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Welcome to 4chan's offroad general. Post your 4x4 trucks and SUVs.

Previous: >>28095805
Merry Christmas
get blazed
Thanks doc
Thanks for the bake.

I finally did it. This last weekend I removed the chromed tubular side steps on my D-Max. They were installed by the previous owner and their biggest fucking effect was to optically lower the truck although it's lifted. The reason for that was the rather large diameter of the tubes in combination with the low mounting position: The upper side of the tubes started where the lower part of the side rockers ends.
It was a 1 1/2 hours job with the ratchet because everything was rusted to shit, all the eight bolts of the wrap-around brackets stripped off but not before I unscrewed the nuts for at least an inch or so. If they got torn-off as soon as I started wrenching the job would have been a lot easier and faster.
Luckily (and to my surprise) the frame underneath wasn't affected which is rather weird since the brackets were so rusty.
Well, anyways. My truck has a much more lifted look now and a real rusty risk is gone for good.
Sounds cool. You should post some pics.
I know that feel. That's why I only allow rock sliders that have a smol diameter and are bent upwards.
Also side steps usually look like ass on a lifted trugg
My favorite are the rock catcher steps that get bent to shit and rust out
I have a 2500 Dmax and love those steps. Wish I had them on my OBS F250. hate having to crawl into the truck.
kek. i was out on a logging road and the snow was compacted into ice. it was a warm day so the ice had softened a lot. I had to pull off to the side for a diesel 1 ton so he could squeeze by me. the truck was sinking 3 inches into the soft ice and the wheel hop was horrible as he tried to find traction
my tacoma stayed on top the entire time
Yeah I would never offroad with any of my trucks besides normal stuff. Both too heavy and unmaneuverable.
Sorry if I caused confusion^^ I own an Isuzu D-Max, not a Chevy/GMC with a D(ura)max engine. So we're talking about a Tacoma/Hilux/ Colorado/Canyon sized truck (but which has in fact a diesel engine)
Ohh right. Post it
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Hows it going?
I took too long and now I have to do the PS pump in the cold.
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build a fire

I'm looking for an ln65 lhd hilux and can't find one in america. Is there a good website I can use to search for them in europe or south america, besides facebook marketplace?
Why don't you just buy a truck available in America then?
I want a specific model and I can't find any here.

you're fucking retarded
You will never have a real 4x4.

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You're still alive?

