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your known as "the car guy" in your friend group, right?
Yep and I mostly know people by the cars they drive except for my closest friends.
No , I am too autistic to have friends
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Nope. More the "I can't figure you out" weirdo that happens to be a friend.
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Friend group?
If by "car guy" you mean "the guy you can ask about weird noises your car is making and who will fix it for cheap", then yes
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i do this with my coworkers. sometimes when sitting in my car waiting for it to warm up in the employee parking lot I take note of the make/model my coworkers drive and try to match it to their personality eggsample:
>marine dude who drives a camaro
>black female with lots of attitude (she's really nice actually) drives a beat up altima
>surfer bro dives an old yellow nissan hardbody
>cop wannabe boomer drives a explorer with spotlight in a pillar
>lesbian has a outback
i dont really make fun of them or anything like that just keep it to myself.
haha friends. but yeah my neighbours probably see me as the neighbourhood car nut. the ones next door probably hear my ratcheting wrench from their living room and go "yep that's him working on his car again"
Sure, so long as you count 2 people as a "group"
Friends? But I am viewed as the guy my family asks to do simple repairs they could do themselves. They don't ask for complex repairs much because they get refused every time. I hate wrenching on other's cars.

They're not as nice as you imagine.
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Sadly, its not a complinent among educated peers.

No I'm known as the "retarded car guy" because I do stuff like
>buy an old car sight unseen then triple its horsepower and daily drive it
>daily drive a car set up for track use while the other is in progress
>buy an FD RX7
>buy an E92 M3 with bad bearings and replace them myself
Yes although i dont really bring cars up ever until someone else mentions it
Unlike others who dont seem to understand that no one really cares about their autistic interests
na they're pretty nice, have invited and been invited to bbqs now and then
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also this
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unfortunately yes. i have to do so much work for my friends and family and I barely ever make more than $40-$80 dollars doing it, even when I'm doing 4+ hours of work and hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars of parts. but thats what you do for friends and family. there arent a lot of people i consider my friends mind you. they would all do the same in a heart beat, or help me out big time when I need it without thinking. Because that's what you do. I did a set of 4 tires for a friend for $25 bucks the other day. that barely covers the bead sealer, new valves, weights, and electric to run the compressor for the die grinding, inflating, and balancing. not even talking about the actual act of doing the tires, the actual 45 minutes of knocking them out.
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Depends on the friend group
In one I'm the "can do basic maintenance and small repairs" car guy
In another I'm a master tech that can fix any issue for $5
The other I'm just the guy with a cool car
Don’t need a friend group. Everyone in the neighborhood thinks I am their friend.
Yes however I only reveal this if I'm driving my main project car or close friends.

It helps being just a "motor head" cuz I like motorcycles as well. It's a double edged sword, on the one hand you gain inherit value from the skills and revealed work ethic however you are also usually roped into nonsense or charity work which can be nice but your patience and love can wear thin.

Mechanics are taken for granted, which is a curse inheritedly. Also a by product of negative mechanic stigma is people for some reason will not trust you as easily as opposed to introducing yourself as other trades like an electrician.
dang and i thought my friends asking me for rides cost too much in gas... i dont charge them obviously, because i like to drive my car, but it adds up lol
Yeah, it sucks. The only benefit is that I can get people to mimic car sounds out loud for the lulz.
>buy an E92 M3 with bad bearings and replace them myself
This is such a shit nightmare fuel job.
....I'm the car guy amongst my coworkers at least
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Spot on. I just lie nowadays and tell people I do streaming because I fucking hate fixing shit for friends and family.

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