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Fucking miracles
t. metallurgist
insane clown car
fake, a2 grade stainless doesn't act that way
what about a theoretical iron oxide transfer from a magnetite in a moist environment?
Don't tell that guy what is inside Teslas' motors.
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the panels are just for optics
>the 'rust' reflecting light like that
its a wrap idiots
As the owner of a Ford Focus that also happens to have a lot of rust:
>"look how rusty this Cybertruck is"
>proceeds to post a picture that is just unclear enough that you couldn't tell if the rust is real or just a paint job, with the lines near the windows suggesting the latter.
TL;DR Need better pictures or fuck off.
Its an old rust wrap. OP is just posting a Tesla short seller's articles
You're risking the highly energetic impact of 45 grains of anisotropic cast lead through your cranium, faggot.
no way, it's just glossy rust
did you think the entire thing was a solid block of stainless steel?
with modern day "journalism", you just take a tweet that you read and write a story of pure conjecture based off it and you use stock photography that loosely matches the premise.
elon haters are so desperate lmao
>The panel just fell off
>Somehow the panel on the inside is also off and you can see the bed of the truck

do people really fall for this? It was clearly taken off
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That's a European name for 304, which is the basic bitch of stainless steel alloys.
Are you telling me the cybertruck is so shittily built it doesnt even use decent 304/316 or 2a/a4 SS?
this is the reason why I am very happy that all journalists are losing their jobs to AI
musk said it was cannonball-proof
They're losing their job because no one trusts them. They lie 24/7 for years and finally Musk opened the can of worms when he released the twitter files showing how big tech/journos/gov were censoring people and lying to people 24/7.

There's a reason why "journalism" has less trust in US than even congress. Its all activism and fake bullshit.
yeah, something tells me that a car designed for tiktok "influencers" is probably not built to the standards of The Beast.
It's bad enough that they lie but do they also have to be lazy? The average journo puts in the equivalent of 1hr of "work" per week.
Mangets, how the fuck do they work?
>It stains anyway
muskrats are so fucking fat and repulsive ecks dee
>45 grains
Nigga you carrying a 25ACP?
Crazy how people have nothing negative to expose about Musk to the point they're literally making up fictional stories and trying to pass them up as truth.
Is this just plain jealously?
Yeah, that's why you're here samefagging like a spastic defending your daddy unprompted.
You mean besides the part where he wants you to buy a fully fly by wire car with always on data connection and put a proprietary chip in your brain?
Hatred when its persistent.
Jealousy when its short term.
>musk said it was cannonball-proof
That little stunt gave him more media coverage than the rest of the presentation put together.
yes, everybody needs a laugh
>all publicity is le good
Worked great for Concord.
Fucking magnets, how do they work? And I don't want to talks to scientists cuz they getting me pissed.
America rejects death cult moral ideology.
America embraced eccentric billionaire who created his own vision of the future.
Sony pulled it before the bad publicity could become good.
It definitely wouldn't have reached profitability, though.
guy makes 8 figures.
2 types of people:
those who die from envy and jealousy and then blame and complain about everything (incompetence) sometimes turning to violence
those who don't and would like to compete and is socially or societistically adept
People cannot reject biological truth in front of t hem, no matter the propaganda telling them men can be woman.
Even if Kamala won the election, there would not be any future where men can be accepted as woman.
>Overpriced shit that don't last a year
Tesla is the Apple of car manufacturers
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stay mad faggit
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Cybertruck uses SpaceX's proprietary stainless steel alloy they made for Starship.
Never give up on your dream, Anon.
You will become a woman some day.
what kind of fucking magnet do you need to do that kind of damage?
>say something right wing
>10,000 negative articles suddenly written about you
>jounalism.exe has lauched successfully

it's all very shalom
a made up one
Actually Tesla negative articles are a product of the ~4-5 intersections. 1) short selling 2) right wing skeptics of EV politics (mainly passive skepticism) 3) union/dealership/oil lobbies 4) left wing communist rich=bad 5) left wing trans activists
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I remember when the left was still in love with musk.
If you're a failure, they love you. If you become successful, they start hating you.
More like they painted a picture of musk as some kind of leftist superhero that was never real and when musk bought twitter that image was broken.
Who the hell is doing John Hutchison experiments on a Cybertruck?
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good point
>Take store magnet
>throw it at cybertruck
>Ruins the outside of the car costing the owner thousands to replace the metal
If that's real, then holy shit
Nah it's real, it's just rendered with low quality textures, people who buy cybertrucks can't afford a good GPU. It'll look a lot better when they get to the level of rendering bumpmapping and textures above 256x256.