hell yeah. my newest thing is I keep quoting random anons calling them retarded and waiting if people get upset by that
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That's based nice trips btw
Throw backto 2013 be in the back of my toyota pickup chillin outside vegas
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Does just fine.
why aren't 3 links more popular offroad? You would think the geometry allows more flex but I never see anyone move away from 4 links that come factory on jeeps n shit
All the long arm kits for XJs are all 3 link
There's more I'm leaving out but yeah
i guess the kits im seeing everyone install are the bitch boy mall crawler kits for 4"+ lifts
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Probably "lift kits" that are just longer springs and then optionally longer lower control arms to fix the caster
I don't recommend short arm lift kits, they just make the vehicle ride like shit
If you wanna lift do a proper lift with a long arm kit so it flexes better and rides smoother
i was purely curious why i was seeing this phenomena, now i know the option is there for non-bitches
Both have their advantages, it depends on application.
Neither is outright "better" than the other.
This also happens to be the location this doom paul meme picture was taken from
Yeah the advantage of keeping short arms is that you pay less money
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who needs all these fancy toys and mods when a stock Seat Ibiza on all seasons can do just as good
Short arms isn't a design constraints of "4 link".
That's an issue with jeep and bolt-on kits.
Of course it isn't, but even the 4 link on the jeep isn't triangulated and still needs a panhard
You don't gain anything but redundancy that if one of the arms or mount points fails, the axle doesn't flop over under the truck
I can't think of a single factory vehicle that comes with triangulated 4 link, front or rear
The packaging constraints of a modern vehicle basically make it impossible
As a wrenchlet, how should I prepare myself for hitting the desert with my truck? Worried about eventually breaking something while i'm alone
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Buy a brand new truck and/or go out with another person so there's 2 trucks and if one breaks everyone just gets into the one that still works
why do you lift your trucks to drive around in the desert, you only need a few inches of ground clearance when you're running a solid axle, body lift won't stop you burying your diffs in the sand.
Are there any good resources for learning field repairs to shitrig things together to limp a truck home if something goes wrong?
>why do you lift your trucks to drive around in the desert
That's not lifted at all in that pic, that's entirely stock other than 31s on it
Experience is learning, it's the best way to learn and it's how I learn everything
that is definitely lifted
NTA, but that's what they look like dawg
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It's not lifted at all, it's on the stock leaf springs and has no body lifts, would you like pictures?
I'll go outside and take some pics for you
Also, the front springs are so fucking flat they're like an inch away from touching the factory bump stops
>Experience is learning
Yes true but i'm trying to mitigate potentially disastrous experiences and be prepared/have a plan/have proper supplies. Does that make sense? I know you can't foresee and prepare for everything but basic stuff would be good
i demand proof
You can literally just google 1985 toyota pickup 4x4 and look at all the pictures of the stock truck sitting high as fuck, but sure, i'll grab some pics for you because I love posting pics in the offroad general
>You don't gain anything but redundancy
I'm not surprised one bit that you have no clue about the performance differences between 4 link and 3 link.
You really are just some high school dropout with zero professional training or study.
How about we hear about the advantages from the expert himself?
Please, edumacate us
why do you lift your jeeps just to drive around the flat desert
That's a 3 inch lift to clear the 33s, the lift came on the jeep when I bought it, along with the 33s
got it for 1000 dollars with a brand new set of 33in general grabber ATs on it
basically I bought a set of tires with a free jeep attached to them
and to be fair, the general grabber ATs have held up a lot better over the years than my BFG ATs, those went rock hard and started cracking long before the tread wore out
How about you actually do some research and educate yourself for once instead of pretending you know what you're talking about as usual.
Educate us
Oh yeah, I actually just removed the lift kit I installed on one my XJs over 10 years ago, I drive it mostly on the street so I removed the lift kit and 31s and put it back to stock and 29s
pic rel me installing the kit years ago fighting rusted bolts
And the same kit over 10 years later removed
Educate yourself.
Start with the basics and once you understand the introductory material we'll move on to the next tier.
>he flopped
Kek, I love making people fall over themselves like this
Stock leafs, they're in the typical pathetic toyota spring shape, flat as fuck
Zuk spring mod exists for a reason, those toyota leafs never hold up
Same OG body mounts it came with from the factory
umm chuddie those leafs are made of genuine japanu steel folded over 9 gorillion times you better show some respect
>lifted jeep
based and liftpilled
Leaf springs everywhere itt
>manufacturers suggest 4 link for better handling, increased articulation, higher side stress loading, more precise alignment during articulation and more adjustability
>3 link is only cited for confined packaging (Jeeps specifically mentioned)

Makes sense why you suggest using 3 link- your extremely limited knowledge is based around Jeeps and bolt on kits.
Wait til this dude figures out that all modern 1 ton trucks use radius arms instead of even 3 link
What AI did you prompt for this btw?
May we see your rig, you do have a truck right?
I mean why would you know so much about trucks and NOT own a truck?
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>higher side stress loading
Side loading is confined entirely to the panhard/track bar btw, so whatever prompt you copied is retarded
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My balls are extremely sticky right now
That's a generalized summary from the industry, not AI generated or from a specific source.
All those same manufacturers have a very short list for the pros of 3 link
>more compact
Nobody claims they offer better performance.

Once again you talk shit but have zero facts to back it up.
Hey you dirtlovers, I'm thinking about upgrading from 245/75R16 on 7x16 rims to 265/70R16. Anyone willing to post some pics of his ride with those wheels? MT tires preferred but ATs are okay too.
Id rather 75r16s
Me too but I'm in Germany so there are limited options on what you are allowed to put on a certain set of rims. 265/70 is the maximum so that's what I'm having to deal with.

