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I have a revelation about a new ad for Jaguar's competitors.

> A man is shown exactly like tards in the Jaguar add.
> He does some retarded shit.
> Then he wakes up.
> It was a nightmare all along.
> He is on a sunbed near the pool of his house.
> A woman with gorgeous body brings them a cocktail.
> Maybe his kids playing in the pool.
> Cut to them in <insert good sport car brand> driving cool.
> Add ends with "Be Different"

What do you think?
Hmmm What about this:
>Chad and Stacy driving along with their two kids in the back seat
>diverse Teletubbies on the side of the road with a broken down Jag
>Chad stops and asks if they’re okay
>incoherent rambling about pronouns and womb bodies and white supremacy
>Stacy instinctively locks the doors
>Chad engages launch control and takes off hitting the limiter on every gear
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You're hired
I wouldn't buy any brand that invoked this culture war nonsense
the ad wasn't even woke. it was just a bunch of fags and artists looking retarded. it has no message, no point.
>>Chad engages launch control and takes off hitting the limiter on every gear
Your fantasy car is auto-only so you're not pegging it off the limiter you simply lack permission and authority (not your car)
imagine not being immune to marketing and propaganda

get lost you fucking normals
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Did it even have a car in it?
I feel like they really threaded a retarded needle here
>our biggest concern is that people don't even remember we exist, our cars are seen as bland, and there's always a better option
>ok, well we can't help you make a better car, we we CAN get people talking about your brand!
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Part of me is still hoping that Jag pulls a fast one on all of us and unveils this as a huge and involved marketing stunt. That all the publicity that Jag has stirred up is to get people talking and to get more head-space in the brain of what the phrase 'Jaguar cars' means to someone.

I really hope that this a massive advertising mind fuck, and that the test mule they in picrel is a sexy Jag in the same vein as the F-type, and that the show in Miami on the 30th will have all the top shelf, red-blooded, unmistakable strut and swagger of Jag.
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>man is speeding down the back roads in his hummer
>is opening the last of his 6 pack
>runs over a deer, spins out of control, crashes into a gas station and dies
>is seen is heaven being greeted by jesus
>"ok now that was based im gonna give you another shot"
>man wakes up to his car on fire
>close up of him opening the door and walking out
>huge explosion (he doesnt look at it)
>he is now at the playboy mansion greeted by 50 supermodels
>they hand him another key to a new hummer
Aren’t hummers electric nucars only now?
Yes, so it would go like this
>man wakes up to his car on fire
>close up of him not being able to open the door
>huge lithium explosion (he is inside)
>he is now in the heaven again with jesus
>"that's what you get for killing one of my creations"
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>mfw when the culturally out of touch boomer CEO's who hired the purple haired they/them marketing gender goblins who convinced them that this is what a "modern audience wants" are now in meltdown following the public backlash.

You know what? I hope Jaguar doubles down on this gay shit and makes another ad that's twice as long with every abomination of lefitst human representation possible.
They should double down and poach Subaru’s customer base
am i the only one who thinks that this rebrand will actually be successful? a lot of liberals are rich. they're abandoning tesla. this is probably a genius move to capture a young audience who hate the kind of people who drive jaguars.

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