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An Indian family recently went viral for their decision to send their old Suzuki Wagon to the grave rather than the scrapyard in a lavish burial ceremony attended by around 1,500 people.

They say you shouldn’t get too attached to material possessions, but try telling that to the Polara family in Padarshinga Village, Gujarat, who recently said goodbye to their 18-year-old Suzuki Wagon R by laying it to rest in a lavish burial ceremony attended by over 1,500 locals. The Polara believed the popular hatchback to be their “lucky” car so they wanted to say goodbye to it properly, rather than abandoning it at a scrapyard after nearly two decades of faithful service. Patriarch Sanjay Polara told reporters that he owns several more expensive cars, including an Audi, but credits the old Wagon R for being instrumental in achieving prosperity for his family, so he wanted to do something special for it.

The Polaras had a 15-foot-deep burial pit dug on their property and then slowly had the small hatchback lowered into it via a makeshift slope. The car was covered with flower petals and decorated with colorful garlands as music played from portable speakers. The family then covered it with a green cloth and performed several rituals as part of a ceremony that reportedly cost over $4,500. They even had a samadhi (shrine) erected for their beloved Suzuki Wagon R.
“This car was more than just a vehicle; it was part of our journey toward success. Instead of selling it, we wanted to honor it with a lasting memory for future generations,” Sanjay said.

Gujarat: In Amreli, farmer Sanjay Polra gave his 15-year-old car a symbolic “final resting place” in gratitude for the prosperity it brought his family. The family held a ceremony with the village, planting trees at the site to commemorate their fortune-changing vehicle pic.twitter.com/vtoEkVQLIP

— IANS (@ians_india) November 8, 2024

After all the rituals were concluded, an excavator was used to cover the wagon with dirt and clay. Sanjay Polara, who owns a construction business in Surat, said that he also plans to plant a tree over the unusual grave to remind future generations that it is resting place of the family’s lucky car.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen someone bury their vehicle out of appreciation for its service. Back in 2017, we wrote about Alcides Ravel, a Uruguayan farmer who laid his Ford F-350 to rest after 48 years of service. We’ve also seen people bury their relatives in their favorite cars…
Why not grab the fucking 4500 and fix the car?????
Anon, you forgot jeets got feces inside their brain
>the Polara family
>doesn't have a Dodge Polara
Oh, so THAT'S why they smell so bad!
the car was fine, they just buried it for no reason. you can see it back up into the grave
Semi Related but when I get bored of my car and don't really need the money I want to leave my car in the desert somewhere for future generations to uncover similar to pic related.
this is absurd, i bet 4500 gets a 'good' car around there too
Because he's got a lot of other cars so he just wanted an excuse to hold a big party which a lot of people will remember and respect him for inviting them to it. It was probably a better investment.
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I have only seen one jeet in person and i did smell a whaff of freshly treaded on shit around him I thought you fags were joking
It fucking worked you chud.
At the cost of literally having the shittiest car on the road.
make sure to leave the title (with your signature) in there too so someone can atleast own it after you
did a better matte finish than whatever shit you ricelets wrap your cars in
damn carlos, going for the jugular
While I would never have buried the vehicle, my family had a similar affinity for a Mazda 626, which was our only family car. My parents both used it for work and racked up the miles. The car was always serviced, and it kept going for almost 358k miles, before they just couldn't justify putting money into it. It was sold for $2000, but my mom especially looked like she was crying when it was taken away, because that car had helped us get to a middle class life. I remember my dad used to wash the car by hand and say that we had to be thankful to the car because it had worked very hard, and we should take care of it. I still do that for all my vehicles. I tend to think that cars don't come with a soul from the factory like many here think. There are no factory soulful cars. I think all tools and vehicles acquire a soul after much use, and that maybe that little Mazda had a soul. I can only hope that it got fixed and helped someone else get to work and build their life up. I'm happy that this family feels thankful to their car, but cars are meant to be driven, not shoved inside a pit.
For 4500 they could have just fixed the car. What was even wrong with it? They backed it up into the hole.

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