Now post pix please
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Insane. If it fits it ships here. Buy a set of tyre spoons and do it yourself?
Sorry I only have 85r17s.
You get me wrong. You want a different tire size than whats in the papers of your car you need to see an appraiser so he checks everything you can have the German DMV put it in your papers.
>bro the 4 link is better because it resist side loading!
No, that’s entirely wrong lol
What you linked is obviously bullshit and you can’t even come up with your own sentence, only copy pastes from Google that you don’t even understand
If you understood it, you wouldn’t have pasted it
3 link or 4 link both handle their side loading via pan hard you fucking retard (unless triangulated which literally never happens in the front of a factory car or truck)
No I get it, thats why I'm saying just do it yourself fuck the government. Does the DMV go out and look at your tyres??
Nah they don't but if the cops stop you for a reason or you get into or especially cause an accident they gonna make sure to ass rape you until you can fit a semi truck driveshaft into your bunghole.

Seriously this country ain't funny at all. This ain't about FUCK the gov which I really love to do. This is more about protecting my anal virginity from the mean black-red-gold weiner
Plus every other year you must get your technical inspecition. That's the point where a TÜV appraiser will see the "wrong" tire rim combo and will deny you the stamp on your plate.
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got my new bed floor installed, she's mint
jesus, euros have it tuff. it was voted for, though. ain't democracy great?
>he thinks you have to have a panhard with a 3 or 4 link.
Tell me you're a scrub without actually admitting you're a scrub.
Oh wait, you already did.

"Panhard" is one word btw.
>completely left out the triangulated part of that
You appear to know a lot (lol)
How about you post your truck before we continue this
>panhard is one word
Like I spelled here? >>28148192
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Been cold out lately, staying comfy in the shop with the wood stove and music tho
Here's a throwback to 2011 when I swapped a 440cc snowmobile 2 cylinder 2 stroke into a honda odyssey
It had no suspension other than the air in the tires and it would do power wheelies if you gassed it from a stop
lean forward
Yeah as I said, Germany ain't funny at all. I hate this fucking joke of a country so much. You can guess how hard it is to find something like BLM land to go offriadin

I dig the bed floor. Stuff like that always reminds me of a buddy. He needed a new floor for his tractor's trailer. So he literally stole a fuckhuge roadsign, cut it to size and put it in, even with the front facing upwards so you can still see stuff like "...astown: 3 Kilomete..."
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based I can't wait for it to snow here
Meh I ain't the biggest fan of snow when it comes to /o/ related stuff.
You automatically assumed parallel links with a panhard because you lack experience and that's all you know.
You brought up 1 tons, which are completely unrelated to the discussion, because you have no argument. I mean why not bring up front solid axles on semi tractors?
And it's ironic that you raved at the capability of the stock rubicon suspension and even posted a video of one climbing a vertical rock face.

You're all over the place.
Fucking schizo that can't remember what side of the argument he was on last time.
It's like you just saw a tiktok video on 3 link over the weekend and now you think they're the greatest design ever.
Stock rubicon is pretty nice. Wish they'd do something about that horrible interior accent
>You automatically assumed parallel links with a panhard because you lack experience and that's all you know.
There's literally no factory truck that offers triangulated 4 link retard, they even moved away from 4 link + panhard because there's no room in a modern vehicle for 4 links, that's why everything uses an inferior radius arm suspension now
>And it's ironic that you raved at the capability of the stock rubicon suspension and even posted a video of one climbing a vertical rock face.
Yes, a stock 4 link with short arms blows the fuck out of IFS, when the playing field of the modern truck is so weak, even a shitty short arm 4 link mogs
Why do you think jeep never went IFS?
Also, where's your truck again?
Let me stress this again, I made this poster scared to post his truck, I intimidate him so badly that he doesn't want to have his truck associated with these posts
It's not that he doesn't own one, I just scare him so badly he's scared of the social fallout (on 4chan lol) so badly that he's scared to post it
We're back.
Had an EO Kek on my m249 during training/deployment. Bought my own mostly for sentimental reasons.
Based I have a similar setup, g45 on unity with exps3
I'm an acog fan myself
For me, it's the Elcan
The acog is great. I took a squad designated marksman class once. They taught us how to use the reticle for different distances. Such a versatile optic.
Fair enough
Yeee. Was always a fan of mine while in. They take a pretty good beating I think
Acog + rmr is the best solution for a 3 or 4x
The 1x works with nods or close up and the 4x works out to as far as 5.56 is capable of being effective at
And it’s very light and tough with no moving parts
Why are you talking about stock setups when this conversation is about aftermarket kits?
Fucking retard.

