I would never OWN an American car, but I would enjoy renting one for a while
Rent a v8 mustang and enjoy man
The sound is intoxicating. Once you get hooked on it you cant go back
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It won Australian 2WD Rally Champion 2012-2013.
Worth a look if you have a translator on your browser.
The rally models arent really comparable beyond the chassis/make. I love my "rally" consumer car as well, but it aint rallying.
I was riding a motorcycle with more HP when I was 19.
It takes.more HP to spin my supercharger than any of those cars produce.
you sound mentally healthy.
rare in 2024.
I drove the 1.5 Jazz before, it's surprisingly fun. The manual transmission is extremely good. Enjoy, OP. And save some pussy for the rest of us.
realistically, as James May said

all cars go the same speed

Yes, I think that things like 80's nissan 300's or early 90's Honda Preludes are cool. But realistically, when actually driving and living with them? I'll take the hatchback.

I'm getting a 5 speed automatic, I have a mild disability and one of the few things I can't actually do is manual cars. Manual bikes I can manage, and can modify to work better for me, but just can't do manual cars
>has AWD
Does this mean i can import(smuggle on papi's shrimp boat) a Jazz RS rear suspension from bongland and make an AWD USDM Fit?
>I've never driven a V8
Lmao. There's your problem.
>r9 gtl
that is ages ago since Ive seen one.

around 2020 I saw a r19 16V.
and somebody made it look like it was brand new.
all of it, even the window sealing.
that was awesome.
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>I speak for the entirety of Europe when I say this: we all love your older, inefficient V8s that you put in your C3s that sound like they're dying between gurgles of gas theyre inhaling like it's some drug from the carburetor, or some trans am from the glory days, to newer eggshit cars like the ford focus rs that beat the eruro competition with ease.
Mais ferme donc ta putain de gueule damné suceur.
>this level of american worship
You're the reason NATO still exists you soulless bugman. Pic related is probably your favorite singer.
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Fire ass whip
The fit is light enough already, won't that just add weight and complexity?
my shitbox focus diesel had 115hp before the engine ran away i think you'll be fine with the jazz
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I already spoke for you, bro (in english). Sorry. I drive a french shitbox myself.
I am whiter than you, more racist than you, bigger than you and higher test than you. Suck a dick little johnny boy.
your existence seems like a hellish experience not dissimilar from rape. I've only ever driven late model panther platform vehicles which have about 240hp. Those cars are slow. I genuinely cannot imagine driving something with half that horsepower or less, even if it's a smaller more lightweight car
Yes, but that's in exchange for delivering extra power. You come out on top if you build it right. This is the exact configuration used for racing. You might as well. Fit is a fun car, and my only regret is that my parents bought one and will not let go of it. When they run through it, I will modify it.
R19, an female friend had one a long time ago. It cut her dependence on the bus.The level of freedom she got from it was intense.
She probably has grand children by now.
If you're a flash oldie than why not pic.
>your existence seems like a hellish experience not dissimilar from rape.
My sides
even stock, old burger v8s sound fantastic
America simply is the greatest country in the world.

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