Cybertrucks look WAY better when you can render them with more than 128 polygons and you're not stuck seeing the low LOD model when you're standing more than a foot away.
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Didn't Read, lol.
sorry to hear that
EDS sufferers will believe anything that confirms their derangement.
That looks insanely cool though
Not that I'm entirely convinced it's not some shitty bait article, but still
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Lazy journalism. Here's the real photo. It's a literal nothingburrger.
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Very superb!
Musk isn't going to adopt you
Reminds me that the Internet still doesn't know what bergamot looks like. People just find cool, but unrelated, photos and other people reference those people.
It's against my "belifs"
he just really hates birds
Wow, inbred trailer trash must be the most oppressed race on earth.
car companies goen woke broke LOL
>the affordable "housing" the immigrants stole from him
You wouldn't call that a nothingburger on any other car.
Reminds me that Elon Moskal and his subsidiaries can never do anything wrong, a fact his barely trained pack of magachimps will immediately spam bomb you with.
Wonder how retarded you actually need to be to think the main thing standing between you and "a livable wage and affordable housing" is a horde of muh immugrunts.
Your landlord & boss could be spitroasting your girlfriend right in front of you while raising your rent & telling you to work unpaid overtime and you'd still believe them when they point at other poor people.
>n-no, I know who it is, it's mr noseberg bringing in the migrants to fuck me over! that's why I have to support every single conservative economic policy they want! if you try to raise their taxes, regulate their business or ability to own all the homes, unionize their workers, or any other tranny bullshit I'm gonna fucking.......... vote for someone who triggers you!
When your local town of 20K doubles in size due to illegal migrants transported by the Biden admin, there's some issues.

When you notice it you can not unsee it.
Solution: >>103273024
no one is coming to your shitty town our of their own will cletus.
All leftwingers flee to red states as most of them cannot afford to live in the elite blue states like Maine
Keep on dick sucking illegals I'm sure you'll let them live with you
I like it, it's a badass now.
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I had no idea what concord was until it was already a flop

Other cards are painted specifically to avoid any and all blemishes. Yeah, I would be pissed if a 1-year-old car had paint bubbles.
You buy an unpainted stainless car, it's not going to stay visually perfect. Your silverware should be enough to tell you that.
Correct, but that will never stop them from believing it anyway. Every couple years they gin up another spooky MIGRANT CARAVAN and there's a bunch of bumpkins in rural Wyoming freaking out and preparing for an imminent MS-13 invasion.
These are the same people that're afraid of going into "the big city" (even in low-crime areas) because they envision anything more dense than exurbs as Escape from New York or Mad Max.
I don't think being told that you're delusional counts as "dick sucking" but I get that's where your mind usually goes.
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Whatever helps you cope at night bud, you'll be outta here.
>You buy an unpainted stainless car, it's not going to stay visually perfect.
>This design oversight is YOUR FAULT as a customer. I bet daddy's cummies taste like marshmallows
>y-you must be a resistance lib, enjoy bluesky!
Is there any aspect of this conversation that you're NOT clueless about?
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>180% lefties
>120% rightoids
It's not an oversight, it's specifically not painted to test the feasibility of an uncoated body.

If you can bother to do any research before buying an 80K car, that's on you
it's obviously a wrap or patina job
I met a friend recently for the first time in years. Decently smart guy, we grew up together and always agreed on most topics. The topic of Elon came up and he started talking about how he hates Elon. I questioned it and he eventually said something along the lines of Elon is too ambitious and should know his place as a private citizen and when I asked him exactly what terrible things Elon has supposedly done to deserve to be hated he mentioned something about Elon being too hard on his employees but admitted he gets most of his information from mainstream media and it's all so negative. In the end he said he doesn't truly hate Elon, just can't stand him.

I think most people with Elon Derangement Syndrome have some kind of inferiority complex and/or trauma that causes them to resent sovereign individuals who dare to chase their dreams.
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Keep covering up for them.
Is this JAV? She looks like she'd deserve some correction.
Don't they make UV wrap for these cars? Protection from corrosion and and light. If I had the money for a Cybertruck, I'd invest in a wrap.
>hotels are housing now
Bassssssssssed, shadilay!
>Protection from corrosion and and light.
That's what paint does.
*laughs in Mazda 3*
I've driven a 2016 Mazda3 for ~8 years and had no issues with corrosion or fading or... whatever. Is this an issue with newer model years or something?
The reality is that propaganda works. Media says something for loud enough and long enough and a decent percentage of people will just adopt that view, without any examination of it. Even your friend after admitting to knowing very little still dislikes him without realising that dislike was purposefully imprinted upon him.
It will replace it shortly, I'm sure.
lots of pre-2014 japanese and korean cars had rust and paint problems, most notably 2001-2004 civic (paint fading) and lots of mazda models before 2014. (paint chipping and body rust) They really didn't like salt in the winter.
Looks better now.
>false equivalence
many such cases. consider suicide, retard.
Starship uses 304L
Propaganda machine is pretty scary when you notice how the machine works. Musk went from Tech Jesus to literal Hitler in ~2 years.