>durhur post truck
That same tired line every thread.
I've posted my trucks repeatedly.
Nobody here is "afraid" to post their trucks for fear of bullying.
You have the biggest pieces of shit ever seen on /o/, everyone else is a tier above your garbage.
Go ahead and post your shitbox that you're so proud of. That photo of no dash or instrument cluster or interior panels with trash on the floor board speaks volumes about your life and who you are.
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Not gonna even read this til I see a truck in the post lol
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drove all the way to the field and forgot my tools
Making a mount for this e39 power steering reservoir to fit in my diesel XJ
Slit the 3 inch exhaust and slip it over and hose clamp it
Nice chill night with the wood stove popping and cracking, sippin a beer and listening to music
Just get a second set of wheels/tires for inspection time.
Or stick with using whatever the gov tells you is good for you, don’t forget your covid boosters and they’ll soon be sending some more nafris for you to support. Hey at least they’ll have free health care huh? lol
What were you doing
Well with the Liberty now gone I bought me a 4wd 2014 Escape ecoboost
My condolences
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oh that's nice
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This truck is both, heh.
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>be me
>be happy with my rig (2012 Taco)
>scroll through YouTube
>Find Toyota World Runners
>suddenly be unhappy with my rig when I see pic related
I fought the crave for an old Hilux for many years and I thought I was done with it. Now I see this and it's all back. I mean look at it. The 37s, the white and blue color combo, the black bumpers and rocksliders. It's purest sexxx.
Should I say fuck it and start looking for a 4th or 5th gen?
TWR is one of the most based 4x4 channels on yt and the yeti is definetly a sexo Hilux. But should you pull the trigger? well keep in mind that everybody loves old hiluxes. so they are somewhat overpriced especially in the US. and no matter what it will be an at least 30 year old truck with all cons. so you will spend a lot of money and you will have to do a lot of wrenching. if that ain't no problem for you then go for it. there are worse ways to spend several grand on a truck.
I love my hilux, and my toyota pickup which is nothing but a left hand drive hilux until 85, after 85 they're different
But ultimately they're just a meme, they're not better than any other vehicle like a jeep
Had to weld pipe onto the inlet of the power steering pump to convert the hose size to match the e39 reservoir
Also, had to bend the shit out of that pipe with an oxy acetylene torch to get it to clear the steering shaft
Ultimately it was a success, e39 reservoir is fits LIKE... A.... GLOVE
Just gotta radius all the sharp corners and paint it all satin black
>they're not better than any other vehicle like a jeep
Debatable. At least during the 80s and early/mid 90s jap stuff was built to rather high standards. I don't say Hiluxes are lightyears better than anything else made during that era but I think it's debatable to say they are "not better" at all quality-wise.
>But ultimately they're just a meme
But be true, but then again, the heart wants what it wants fren.
>had to bend the shit out of that pipe with an oxy acetylene torch to get it to clear the steering shaft
Old german saying: There's no worse suffering than what you do to yourself.
Imho that's remarkably true when it comes to general wrenching and modding stuff^^ We're all masochists.
>We're all masochists.
The vehicle is simply a puzzle that must be solved, we apply tools and mind to solve the puzzle
The hardest part is solving it in the least amount of moves with the least money spent, while still maintaining a nice end result
Painted, time to off road and then pass out
did you just use a can of spraypaint? how close do you usually spray to the part? are the instructions on the can just a meme? only asking because when I use it at the distance indicated on the can, it feels like the coat is way too light.
The can says to do multiple light coats but I just do one wet ass coat, let it dry for a day then I bake it in the oven for an hour at 300 degrees
It comes out rock fucking hard
Rustoleum is my preferred paint but if you don't bake it, it can take literally weeks to months to fully dry depending on the weather
When you have felt how hard the baked paint is, you'll realize what truly dry paint is
It stinks really bad when you bake it btw just a heads up
Also I got in the truck and there's like a 1/4in of ice on the windshield nevermind fuck going out tonight just gonna eat leftover chipotle and shitpost on 4chan
Hell yeah brother
thanks, yeah i've been using rustoleum bbq black, never thought to bake it. it doesn't permanently stink an oven does it? was kinda thinking about using the kitchen oven...
When it's forseeable that I will need entire cans with basically no leftovers I switched to 2k spray cans a few years ago.
Shit works like real mixed 2k paint out of a gun and is tougher than even the good 1k stuff.
The only downside: Once you've activated the can there's no way back. After four to six hours you can throw the can and everything that's left inside in the trash.
That's why I'm still also using baked rustoleum for smaller parts - it's a lot cheaper
If you "dry" parts with a torch beforehand the BBQ paint adheres better.
I'm not talking about blast furnace heat- it doesn't take much, you can see it happening.
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yeee haw i love coolant leak season
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She was a bit stove up after the last storm and the axe only set her base free.
anon that's dangerous
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it do be like that
working in 25 minute increments because my faggot hands get Raynaud's
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No matter with a $30 Home Cheapo special. Tell mama to crank the stove upa coupla degrees cuz I'm gonna drag this fag to the splitter
This is what I do to sage brush in the yard
Just hook it up and floor it
That's just water from combustion condensing on the surface of the metal
Based I just stop and grab wood any time I find it on the side of the road, just found some yesterday
While loading it up some old lady stopped and said she has a ton laying around her yard if I want it
I fucking love living where there's only white people
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That is true. People leave everything unlocked or just in their yards.
Mostly because everyones wife is home and armed.
Shit sucks, wife has it and is basically indoors Halloween to memorial day
i think i know what you mean - have noticed when heating up a metal piece with a blowtorch that surface moisture or whatever's on it seems to evaporate really quick when exposed to the flame
>on the surface
He doesn't know that metal is porous..

