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How has Chevrolet STILL not managed to beat the top speed of this hick-modified trash? Better yet, why did it take Euros 20 years to do so with cars that sport price tags in the millions? Is the power of slapping some fans that difficult to overcome?
It is not the engine power that is the biggest problem in exceeding 400km/h with a car , already before World War 2 auto union type c reached 440km/h, but they were extremely dangerous compared to the sledghammer (and even more so compared to the veyron)

Chasing after top speed records is expensive and pointless. It makes more sense to develop a car that performs well on a track and in the real world. If you want a 250mph Corvette buy a normal one and mod it yourself. You have the freedom to do so.
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>auto union type c reached 440km/h
Interesting info. I can't imagine the insanity that compelled someone to go over 250mph in this thing. I think they used the streamlined body to hit those speeds but this looks nicer.
>I can't imagine the insanity that compelled someone to go over 250mph in this thing.
It's a fighter plane on wheels
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January 28 1938 the car driven by rosemeyer at 440km/h was hit by a gust of wind . The car fell off the road and rolled several times .

>I can't imagine the insanity that compelled someone to go over 250mph in this thing.
I would say the same about a 80s modded corvette.
but when you have no real race cars or titels you start thinking how you can cope this and then you come up with
>well I can try to be at least the fastest in a straight line
Really did that straw man in, did ya? Proud of you, son.
>reached 440km/h
you're off by 100
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But Callaway builds race cars and has won championship tittles. so, your attempt at being snarky doesn't work and only lets everyone know you're asshurt by the mere existence of the sledgehammer.
I’ve seen conflicting info on whether this or the Sledgehammer had the title for a while
sledgehammer held the tittle for "fastest road car" as they demonstrated by driving it to and from its destination.
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>Stinky Europeasant is assmad that a sweet as hell ‘80s ‘Vette all tuned up whipped the piss out of anything they had
Not a euro, just disappointed that Chevy STILL hasn't managed to beat almost 40 year old tech.
I once made a list of burger racing titles and race cars that won titles and it was pretty embarassing.
for you.

the best part was that the audi 4.2 v8 which you meme-post as overengineered won titles for the US while the vette engine didnt.
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they haven't?
i once made a list of Highest HP/L engines, longest lasting engines, and fastest/quickest production car/race engines and european ones topped none of them.

No idea why anyone would call them over engineered. they're under engineered if anything.
>I counted titles in european race series
So then you counted Ferrari, Porsche, Audi e.t.c. titles in stuff like NASCAR, and wondered why Ford, Dodge and Chevy were so dominant, right?
>Highest HP/L engines
formula 1 is 593 hp/l

>longest lasting engines
volvo p1800 2 litre inline 4

>fastest/quickest production ca
koenigsegg and bugatti
>won championship tittles
What "tittles" did it win? The "1st in Class No One Fucking Cares About" tittle?
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>formula 1 is 593 hp/l
less than top fuel at over 1000 HP per liter.
>volvo p1800 2 litre inline 4
less than Kenworth.
>koenigsegg and bugatti
slower than SSC
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>"1st in Class No One Fucking Cares About" tittle?
Yes, those european races i couldn't name.
>lower than GT2 and regional only
that is pretty amazing for an independent tuner.
top fuel is a dragster and doesnt manage 450 miles+ like the formula 1 minimum requirement.
are you kidding me?
a dragster?

thats a truck.

the SSC is listed and below koenigsegg AND bugatti.
>In October 2020, the manufacturer had already announced that the Tuatara had actually reached 508 km/h, making it the fastest car in the world.
>However, SSC later had to admit that it was a GPS error in the measurement. In further tests in 2022, the Tuatara achieved a top speed of 474 km/h, not quite the top speed but still in third place.

so let me summarize.
a dragster, a truck and a scam.
but this sounds like the US of A, I give you that.
and I cant find anything about that 8 million miles kenworth.
probably another scam.
did the owner claim this in a video? :D
the best I could find with documentation is a 2.4 million km MAN TGA.
>top fuel is a dragster and doesnt manage 450 miles+ like the formula 1 minimum requirement.
moving the goalpost
>thats a truck.
moving the goalpost.
>below koenigsegg AND bugatti.
what coon nig egg and jewgatti did over 286 both ways?
cheating, lying, throwing shit, /pol/speak
oh say can you seeeee
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Maybe they want to sell cars that people actually enjoy driving more than 5,000 miles in 25 years
>less than top fuel at over 1000 HP per liter.
no shit, burn nitromethane
Did the sledgehammer go 2 ways?
the cheap american car fell apart trying to go that speed where as bugatti does it comfortably in luxury
the idea behind cars like the veyron is to go the top speed reliably, while being a usable car. call it cope all you want. you said it yourself though, hick modified trash. i applaud them for achieving it, but there's a reason it never got mass produced. what reason is that? i don't know, ask the builder. i doubt the car remained a one off just for fun.
There certainly is a reason, even the builder himself never drove it - he sold it like 20 or so years later with literally 5,000 miles on it.
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>Bragging about 3rd places in GT3
Kek, Do GM flags really?
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Chevrolet can't compete with old cars lol
The only American racing I give a shit about is nascar, do they drive corvettes in nascar?
Nascorn & Indycar are a joke.
F1 is the joke. they worship niggers.
This is what the Speed King in NFS Prostreet should've driven instead of the '65 GTO.
just like muttmerica

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