Thats why I never trust anyone who repeat anything the media is telling them to.
>Musk went from Tech Jesus to literal Hitler in ~2 years
I've noticed something too: you're off your meds again.
>Tech Jesus
He was a quarter Jobs. Maybe a half Gates at best
>that dumpster fire of an image
fucking kek
Libtards unironically believe they are smart lmao
sauce now
the old ones did, the ones that have flown use a new alloy
a lot of companies had garbage paint in the 90s-00s for some reason, gm vehicles of that era are notorious for clearcoat peeling
>fucking thunderf00t retweeted a "Musk used Starlink to flip one of the bits on a voting machine or something" garbage
The kind of shit he used to debunk, and now that it targets one of his political opponents, he's promoting it. I don't care that he hated Musk before it was cool, that's just dumb.
Well you are on /g/eddit, such behavior is expected.
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He's completely lost on what to do with Musk's achievements and has been digging his own grave. To be fair, youtube pays him with ads.
left curve nigga thinks he's right curve lmfao
Ultimately, I don't think illegal immigrants should have taken up the niche in the american economy that they do now; but if the'yre mass deported, wages aren't going to increase, housing won't become available. The now vacant jobs (in agriculture primarily) will just go to prison labor. This will incentivize the government to throw more people in jail for even more retarded reasons. And the housing (pretending this is even a thing, because illegal immigrants are totally buying 4 bed 3 bath houses in the suburbs right?) will only become assets for the billionaire elites and investment firms to snatch up as the incoming administration has no plan or incentive to curb this behavior.
>the niche in the american economy that they do now
Can't be filled by legal citizens looking for ain't-much-but-honest work?
I'm sure the kikes in charge will love to pay actual wages when all this time they've skated by while paying illegals pennies per day, yeah.
The country will be in need of some serious progressive reform to make something like that happen.
>the kikes in charge
So we're deferring blame to a different slave class of Babylon?
>he thinks the illegals bought all the houses and not the jews & chinks renting them out as AirBNBs
They loved him because he was le heckin real life iron man and pandered to redditors with self-deprecating jokes.
It took them long enough to find out that he was just a scammer, and when they did, he just hopped over to an even more gullible group to scam
>he was just a scammer
What's the scam, exactly? Make cool things happen and profit off of it?
Link? Is he actually completely senile now? I thought he was just obsessed with hating Musk and feminists and religion or something, but otherwise almost somewhat reasonable.
The post I was replying to. The one with the image I was responding to via a text-based post.
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He scammed Boeing, ULA, Blue Origin, Russia, and China.
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Oh, I don't use Twitter, so I don't know what it looks like. I found another one while searching, though.
>otherwise almost somewhat reasonable
You fell for the grifter.
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So... a rocket came back damaged, and that proves he's a scam artist?
Yes. Thundernigger said he could have done it better, if he had been given trillion dollars
I wonder what it would look like if it was transparent.
>Make cool things happen
You mean promising cool things by next year, and hoping people forget the promise when he doesn't do it?
why did he put a magnet around it?
since when
If you're talking about the Mars thing... duh, schedules shift. Sometimes you don't meet a quota and you have to push something back a couple of years. That's business sometimes.
Or, what, is SpaceX just a massive movie set? Is it all CGI? When they eventually do get to Mars, will it be a sound stage?
A day or two ago
wheeey, the lads pn /pol/ should be hapoy. buzzing me. fucking gay webms
Model S
Model X
Model 3
Model Y
Autopilot (Highway)
Falcon 1
Falcon 9
Cargo Dragon
Crew Dragon
Falcon Heavy
>Work in progress
FSD (used daily by millions of people everywhere in NA safely with billions of miles per month with minimal accident rate)
>Not worked on
Roadster 2.0
the quality is worse than vp9
boards other than /g/ will get a lesson in synthetic benchmarks
im just happyi dont have to convert every fucking video. any chance of a qrd on the benefots of webm over mp4?
you still have to reencode every video to remove audio
nothing is won
mp4 isn't a codec, its a container
if they have done that then the mods or whoever are dumb as fuck and still need to kys themselves
Democratic candidates have never proposed a single solution to make livable wages a reality. Just forcing businesses to raise the minimum wage doesn't do anything. The price of everything will be raised to compensate, and regardless of that, people making above that new minimum wage already and who are still struggling won't gain anything.
On top of that, the perpetuation of illegal immigration only serves to further devalue American labor.
Granted Republicans don't do anything to help normal people either, and they certainly won't put a stop to illegal immigration since they benefit from it too, but to pretend either side is going to help you as a normal person is delusional.
where are the self-driving cars then
wait how did it take this long to notice that the car gets btfo by magnets? magnetic bumper stickers are incredibly common
I certainly don't, but half the country apparently does.
its not true?
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Who advocated for voting Democratic? I left many parts of the ballot empty earlier this month, including and especially the top.
I'm just responding to a retarded image and the fact that most of this site constantly advocates for conservative policies and politicians despite the vast majority of their policies being very explicitly against everything they pretend to care or bitch about that isn't just explicit racism (and even then, RIP to the anti-semites).
I DO generally think the "left" has a much better set of policies for the average person *in theory* but don't fault anyone for not voting for the Democratic party. I think "maybe I like many of those policies but I know the Democratic Party will never give them to me, so why not vote for Trump because he's more entertaining/an relative outsider to the American political establishment/will play to my racism/angers people I find annoying" is a pretty understandable decision and really don't give a shit who you vote for. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to call out retards participating in this site's undeniably-conservative hegemony.
That looks even better than normal though
turns put they did do that. fucking retard kods. guess audio is too much for 4chan.
>I DO generally think the "left" has a much better set of policies for the average person *in theory*
No they don't. The left's policies are too backwards thinking imo. The society's prosperity is dependent on good economy, whats good for economy is having more companies, easing restrictions, fewer regulatory environment, less tax, less government meddling, etc. This allows more people to start companies, be employed, do work, etc. If people have jobs, then people prosper in all aspects.
I do like it.
An Indian person wrote this so I'm going to ignore it
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How does he keep winning? WTF

