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name a car that attracts worse drivers than Ram
I'll wait
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Most Kias
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Nissan Altima
Stellantis has the market cornered. Ram attracts uneducated drunk whites, the Chrysler 300 attracts the melanin enriched, all dodge products attract the credit deficient, and their Pacifica minivan is mostly divorcees with multiple baby daddies.

In reality, those demographics make up a huge portion of the American market so maybe it's actually strategic.
>maybe it's actually strategic.
Until it isn't. There's only so many no goods you can take advantage of with high interest rate loans until they all default and you have no more customers.
BMW - in every ex-commie blok country you encounter 2 types of owners
New BMWs - mid tier management wagies that combine relatively high horsepower with zero driving skills
Old BMWs - your local equivalent of gopnik - has some driving skills but far from enough to compensate for absolutely retarded risk taking behaviors he displays daily
You are wrong. Those loans get bought. In fact, when you look at the life cycle of loans on shit cars...it's astounding how much money actually changes hands over these pieces of shit throughout their life cycles.
Also, there are more losers coming of age every day.
I hope CDJR is saved in that case. I really like their cars and im not even low IQ lol.
Electronics have blown for more than a decade. Garbage tier.

Though they are fun to drive, I will give you that.
Well I'm just waiting for the last ICE era of CDJR putting the hurricane engine into everything. Maybe ill pick one up one day.
>There's only so many no goods you can take advantage of with high interest rate loans
Good thing cars are one of those. Chrysler (though most of the time this happens with Dodges) dealerships will often lease out and repossess the same car multiple times.
>Ram attracts uneducated drunk whites
White people stopped buying RAMs 10 years ago. you only see niggers and spics driving them now
Toyota. 9 times out of 10 if somebody's going drastically under the speed limit, weaving around in their lane, stopping with their two right wheels over the line when waiting to turn left, etc. it's a Rav4, Camry, or whatever. This doesn't apply to body on frame Toyotas or, surprisingly, Priuses though.

Another one is Tesla. It's a mix of the spaced out hippies who used to be the awful Prius drivers everybody thinks of, entitled techbro douchebags who think they own the road, and people who fucking hate driving and are aware they're awful at it but instead of gitting gud they bought a car that promises to be self-driving soon (tm).
Suzuki swift RS.

Every other day some dude in a swift a swift RS has the back end come around on him while he careens off a cliff.
At least they kill themselves unlike ram drivers, who are drunk and kill others.
Still wish they sold them in the US
my peanus weanus
ford ranger
If your nig and spic population is >10% for your state then I feel sorry for you.
any ev driving soft N I G G E R
Easy. Dodge Caravan, nothing but moms who want to kill themselves and Indians who cant drive and need to deliver this Amazon package. Any Dodge muscle car, nothing but Khalistanis drive these and theyre all retarded. BMW 3-anything-i, once again Indian bait. Any silver base model Korean SUV, its driven by a drunk grandma 90% of the time.
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Jeep drivers are much worse but Journey drivers are worse than both combined. Literally braindead fucks that never fucking ever seem to be driving like normal people. Funny how all 3 are FCA vehicles.
left lane camper
Anything with a “disabled veteran” plate
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Just be glad these aren't sold in your country
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Any Jeep outside of Wrangler.
Half of them, youngsters and Arabs/Persians. White adult male BMW driver is a perfect driver.
t. RAM driver
>White adult male BMW driver
Never seen one outside of a guy in my area with a pristine E46 wagon. So let's be real, it's way more than half.

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