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Anything look wrong with this car? I'm considering buying it
It's a 2001 Toyota Camry with about 222k miles on it
They're asking for about $2300 for it
that thing is worth $500 man

2001 is in the fucking dinosaur ages, stop pretending anything before 2010 is viable
I know the problem, it's fucking $2'000 for a Toyota lol, but in all seriousness, plug in a ob2 scanner and check for code and test drive it to see after if it leaks oil. check all liquid levels of coolant, oil, breaks, power steering, etc.
>plug in a ob2 scanner and check for code
What's that? I already left the place. I know jack shit about cars
>and test drive it to see after if it leaks oil. check all liquid levels of coolant, oil, breaks, power steering, etc.
Took it for a test drive. Seemed ok. Reddish looking liquid in the left was low, no idea what that stuff is
Toyotas last long. $2000 isn't that bad considering most used cars are like 5-8k these days
>What's that?
A $50 tool that can save you $1000s later on.
If I ran a scan with this tool, how long would it take to get results back or is it instantaneous?
Its instant. Plug it into the obdii port and you can see what codes there are or if any were cleared recently.
Interestdating will have to check that out, mucho thanks
Where exactly is the obd2 port? Google and chatgpt says it's buy the barkes on toyota camry, but do i need to pull something out or off to access the port or is it just there?
Just don't want to be fiddling around for too long when i next go to check it out
Why is the engine sideways?
Nope the port is just there. You should find it pretty easily but you can use your phone flashlight if its difficult. Just look up a video.
If the seller doesn't want you to read the codes, that's a bad sign.
>stop pretending anything before 2010 is viable
ironic because I literally would never own a car made after 2010
Not a bad price all things considered. Definitely could’ve got it for less years ago but I digress. That’s a V6 car, the 1mz-fe to be exact. The V6 Camrys are more of a pain to work on than the I4s and they aren’t as fuel efficient but they’re pretty reliable. They are an interference engine so plan for a timing belt change if it hasn’t been done in a while or ever. Those are also prone to sludge buildup if you let the oil change intervals run long. I just bought a 2004 Camry with the 3mz-fe V6 and so far I’ve done a thermostat and driver side cv axle. There are going to be issues with cars this old but they’re pretty darn solid. As other folks has recommended, get a code reader off Amazon and see if there are any stored codes.
What’s that clean looking threaded spot face near the engine mount.
You should be able to get a 2011 for that.

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