Is he like the main character in this world?
>Elon scammed Boeing, Russia and China
Shouldn't that make you love him?
there's no way increasing the labor pool by 40 million has an negative impact on wages nor increases demand for housing
there's a multiple fucking reasons and you act like we blame only immigrants. fuck the landlords fuck immigrants and fuck the capital class importing them for their own gain at the expense of the labor wage class
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>we need fewer government regulations and taxes, that's what's good for everyone! the only thing that matters is what my boss tells me is good for jobs!
jesus christ lmao, if I was ranking political ideologies based on how respectable and reality-based their beliefs were, lolberts would be dead last
find uncle touchy or whoever gave you a copy of atlas shrugged in middle school and take a tire iron to his nuts
>libertarian slop
Boiling everything down to "job creation" and "the free market" and "just deregulate everything" is so mind-numbingly stupid and disconnected from the realities of American life that it can only come from trust fund kiddies.
"There's multiple fucking reasons that I won't name but fuck landlords and the capital class, that's why I voted for Trump." Yes I know, despite falsely claiming "you act like we blame only immigrants" I actually already listed, including "haha Trump says funny things that trigger the annoying libs!" If you're actually going to pretend like you're opposed to "landlords and the capital class" and your beliefs and rhetoric even somewhat resemble the modern 4chins orthodoxy then I might as well be talking to my dog right now.
Or are you a Nazi-LARPing groyper that also exclusively supports and defends the GOP outside of the occasional mumbled "muh kikes" needed to maintain your street cred?
pretty sure that's an african but you did just prompt me to notice his last name is "aregay" lel
>you act like we blame only immigrants. fuck the landlords fuck immigrants and fuck the capital class
l o l
define "we" first faggot, because this site is ground zero for "I'm gonna bitch about rich people and corporations and also here's why anyone who isn't explicitly pro-Trump is a KEK" retards except for fuentes nuthuggers, who are exclusively "I'm the one true racist on here" divas
>You buy an unpainted stainless car, it's not going to stay visually perfect.
Do you not know what $100k is worth? I wouldn't find a shit on a much cheaper simple work truck but not for $100k, that's ridiculous.
You cant trust blacks since 80% of them voted on Kamala and by extension hate Musk.
It's stanLESS not stainNEVER.

Also fake.
again you attack people as if they're Zion Don supporters
no fucking clue
It's not feasible. They know it's not feasible. You lose warranty if you drive it to car wash.
Removing audio is instantaneous even on ancient hardware, what are you even talking about. You can also cut/trim without re-encoding.
reality is the government taxes you on everything and keeps people poor just so they can fund wars over seas
Nice wrap.
because this site is overwhelmingly zion don supporters. but no, either you're a fuentes faggot or you're gonna keep playing coy because you know your beliefs are somehow even more embarrassing than that
Also to put that in perspective, the government has ~$35 trillion in debt. That is >$100K tax on everyone in the US. The gov pays close to $1 trillion just in interest on the debt and not the debt itself, each year.

