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What does it take? So many cars cost upwards of $100k and do not reach this speed. The engines are bigger, the aero is more refined, the tire compounds are tuned for whatever environment you could think of. Could you build any car to go this fast? I find that not many are aiming for this, and I am thoroughly convinced that I can do this to an I4 basic bitch miata with a bigger engine, turbo, and aero. The final point might be gearing, but I'm convinced there's a way around that too. What does it take, and why don't more modders build cars to go this fast?
Because it's niche bragging rights. Something that launches like a scalded cat or corners like you have cheat codes on is readily enjoyable almost everywhere, aiming to crack 200 MPH measured means you're essentially building a standing mile queen that requires rare and very specific circumstances to exploit properly.
Artificial Jewish barriers, like how computers can't go faster than 4 GHz.
Just buy a decade old stock Mustang, way less than $100k.
Lot's of aero. It'll be easier to get a Prius to 200 than a V8 silverado
>What does it take
It's a function of CDa(coefficient of drag multiplied by frontal area, get ready to have a ton of fun trying to track those numbers down for production cars) x horsepower. Make car more areo, or make car more powerful to increase top speed.

>why don't more modders build cars to go this fast?
the places and times you can safeishly go 200, legally or not, are not common. You're generally better off using that excess power to generate more downforce at a given speed.
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One problem.
Power enough to overcome friction and wind resistance + gearing tall enough to do so.
If it's geared to a max of 140 mph at fuel cut in top gear then giving it more power won't change the top speed.
The only way one can realistically utilize such top speed is with godlike aero(F1, Lemans prototype) or on a clean straightaway (landspeed)
You only need 270hp to reach 150mph in a car

You need 1,000hp to reach 250mph

Why do you think that is?
>What does it take?
A lot of space.

Seriously, that's it. There are performance cars that could do it if they reduced downforce and thus drag to maximize top speed, but there's no point, because 99.999% of 200mph capable cars will never go 200mph
OP u cheeky little bugger that speedo is in kph not mph
>What does it take?

>What does it take?
enormous sustained power capability and a very low Cd, meaning little/no downforce, meaning shit cornering ability at speed. Weight reduction. small, skinny tires to minimize rolling resistance, peaky engine with a transmission with like 3 5th gears, raked suspension to stop the car from taking flight. Extreme aero mods to reduce drag. Basically a purpose-built reckless driving citation machine that is only good at DUDE TOPSPEED LMAO and is goddamn terrible at everything else.
A 707hp Hellcat will go over 200 mph, dipshit.
case in point
I'm seeing 199mph, and the redeye does 203mph
IT is not the engine power that is the biggest problem , already before World War 2 auto union type c streamliner reached 440km/h, but they were extremely dangerous compared to the sledghammer (and even more so compared to the veyron)

When you have 200mph top speed you also need sports tired , sports suspension , sports aerodynamics - It is easier to limit top speed to 250km/h than to deal with it in most road cars
Most high end cars are focused on lap times which require aggressive aero which reduces top speed
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>what does it take?
It’s really not all that complicated
Get a decade or two old executive saloon with a decent engine.
>like how computers can't go faster than 4 GHz.
Did you just wake up from a 10 year coma or something?
>200 mph
>What does it take
A stock 6.1l hemi and 30" tires in an LX chassis, a stock 6 spd anniversary 4th gen F Body with the speed limiter removed and 30" tires, any gas engine manual mk3 vw with a turbo, kit, and about 2 miles.

200mph is EZ, 210+ sustained is when shit gets complicated and expensive.
I bet you're trans btw.
This. There are tons of sportbikes and cruisers that can hit 200+ for periods of time if you've got the balls.
At a VO2 Max event, on a giant disused runway, the only vehicles present that hit 200 was a Noble with a thousand horsepower, a twin turbo Gallardo and a McLaren P1. All sort of stuff that you would expect to get there wasn’t even close. You need a lot more space than you think and even if you have something that can theoretically crack 200 it probably won’t be possible for you to do it anywhere near where you live

The cheapest way there is probably an Audi RS6 and a very long and very quiet stretch of road.
There’s very few. 196mph isn’t 200.
Name a 200mph cruiser
>stock 4th gen Camaro will do 200
It won’t break 160. Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
>2 miles
Given that a 992 Turbo S needs more than that to hit 200 miles an hour, how do you think your contraptions will do?
There are tons even if it isn't a big fraction of all motorcycles. You can go on Facebook and buy one right now.
>>stock 4th gen Camaro will do 200
>It won’t break 160. Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
The six speed anniversary with 30" tires absolutely will. The tire height is key as it changes the effective gear ratio.
get an old german saloon car with a big engine. Do some cooling (very important) and power mods, remove the speed limiter if it has one. There you go. EZ.

