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“At Lotus, we have always chosen the best power technology available, whether it’s pure gasoline, pure electric, hybrid or range-extended [EV],” Lotus CEO Feng Qingfeng reportedly told the Wall Street Journal, via Autocar.

>light weight sports car manufacturer finds out building BEVs wasnt a good idea
who would have thought.
I hope these managers arent payed more than 100k a year because that is already to much.
hey, give me the job.
I will make this brand shine.
>Lotus CEO Feng Qingfeng
It's dead to me either way.
Electric adaptable shocks are an eighties thing that Lotus tried to sell to Volvo.
An awful lot of the stuff you take for granted are lotus ideas.
The best technology available may come from Hethel but it will have gone through the hands of a lot of (idiots) other people before you get to use it.
Lotus sold out to the chinks, should have been illegal but there it is. Extreme liberalism is cancer. Fuck the brits and swedes for selling their family silver to the chinks and indians for a quick payout
Why did Feng Qingfeng bet so hard of EVs to begin with?
Lotus, like a lot of UK names have been trading on foreign peoples cash.
They've gone all Jaguar now.
the "announcement" was about putting range extenders in their huge electric SUVs, which are their main product.
>CEO Feng Qingfeng
Huh i thought they were british
so you think it would have been better if Lotus just disappeared?
if you say feng qing feng backwars
you get feng qing feng
selling those chinese batteries of course.
a real manager would know what simply is off the limit.

oh god.
so first one more round of failing before they find out what I just typed.
the thing which hurts me the most is you can see it coming.
you just have to look at what merc tried, so this is even more than just a guess.

schwing dei ding
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>Emira M*rc I4 Turbo - >1400kg (as much as the heaviest V6 supercharged 2+2 Evora)
>Evija (((E*ectric))) (((s*percar))) - 1680kg (the heaviest lotus, including the Carlton)
Did I say heaviest???
>Eletre (((E*ectric))) (((S*V/C*V))) - 2500kg, 5 metre long
>Emeya (((E*ectric))) sedan - 2500kg, 5 metre long
A lightweight sports car manufacturer turned into electric Ferrari/Lambo company, where they build supercars and gay CUVs.

GM bought Lotus (90s Elan, late Espirits), then an Italian guy bought it from them (Elise, based), then got bought by Proton (Exige, 11s, Evora, based too), and in late 10s Geely got majority ownership.
Funny how many european manufacturers are owned by changs. It's over eubros.
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>Lotus CEO Feng Qingfeng
>feng qingfeng
should be bazza from down pub
We learned that from America.
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I wonder if Alpine's going to do the same backtracking.
>you just have to look at what merc tried, so this is even more than just a guess.
fittingly, mercedes just announced their next EV will also be made with ICE engines because it turns out not everyone wants EVs.
the french government keeps putting exponentially higher taxes against any ICE that isn't a super basic grocery getter, so probably not unless there's a major course change.

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