All spending from gov, all debt, all interest payment is tax on each American whose money they make/hold/spend is devalued by that much amount.
i haven't played coy, i stated my economic beliefs already and all you do is try to add other cringe shit to it
if you're the lolbert then everything that needs to be said has already been said to you and the only "cringe" brought into the conversation was pointing out the innate embarrassment of the ideology. but for the record that was the first time I attacked you as a MIGA rube because I'm evidently not the only person shitting on you. good night & sweet dreams.
Maybe it is better to buy Greenland to get resources, otherwise we will never turn 35t $ into 0t $. Ancaps will sure love to exploit Earth to get cash. Ancaps will also hate the government is in charge for that, so better have Elon Musk do the job.
35T is set to turn in to 50T by the end of this decade.

So yeah, thats just gov taxation on everyone. When the reckoning comes, it will be painful.
lmao. frying pan steel
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Regulations are enforced, and typically penned by bureacracy. Well over 1% of the census-counted population (~334M) works for the federal government alone. There's something between no government and what we currently have. How high do you think you can push taxes and the number of people employed by the government? What relationship do you think exists between the welfare of the typical employed person and the size of government?
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Fucking miracles... :o)
Isn't that literally what Elon sold it as initially? I literally thought the selling point was the whole frame was a solid steel monocoque.
>Boomers still believe this shit
Two more weeks, right? Did you retards sleep through the last few decades or something? Literally nothing has happened.
It's feasible, it won't ever rot away
If you want to keep up appearances, you wrap it or take care of it but the steel otherwise doesn't care otherwise.
It's appearance isn't critical to its integrity.

What will probably be found in the next few years is cybertrucks in cold environments with road salt will have tarnish, they might even have some rust spots where there is damage but are otherwise fine.

Regular painted cars will also be fine, until the paint and coatings are compromised then they will rust and rot from the inside if not fixed immediately like they traditionally have been doing
>Elon is going to make better trains
>it's shit
>Elon is going to make better cars
>looks ridiculous
>looks ridiculous
This product was specifically developed for manchildren with self-esteem issues, such as Musk himself.
a2 is 1.2363 while basic bitch SS is 1.4301 and 1.4307.
who was actual designer of the cybertruck? if I remember Fisker was designer of model 3.
>183 /g/ midwit posts
>not one points out that stainless is not magnetic
Is this the power of AI chatbots?

I waited 900 seconds to submit this post
>not one points out that stainless is not magnetic
Reading is hard huh? I waited 0 seconds
wtf is that a cast aluminum part?
Where the fuck do you retards come from?
It isn't from a magnet, somebody used an anode and salt water to do this.
>the side of trannies is not the midwits, actually
is it true that apartment buildings in colorado were taken over by cartels
yet you want to deregulate the border regulations
Cybertruck is gay but I've seen MODERN challengers with that same fake patina wrap.
yea the photo was of a wrap around the car itself lmao
Left two are retards, right side is midwits. Intellectuals aren't even in this chart.
somehow it looks better. still a piece of shit driven by men who think they are men but are really women.
none of that is part of the frame.
Are there magnets powerful enough to rip metals from our body?
i'm powerful enough to put some semen in your body, big boi
Wait ... did this guy put some fridge magnets on his truck?
>not one points out that stainless is not magnetic
The hardened/Martensitic form of the Cybertruck steel is magnetic.
you missed the drama about the cast aluminum trailer hitch breaking off?
>he whole frame was a solid steel monocoque.
its an aluminum frame.
>anything mean you say about dadday is propegmanda
>Musk's achievements
Being born rich
Getting multiple liposuctions
riling up the virgins
I don't think your surrogate daddy knows how computer programs work.
How desperate for a role model are you? You're revolting.
You don't live in a winter country. Mazda cars can't last more than 5 years in Canada.
that hasn't been an issue for years, decades even
elon or thunderf00t? they're both saying the same thing
are they fag lovers
I think I can help with that. He was a liberal hero not just ten years ago. Articles lavishly praising him over his innovations and cool gadgets. People were comparing him to Bruce Wayne. He gets redpilled by 4chan and now the media and the left hate him because their hero was a nasty other teamer. Us vs. Them mentality to the fullest effect.
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>lolberts would be dead last
Not that I disagree with you they are in the top most retarded however ancaps outrank them. Like even lolbergs thing ancaps are insane.

Also modern anarchism (anarcho syndicalism / green anarchism etc) outclasses them.

Imagine talking to some anarchist who thinks that you need to abolish money and everything in the store should be free to take by everyone who walks in....
If you ask how will this not be a disaster since some people will take a lot.
His answer?
>Oh yea I simply beat up anyone who takes to much!