Also, flat floors make a huge fucking difference in aero and don't attract any police attention. Probably your #1 mod for top speed.
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Bullshit. The number of cruisers capable of doing 200mph let alone sustaining it is probably countable on two hands. Almost all cruisers are air cooled big displacement V twin turds and even the turbocharged ones won't sustain the kind of power necessary to make something as aerodynamic as a cruiser hold 200mph for very long because they can't deal with the heat.
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People were doing 200mph+ on sportsters 50 years ago. It just cost money, like everything else.
>The six speed anniversary with 30" tires absolutely will
No it will not. Your "anniversary edition" camaro makes under 350hp it is not doing 200mph with just a set of tires.
Salt flat racing bikes are not "cruisers you can buy on facebook marketplace"
>ITT a 4th gen camaro owner and a harley boomer insist in earnest that their shitty 150mph tops vehicles are just a tune and a set of tires away from sustaining 200mph on the autobahn
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There’s almost nothing you can buy on marketplace that’s going to do 200mph out of the box besides a handful of liter bikes which will still need to be regeared. What’s your point?
You retard read the fucking thread

>There are tons even if it isn't a big fraction of all motorcycles. You can go on Facebook and buy one right now.
>You only need 270hp to reach 150mph in a car
Way less. 944 turbos would do 150+ and not a single variant made more than 250hp.
So if I had a car that weighs 2300 lbs, has 350hp, has the correct aero, and tires, could I approach 200? I'm sure I need more to get there, almost 200hp more, but could it be done? I'm just going crazy at the thought of it.
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>name calling
Just say you’ve never been fast. It’s okay. Almost no one on /o/ has.
2 fast for em.
>>28120511 (dubs)
You just know this guy fucks
Weight has very little to do with it. Drag becomes the dominant force you're fighting way before 200mph. "correct aero" is very open ended. There have surely been many cars at Bonneville and such that have done 200mph on 350hp, but they're minimizing drag to an extreme degree.
Not a cruiser fuckwit. This whole thing has been between me and a cruiser tard fuck off
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You’re a little gay baby
The faster you go, the stronger air drag is
A lot of affordable platforms for making the kind of power required don't have the wheelbase or basic aero design. To do it the right way you need to dial in gearing, cooling, aero, fueling, and the suspension. I ride a literbike and 200mph is an extremely ambitious goal. Most peoples bragging rights are because someone else did it on a similar bike, or their own 11% optimistic speedo said they got close to whatever number. The simplest low budget formula for 200 in a car would be slapping turbos on a C5 or C6 since they are beefy enough to put the power down and slippery
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A stock '02 SS 6spd will break 160, it's just not getting very far past that. And absolutely nowhere near 200mph even with his wackadoo "must be 30 inch tires" bs.
>gps confirmed under 200mph bike
Why are you power ranger wannabes such tryhard faggots?
Pic related
Guy you replied to here. I wasn't defending the "cruisers" claim specifically, just the claim that there are "tons." Here's one in my city for $16k. This bike really goes over 200 stock and you can go get one right now.
That bike won't go 200 by any reasonable persons definition of stock. 190 would be pushing it
>camaro makes under 350hp
HP is irrelevant when it comes to gear ratios. Stock 4 cylinders do 200+ on the salt flats all the time with basic aerodynamics and tall tires.

You must be 18 to post here.
>A stock '02 SS 6spd will break 160, it's just not getting very far past that. And absolutely nowhere near 200mph even with his wackadoo "must be 30 inch tires" bs.
Lmao, you're retarded. It's basic math. 160 mph is what % of 200mph? 80%, therefore you only jeed 20% more overall tire diameter to hit 200.

Stock tire size for the 6 speed is 275 40 r17 which is about 25.5-26

What is 20% of 25.5? 5.1.

25.5 + 5.1 = 30.6 or aboit a 30" tire.

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>he doesn’t know about changing sprocket sizes
NGMI (to 200mph)
Also, I forgot, but the R1 stops indicating speed at 299kph, or 199mph, it continues accelerating though

Those are bone stock bikes too. Cope and seethe, you’ll never see 200mph

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