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Which one would you rather have?

At least the deceleration thresholds won't break my back in it

I want backbreaking forces on the regular.
I don't know
Might as well get a bike. These are just overpriced copes for old men afraid of two wheels.
what if he just wanted a big boat to thrash around
Atom since I don’t go off-road.
the bottom one but i would take the spare off and probably make a rag top sun shade thing
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Probably nomad now as winter has come and roads are full of icy snow and shit
[20 year old independently tested bikes are a few seconds slower than modern manufacturer backed lap times.
Got anything relevant to post? And where's the Ariel's time?
that bottom one is gay as fuck, you wanna go off road you just get a bike kek
File deleted.
as much as I like rally and dirt roads, dont they really fuck your car up? gravel especially
fuck that, give me an atom
We're here for a good time, not a long time.
I'd get the Nomad, even though it's designed for offroading, it's still really fucking fast and a ton of fun on road. You don't need to worry about shitty roads or speedbumps or anything else, and you could actually swap out the spare tire for some storage/luggage space if you wanted.
One on the left
Top looks like a formula car. Bottom is eggshit in today's parlance
>shoes indoors
bottom so long as it comes with the smoke screen and turbo countermeasures
An Atom would destroy even a MotoGP bike at the track. I'ts basic fucking physics. An Ariel Atom V8 has the same ~900hp/ton power/weight ratio as a MotoGP bike (actually higher once add the driver) and has double the amount of wheels. It's faster off the line, on the straights and in the turns.
it also has aero that works properly
And where's the Ariel's time?
On Willow Springs
>Ariel Atom 3 1:34
>Yamaha YZF1000R 1:36.3
yeah I guess if the atom flips, you're dead. Idk how you would do that, but the nomad definitely seems like more fun for the streets. If were only going to the track and I was less attached to my head/neck, I'd get the atom for sure.
if you want a bike you should get a gun first, because you just want to kill yourself right?
>An Atom would destroy even a MotoGP bike at the track
On Bugatti Circuit MotoGP bikes have way faster laps than any road cars, including Atom. Race vehicles are almost always better at racing than road vehicles.
I didn't know anxious old women posted on 4chan
Bikes are great fun (if you can ride) until someone fucks up. At that point what you're wearing is all the safety equipment you have and you better have paid more than the bike for it.
>and you better have paid more than the bike for it.
Eh not really, you can get a perfectly adequate set of safety gear for around a grand, beyond that you're pretty much paying for comfort and features rather than actual protection. A $2-300 ECE-rated helmet alone, combined with not riding like a retard, will cut your fatality risk to almost car levels and a decent pair of boots and gloves (say $200 and $100 respectively) will nullify the most common injuries, and then there are plenty of $200 jackets and pants that'll make road rash unlikely.
You realize a YZF1000R is a bike from '96.
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these ones
They seriously put a ford motor in it.
rent free, chevynigger
the lead in those lunchlys weren't enough for ya eh?
maybe some toxoplasmosis will help you ride better anon
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while the issue is that there are many things completely out of your control that can ruin your ride on a bike. other drivers, gravel, water, etc.

ultimately the problem is that almost every single accident is guaranteed to be crippling or life ending. i legitimately can't count how many people i know of that ended up like gary busey because they ride, and had a bad wipeout.

frankly even on the physics of it, if the vehicle stops quickly it's inherently trying to launch the operator off it, into the road.
600cc supersport bike if you're new to bikes or a 1000cc.
Nomad easily, shame they're so out of reach for me in price, so I'll have to make do with backyard assembled sandrails with stolen hobda cbr engines bought from gypsies

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