This is basically speed running civilizational collapse at this point. How he fails to understand that this will result in chaos and blood feuds in nano seconds is beyond me however this is what you get from the minds of your anarcho retardists.

So no lolbergs are not the most retarded. They are up there however anything anarcho outranks them.

Also anarchists
>Beat up everyone who takes to much from the store for free
>No police
>Somehow will not result in gang warfare in seconds.
>Curse you STATE™!
it's better than not having a father figure at all, like (You)
That's not what having a father figure is, tubby. You're an embarrassment.
>illegal immigrants are totally buying 4 bed 3 bath houses in the suburbs right?
They do. Three or four families will occupy one house. Where I live the state gives $30k to illegals for housing. Multiply that by four and that becomes a serious advantage.
That's people buying on spec trying to minimize their overhead. They usually lose money on that and then lose even more money to the banks when prices inevitably collapse. Don't hate your exit liquidity.
I thought Elon was at least somewhat based prior to him shilling DOGE and GME, then I realized he's another retarded reddit-tier meme victim. At this point though, it seems he's just taking Trump's base for a ride to benefit himself.
>buys one of the largest social media platforms just so he could use it to shill his opinion and at times straight up lies to millions of people by artificially boosting his tweets to everyone on the site
>claims to be for free speech then starts banning accounts that post negative or critical shit about him
>removes restrictions on hate speech, naturally scaring away advertisers
>bluntly tells advertisers to fuck off then cries and files an antitrust lawsuit against them saying they are pulling a coordinated attack against him
>monetizes engagement thereby making normal discussion go extinct in favor of farming (You)s with incendiary bullshit
>artificially boosts engagement metrics so it looks like his retarded tweets and others are more popular than they actually are
>opens the floodgates to SAAR bots through relaxed signup restrictions and TOS enforcement, either not giving a fuck or just wanting this to be the case (probably the latter since he wants to craft a mirage of engagement and many bots are spreading the exact same shit as him)
>steals @America Twitter handle just so he can shill his retarded PAC (again artificially boosted to every user on the site through his own retweets)
>offers million dollar potential rewards to people to sign up for his retarded PAC (turns out all the winners were selected based on how favorable they were to Trump and not actually random kek)
>buys his way into cabinet through his immense shilling efforts, first decision is likely naming new govt efficiency department LE DOGE xDDD to artificially inflate the price of a fucking meme shitcoin
Honestly still unsure if machiavellian or just autistic and mad at lefties though.
Nooooo shhh that's only bad if Bill Gates does it
Our thought process is tied with emotions. So when they cant explain in coherent terms why they hate it, they revert back to emotional stance. Thats what EDS is made up of. Further when you probe where that feeling comes from, they will say social media or legacy media, if they're honest. If they're not, they'll claim they came up with the idea on their own to hate him one day suddenly, with an intense hate. The propaganda of the media is dangerous and scary enough that manipulates the irrational human mind and turns them into cultists.
>people who can afford a cybertruck find ways to fuck it up
I fucking hate rich people.
>defends Gates who literally funded BOTH the covid virus research and vaccine research where e benefited from it
>leading to the death of millions
>possibly as a means to tip the vote against Trump during the election
I can't dismiss the fact that Gates has real blood on his hands by the millions.
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>The price of everything will be raised to compensate
Raise taxes. Raise the interest rate. Oh and maybe start a single payer healthcare system, or are you going to say that is extremely important to our economy.

People are really tired being unemployed here and finding all their shit is from China. They have no labor or environmental laws, why the fuck did you think their prices were so magically low?
>attacking Gates means worshiping Trump
Just a bit of memery. Tell me though, do you think researching viruses and their potential vaccines is... LE BAD?
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Holy based
~16 trillion dollars in economic damage
~7-20 million death
reduction of freedom of speech
increase in poverty
decrease in education

