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Burgers, I’d like your advice:
>be recovering aussie in US
>moved to live with wife innamountain
>she has a beautiful three story alpine villa
>arrive, its totally fucked, 1970’s carpet, faux-mid century woodgrain veneer walls ruined by moisture cycling, and popcorn ceiling untouched since built, needs renovation
>move in to rental with wife while repairing villa
>her SUV can’t haul shit
>try to find truck that can hold 12 foot sheets of drywall
>look for trucks that have 8 foot beds
>barely fucking any do
>all these giant fuckass CAFE-compliance trucks the size of school busses and none have half-decent beds
>promo pics all show them hauling bags of concrete but none of the materials you’d set concrete in because they don’t fucking fit
I’m used to XR6’s and stuff with kinda-small beds but they’re the size of a sedan, I see all these trucks, they’re twincab, with pissy little beds
Are there any modern trucks with big fuck-off beds?
are there any pre-CAFE trucks with decent proportions that all your tradies covert?
I’m in the middle of nowhere so I’d rather have something half decent to haul with, not depend on delivery/buy a box truck but all the “trucks” I say are fucking useless
plz help I just want a truck thats useful as a truck not for looking like it’s useful as a truck
rent a U-Haul
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Buy literally any 1/2 or 3/4 ton truck and throw a flatbed on it
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Aussies are the best of the non-American Anglos, so I know you have it within you to stop being a prissy faggot.
Your only options are the F150, Ram 1500, or Silverado with a lowered suspension to match your short stature.
You can buy modern trucks with real beds, but no one does. They all want the glorified minivan with the decorative mini bed, so the dealers don't keep them on the lot. You won't find a used one, so your only option is to work with a dealer and order one in a proper spec from the factory.
What kind of dump are you browsing trucks at which is somehow both in the middle of bumfuck nowhere americana and has fuck-all for heavy duty? Be aware that not only do dealerships and OEMs nonstop order 4-door short bed pickups, but the few 8ft bed trucks they bother with get scooped up in an instant. If you want a plain flatbed or even a drop-side, you have to get a truck outfitted with one at a 3rd party. All the dealership can do in this case is give you a whole $200 discount for not including the style-side bed in your order but in this situation you would probably want to talk to the upfitter first..

>12 foot sheets of drywall
That's done with an 8ft bed, you're allowed to lower the tailgate, which adds 2ft to the supported bed length. I doubt 2ft of overhang will snap off your drywall, but good fucking luck getting that shit in and out of the bed lol. Just make sure you strap the back of the load to the front of the bed.

Really though, what you want is a trailer. But assuming your green card granter has some crossover trash the rest of the world keeps misconstruing as SUVs, you'll still want a truck with enough tow capacity to deal with the trailer and its load. In the US, the pickup is expected to handle the entirety of the hitched load, so you might find that most trailers you're looking at don't even come with trailer brakes. Or the "smaller" midsize pickups that need braked trailers don't even come with a trailer brake controller.
Though some states like Colorado have trailer brake requirements due to how mountainous it is there.
Oh, you need more?
Get an early 2000s dodge or chevy, 1/2 ton or 3/4 or whatever.
Put a materials rack on top of any 8ft bed you find.
Here are 885 reg cab 8 ft 1 owner Chevy work trucks on carfax.
Find a good condition gmt800 2500hd regular cab with an 8 foot bed and the 6.0.
get a kei truck
We usually get trailers here. I've given up trying to understand the modern truck market. I bought a geo tracker, and that's my 4x4, the F-250 is just for hauling a trailer.

This. Her SUV with a trailer will haul more material than you can work with within a week
>He thinks that american trucks are for working
Just buy a trailer for the suv dumb dumb. Europe wins once again.
Rent a trailer

Ain't going to stop ya from getting a cool new vehicle but it sounds like you may not need it forever.
Bait but what ever
Trailers get old fast. Truck / Suburban can be way easier most times.

T.owns all three
it's called a van
kek you've never worked a day in your life and it shows

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