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The difference is 5ft 8in bed vs 8 ft back chassis. Has anyone bought one over the other? If so which do you prefer and why?
Neither. My hatchback can do pretty much anything those pigfat ameritard slushboxes can and my employer provides me with an appropriate work vehicle.
All I can say is I drive a silverado 2500 for work and daily a 00 ranger. You have to me a masochist to enjoy driving these big things. You can barely make U turns without having to go on the sidewalk or back up. It just gets so tiresome.
8ft is a whole lot more utilitarian since extra space. True most things you can get by with 5-6ft bed but being able to have a toolbox/fuel tank behind the cab and then have that same space is a winning combo.
I'm not a chevy guy but I don't think you can get a 5'8'' bed on a 2500. On Ford and Dodge you only get the 6.5 and the 8. 6.5 is the most aesthetically pleasing bed option. The wheel sits very nearly in the exact middle of the bed making it look balanced and symmetrical. As for functionality I don't feel like the extra 18 inches are terribly significant. There's very few and very specific situations where you need that extra room where also putting the tailgate down is not an option. And the extra wheelbase and length make it harder to use in day to day life.
Shorter wheel base shorter bed if you ever need to use it in an urban area. I'm not talking NYC or LA, I mean if you have to do normal people things like park in a stripmall or doctors office, you want the shortest truck possible. They're wide enough as it is.
If you're rural or comfortable suburban (white suburbs) longbed is better. Long driving, get the longest wheelbase. They're so nice to drive long distance.

Also for towing or actual truck work, longbed is better too. Theres a ton of wannabe foremen that tow a 5th wheel or gooseneck sometimes and you can always tell its their first time by the crumpled C-pillars or fucked up tailgates.
>Not having a crew cab cab and chassis with 9' long flatbed as a choice...

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The longer the wheelbase of the truck the more stable it will be for towing. Also the more useful it is. I see no reason to ever buy a short bed.
I have a 34 foot deck gooseneck and if I had the long box option instead of the short box option, it would be a much bigger pain in the dick to maneuver this big bitch of a trailer in enclosed areas. I'm 60 feet long almost exactly with my 6 1/2 foot bed crewcab.
I’ve been driving long bed trucks my entire life and then got a jeep commanche and the bed is pretty short and it’s quite hellish, I find myself needing the bed to be longer every time I use the truck
It’s really fucking annoying having a short bed, you’d have to be an absolute retard to buy a short bed
Man, a 4 door 8 ft bed is looooooooooooong. My friend said I looked like an 80 yo chinese woman trying to park his truck.
Well you are a retarded cuck so it fits the bill
You gotta own the thing before you know it sucks
You do own a truck right?
Payload is more important to me. I more often run out of suspension than space. The lowest payload I have ever had was a ram 1500 with 1700 lbs payload. Was pathetic to not even be half full and sat on the bumpstops. The roads here are rough enough to slow you to first gear and crawl along while empty so you definitely dont want to be on the stops.

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