Because humans created this highly experimental virus
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You seem to be mistaking the COVID stats you just rattled off as an explanation for why we shouldn't research viruses, I think if you consider that position critically for a moment you'll find it's actually the opposite.
Did your mind get castrated by Bill Gates so hard that you cant see the connection between the death caused by Bill Gates money for funding dangerous experimental virus research and the actual death/damages caused by the result of the funding of creation of the experimental virus directly from Gates foundation money?
Why do liberals reject reality so thoroughly? Everything they argue for completely contradicts reality and leads to the same death cult route. Whether its castrating people/children, or killing babies, or oppressing freedom, or destroying cities/societies, or destroying all fun in life or the push to depopulate humans or civilization. There is not a single praiseworthy thing in the left ideology. The worship of death and the push to kill humans permeates all of the ideology.
>schizo non-sequitur based on nothing
That's nice, can you actually answer any of these questions now though? Do you have it in your head that words "research" and "create" mean the same thing? If you think virology research is bad, does that mean you're making the claim that knowing less about already existing deadly viruses is somehow beneficial to humanity and the preferred option? Just hide your head in the sand and then the viruses can't hurt you so long as you don't research them too much?
You're retarded. Gates Foundation literally did a fundraising for the Bat Lady from Wuhan Labs to experiment and create the covid virus in their pursuit of gains of function research. This action directly led to the death of millions of people. Even Hitler didnt kill that many people directly.
Read up about Orania.
>private city in South Africa with freedom of association as a founding principle
>10% economic growth year over year with 0 imported workforce and a private currency
>independent in food, water and energy while the state around them is failing, receives no government support
>only city in the country that actually follows government regulations on environmental stuff etc
Ancap is the only purely ideologically driven political system that functions in the real world.
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Either you really do not know or you're too stupid. The covid virus was developed under Gates Foundation fundings with EcoHealth and Wuhan Virology lab working on gains of function research.

The "Disease X" as he described was a lab made virus that they were designing and creating in the lab.
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And they "knew it" because they made it. And to hide the fact that they created it, they tried to claim lab leak was a racist idea
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>le mars
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>elon musk... le BAD?!
>chuds don't know whether le ebil jews or the chinks created the virus
you're the one unaware of the jews in the ccp
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Also remember, at the time, he had invested in BioNTech/Pfizer before they IPO'd and made billions off of that. If you dont see the evil, or atleast question the circumstances in which the event unfolded, then you do not have a brain.

>funds virus creation with EcoHealth/Wuhan Virology Lab
>funds $50m for vax creation with Pfizer/BioNTech BEFORE the official lab leak
>makes ~4 billion dollar selling shares after the company IPO'd after covid happens
>questionable circumstances
>your conclusions
Gates have been promoting depopulation for decades
Gates have been caught funding the creation of the killer virus that killed millions
Gates have caught profiting off of death of humans
He allies with George Soros and WEF and the kind.


We have the motive, we have the means, we have the execution, we have the results, we have the records.
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>Gates Foundation literally did a fundraising for the Bat Lady from Wuhan Labs to experiment and create the covid virus in their pursuit of gains of function research
Entirely fabricated. I think you're getting your schizo conspiracy theories mixed up because the theory you're going for is about the Gates Foundation funding virology research at the Pirbright Institute (which at the time of COVID19 was not researching any human or bat related COVID strains), but even they don't receive the majority of their funding from the Gates Foundation. Also, you don't have to make shit up about the Wuhan labs funding because the U.S. government was literally funding it until they started to have concerns over unsafe practices and stopped in 2020. All that aside Shi Zhengli (Bat Lady) has been researching coranviruses since 2005 and you'll find no record of her receiving public funding from the Gates Foundation. I don't assume these facts will make you question any of the fantasy narrative you've been fed but good luck.
It must be nice living in Twitter screencaps and not having to do the hard work of actually reading any of those referenced articles to know they have nothing to do with the retarded bullshit you're spewing. What I want to know is how you're so fucking retarded that you couldn't even read one of the headlines in your own retarded picture that says
>"There are between 631,000 and 827,000 unknown viruses on this planet with the potential to infect..."
and going with that additional context maybe think to yourself
>huh, maybe Disease X is a placeholder designation for LITERALLY ANY FUCKING POTENTIALLY DESTRUCTIVE VIRUS IN THE WORLD
It's actually embarrassing to have to treat someone like you as a functioning adult when you can't even comprehend a fucking Twitter headline.
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>Gates Foundation didnt fund the Wuhan labs
Wrong. They did. They had multiple proxies. Gates Foundation has Gates name directly. But they had CEPI (gates created) and One Foundation (Gates/Buffet/Soros/Bono/etc). They directly collaborated with EcoHealth that Daszik runs with which they also received NAID money from Fauci. And EcoHealth has direct links to Shi Zhengli. So its a direct connection with Wuhan Labs. And "Disease X" isn't a placeholder for any virus, they specifically mention SARS because EcoHealth was also working on that, same with MERS and now Covid. Those were all lab leaked viruses created by groups who were doing virus creation research. So its not a coincidence that Gates who was working with EcoHealthAlliance, help found and fund CEPI who was working on Covid and SARS and MERS. Its a direct connection with lab created virus. Gates and Peter Daszik hyping up the "Disease X" 1 year before the covid lab leak happened, 1 year after Fauci ended the Obama's gains of function ban. Its not a random coincidence, the name was coined by the people who were doing the exact research on the virus.
And then you have Gates/Daszik claiming to be the savior in the media and trying to redirect the idea that its all a random mutation and anyone claiming its lab leaks is a racist. Not only that, he led the "investigation" that claimed it wasn't a lab leak. LMAO.

