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I know what I got
my son would love that
(I'm not poor/gay so I have kids)
>t. poor/gay
But you don't.

Fun fact.
About 20 years ago, a secretary came across a stack of unused VIN numbers for the Cobras in Shelbys office.
In the 60's, numbers were issued in "blocks", not on an individual basis.
So there were a shitload of VINs leftover when production stopped.
Carrol was pissed about companies like Factory Five selling clones so he had already started building his again.
After checking with his attorney, they realized that it doesn't matter when the vehicle was completed and the leftover VINs could legally be used on the builds.

So there's an unknown number of "original 1966 cobra, cherry, matching numbers" on the market today that were built just 20 years ago.
What's the big deal? Can't any retard build a gokart?
>as long as you have a piece of the original frame with the vin it's still the same car!

I hate carfags so much.
fuck off, /n/igger
Not carfags' fault the gubmint decided the vin tag and the surrounding chunk of firewall is what legally decides what car it is.
The government can decide whatever, people don't have to go along with it and pay ridiculous prices for what is obviously not an original car. It's like numbers matched firearms, if your serial numbers on all the parts don't match then it's not worth anywhere close to one that is in original condition from the factory.
This isn't yurop where every single body panel is VIN stamped along with glass etched with VIN.
>I have kids
Get off this website and care for them then, you deadbeat retard. Your kids are so cooked kek
It's wasn't a piece of frame.
It wasn't the vin tag.

It was a piece of paper with a vin number.
Now that vehicle, every component, is "original 1966 cobra".
This is beyond something like that burned out and crumpled Ferrari that sold for a couple million.
This is a car that only existed on paper (literally) and is now part of the market.
The continuation cars are not considered real Cobras, dipshit.

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