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File: French-Car-Brands.png (931 KB, 3840x2160)
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why are they so irrelevant outside of Western Europe?
Have half of these marques even produced a vehicle in the past half-century?
Most of them are dead or irrelevant even in France
Made a whole <250 cars and died in 2008, only remembered because they were in vidya
Same, althrough they are not technically dead
probably dead, didn't know who they were until I saw they made the Cevennes, never saw one in real life
>Facel Vega, P&L
Dead since the 60s
>Licorne (never heard of it before), Delage, Bugatti
Killed after WW2 because of the reconstruction policies sacrificing luxury cars
>Simca, Talbot
Merged into Peugeot, last remnants died by the 90s
Still alive and kicking, making LMP2 and 3 chassis on even days of the month, and 50cc microcars on odd ones
>Aixam, Microcar
Still making microcars, but they are the French equivalent of kei cars, ie only exist here
Still alive, at least in name, and should be expanding their lineup soon (with electric SUVs, don't get excited)
No idea what the black circle and triangle logo is

>why are they so irrelevant outside of Western Europe?
I assume you mean "why are they so irrelevant in the US". Peugeot, Citroen, Renault, Dacia and DS sell millions of shitboxes in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Just because Burgers don't like cheap plastic shitboxes doesn't mean the rest of the world don't as well.

French luxury cars were killed in the aftermath of WW2 by centrally planned industrial policies favouring the reconstruction of French industry and democratising cars for everyone. As a result we only make boring cars now, but we're really good at it.
French brands are a bit more decentralised than eg Japanese brands, so I think France is barely in the top 10 in terms of cars built domestically, but is still probably the 4th or 5th largest car industries in the world

I wouldn't buy one, but lots of others do
You literally can't buy one in America, they don't sell them here unless they're rebrands
dont they have peugeots in america?
pretty sure inspector columbo was driving a peugeot
that is 30-40 years ago.
peugeot 403 is from late 60s.

there is no peugeot, renault, citroen, seat, skoda, dacia, smart, opel, ...
and almost all brands the sell there often only offer a fraction of what they sell in yurop.
Let's be real: A lot of those aren't relevant within Western Europe either.
smart is sold in the us
opels were sold as various chevys and saturns
half of nissan's current lineup is korean renaults
seats and skodas are just rebadged volkswagens, also mexico gets seats so they can be seen in the us occasionally

the only reason anybody knows this brand exists outside romania is because of james may's shitposting
>smart is sold in the us
one model is sold in the US
>opels were sold as various chevys and saturns
only very few
>half of nissan's current lineup is korean renaults
>seats and skodas are just rebadged volkswagens, also mexico gets seats so they can be seen in the us occasionally
dont look to close what all is rebadged and uses the same components, you might find out its everywhere.
and mexicans even have some own models, so no.
>the only reason anybody knows this brand exists outside romania is because of james may's shitposting
I bet you think that.

porsche, merc, bmw and alfa are almost completely available in the US.
here is a list of what is typically driving around here which is not available in the US.
only cars, not transporters.
I leave out yurop fords and the biggest missing part to see the whole picture is asian brand cars that are also not available in the US.
there are really plenty of them but I also leave out those.
>smart (without fortwo)
forfour, #1, #3, #5
>audi (excluding US models as far as I know them)
a1, a2, q2, q3
>volkswagen (excluding US models as far as I know them)
fox, up, polo, id3, passat, arteon, phaeton, scirocco, eos, sharan, multivan, caddy, taigo, t-roc, tiguan, id5, ...
karl, adam, meriva, corsa, astra, mokka, crossland, grandland, insignia, combo life, zafira, ...
clio, captur, megane, laguna, espace, kadjar, kangoo, koleos, scenic, talisman, twingo, twizy, zoe, alaskan, ...
arosa, mii, ibiza, cordoba, leon, toledo, ateca, arona, inca, altea, alhambra, exeo, (cupra: born, formentor, terramar, tavascan, cupra)
citigo, fabia, felicia, rapid, octavia, superb, kodiaq, roomster, yeti, kamiq, karoq, kushaq, enyaq
saxo, berlingo, xsara, xsara picasso, xantia, c1, c2, c3, c3, c4, c5, c8, cactus, ami, ...
iOn, 108, 208, 308, 408, 508, 607, 407, rcz, 2008, 3008, 5008, rifter, partner, ...
sandero, logan, dokker, duster, spring, jogger
500, 500x, doblo, panda, tipo, bravo, 124 spider, sedici, stilo, ...

rougly 120 models.
they are useless you're a rapper or some Arabic prince
or a car enthusiast

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