And the results cannot be considered a mistake or coincidence either, since thats exact what he was funding for and warning against. Further, the goal for these might just be greater depopulation and experiment on how much they could brainwash people into believing they were the saviors of the world instead of the destroyers. Half the Americans believe Gates/Soros/WEF billionaires is saving them, other half knows the true evil they caused and hid from the other half. So now even if you present them with evidence, they reject seem to reject it and stick to emotional attachment to their propaganda. Literal stockholm syndrome in action
Further, they were doing the similar table top "what if next super-flu happened" just few months prior to covid lab leak, prepping media/journos/scientists on how to respond and who to trust.

This fucking reminded me of the prebunking of the hunter-biden laptop table top they did. Where the FBI told journos/wikipedia/google/twitter and other techs who to trust/what to trust/what to do/etc when Hunter-Biden story hit NYPOST.
here i am on a hobbyist board where the light of my life is benchmarks and i read some posts by a turboschizo conspiracy theorist and realize how vapid my hobby is

imagine having an exciting of a life as that guy, everything he reads is an incredibly complex story, and he's clueing it all together and copypasting everything so that he can try to save lives(?)
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I wonder how the turboschizos deal with Trump picking a literal Soros guy at the Treasury
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not a fan of that piece of shit but this one looks fucking sick
COVID is a disease, not a virus. Literally Coronavirus disease.
Trump has been fellating jew, globalist, Rothschild, banker, etc. pp since forever. People who believe in mainstream politics are NPCs, they don't think logically. Contradictions literally don't matter.
it was THE JEW
Miu Kazashiro played by Rikako Sakata in Kamen Rider Fourze
>frames the issue as one or the other
>not that both are an issue and both should be handled by being strung up like xmas lights
found the kike. you really need to work on the pilpul mr. goldstein.
I am all for kicking out the illegals, but their thinking that deporting all of them is going to solve the housing crisis is seriously misguided.
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Jesus was a leftist for a reason
Can you make a shitier looking car? Let's see some anon drawings.
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They value consensus above reality.
>but it leads to le deaths and mass sufferings
Yeah but thats just reality. According to consensus it leads to utopia
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>Read up about Orania.
>private city in South Africa
It's a small town in the middle of nowhere for retired boomers with a population of less than 3,000 people.
Voting machine s spit out a paper ballot and at the end of the day, the result is compared to it's internal memory. Elmo is retarded
Imagine being this much of an idiot
Patina is desirable
Lots of people are born rich, not many do what Musk has done.
>Optics, right winger
>Optics, left winger
That's actually a pretty cool effect
>"other poor people"
Seeing barbarian niggers and other browns in my country IS pure poverty, and they are not people.
dont care, this shit looks just epic and majestic
therefore elon is based
>Trump picking a literal Soros guy at the Treasury
Big if true.
Charity isn't the same as initiating force against your neighbor to redistribute his wealth.
women are all in the middle and women are overwhelmingly collectivist/left
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Elon explained his reasoning when they bought it. Stainless work-hardens during the stress of reentry. If you use a dull drill bit, stainless will check up your bit like a pencil sharpener. But touch it with a grinder and the hard outer layer will be gone and you can drill again.
That's a fake picture or a wrap.
>stainless is not magnetic
So quick to be confidently wrong. There's several general types of stainless and the majority are magnetic
It stains less, it's not stainproof steel
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would then also not be magnetic.
they looked through elon's childhood drawings
Magnesium, actually.
everyone loved him until the media started running his name through the mud after he named the jew
some grades of stainless steel are slightly magnetic
>billions of miles per month
[ ] Truth
[X] Doubt
[ ] Lie
tbf you are right, there are some other ways than austenite for a really good corrosion protection.
high-alloyed molybdenum steels for example.
holy shit, a magnet just flew over my garage!
Damn, you retards will believe literally anything, won’t you? What’s it like being this gullible and just swallowing whatever propaganda is jizzed in your direction?
>45 grains
.22LR? I heard it bounces around in there and turns your brain to mush.
>Your silverware should be enough to tell you that.
Your stainless steel "silver"ware isn't visually perfect after years or decades of use? What would be the point of stainless steel silverware if it just rusted like steel or tarnished like silver?
>illegal immigrants are totally buying 4 bed 3 bath houses in the suburbs right?
I assume they rent because a 4-way purchase agreement would be tricky but drive around the lower class suburbs after 8 PM and look for houses that have 6-10 cars and trucks parked outside, those houses have multiple families of mexicans living in them.

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