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File: pepe-elephant-costume.png (44 KB, 399x400)
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How often when you're on the road do you see a 250(0)/350(0)being used for anything other than transporting a 5'8" guy and his pig wife?
How about doing something only a truck could do?
And what about doing something a tacoma couldn't do?

For me it's:
>For me it's:
What do these ratios mean
I would say that out of every 50 F-250s i see on the road, 1 in hauling something in the back, out of every 300, one is hauling something that requires the spatial capacity/payload capacity of a truck, and one in 1000 that i see is hauling something that you'd need more than a tacoma for.
Only trucks can make communist r/fuckcars /n/dogs like you see the, so every truck you see serves its purpose 100%
I could honestly not even guess because I'm not obsessed with what people around me are doing. I'm also mentally healthy enough to understand that people exist when I'm not looking at them which means that just because a truck doesn't have a trailer behind it when I'm looking at it doesn't mean it never had or will have one
>more than a tacoma for.
you dont even need a fuckin tacoma. a subaru crosstrek would do fine.
That would be gay, which is haram.
I just notice all these gigantic 80,000 dollar trucks whizing down the highway from my office window, and seldom if ever do they have anything in the bed. The number pulling fishing boats or horse trailers or gigacampers i see in a week I can count on one hand.
And then on the other side they bitch about how the blue collar man is being fucked over for $$$... Seems like he just has retarded spending habbits.

I honestly can't think of a less intelligent purpose than a huge truck in terms of what people shell out compared to the average use. I don't think theres really any other product like it in america.
>That would be gay,
Thats the point. A gay little crosstrek can do 99% of what a tacoma can do
>And then on the other side they bitch about how the blue collar man is being fucked over for $$$
Yep. The truth is the average american does NOT need a full size pickup, he does not need a small pickup, he doesn't need a vehicle with a bed at all.
I think manufacturers SHOULD ONLY produce large pick ups, because theyre designed for people who actually need them.
Blue collar people whine about trucks getting bigger and more expensive, hey retard, why dont you just not get a truck because you dont actually need one?

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