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if 90% of engine wear occurs during cold startups then once the engine is hot very little wear actually occurs then why do retard chuds here say 5w30 oil is better than 0w16 oil? 0w is thinner and flows better when cold which will reduce startup wear
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I ONLY use RED LINE 5W40 in my BMWs
>and flows better
doesn't matter
cold start = increased wear because the oil hasn't traveled to where it needs to go
slightly thinner oil won't teleport it there

wait, no
you are clearly smarter than everyone who has ever touched an engine and know best
then you have even thinner oil when warmed up
Thinner oil makes cold start wear worse because it doesn't cling to the surfaces that need it.
The real question is, why isn't oil priming a normal procedure on all engines?
15w40 amsoil AME in both my diesels.
It's only designed to last just long enough
Because Stacy wants to go to Starbucks NOW
it's probably not a bad idea in theory but most engines pretty much outlive the body they're in already. certainly very few new car buyers would be demanding to pay for features which would allow their engines to reach 300k miles
nice price
OP's example of 5w30 vs 0w16 is retarded.

But for instance, shouldn't 5w30 be better than 10w30 for most users? Similar hot viscosity, with better cold start protection.
Thin oil will piss through everything inside the engine and you will burn quite a bit of oil.
Older engines have bigger gaps and oil will get past the piston rings into the combustion chamber. On higher mileage engines the gaps get even bigger and thats why many people use even thicker oil than it was intended from the factory to keep oil consumption at an acceptable level.
just change your oil every 3k miles with manufacturer recommended weight and don't think about it too much.
>muh synthetic 5000+ intervals
>muh VW owner manual 10,000 interval
your funeral dickheads

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