Go away, we've had enough of your high school dropout bullshit.
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Wtf are you talking about, combustion creates water vapor, the surface is cool enough to condense it, that is the water you see
This piece of glass has no water trapped in it, neither does my table, yet they both condense the water vapor generated by the torch
As would a metal surface
Same reason water drips from your cars tailpipe when you start it, the exhaust is cool enough to condense the water vapor generated by combustion, and water drips out the tailpipe
That is until the entire exhaust is sufficiently hot, then all the water leaves as vapor with none condensing
Speaking of high school, you don't appear to have finished
>Propane undergoes combustion reactions in a similar fashion to other alkanes. In the presence of excess oxygen, propane burns to form water and carbon dioxide.
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im going to miss the liberty chronicles.
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Hovercraft mode engage
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Rust: the later years
Truck is from Spain so thankfully not much. Land Rovers use any moisture as an opportunity to rot.
Bright as fuck out tonight with this moon
i’m having my first kid at 45. i’m super stoked.
Land Rovers mostly rot because """engineers""" mixed aluminum and steel parts, some even without proper coating. Makes the most retarded form of sacrifical anode on planet earth.
Congrats.. Start potty training at 10mo. Steak and eggs when they can sit on their own. If they're crying, feed; still crying put in crib and walk away.
I'm 34 with two kids under 2. I'm tired as fuck. Good luck.
thank you
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Has anyone here ever Lincoln locked just their front axle? Here is my thinking, in low traction but intermittant road conditions you can throw it in 4wd and lock just one hub. This gives you more drive traction without the binding associated with using 4wd on dry surfaces. And then there are the obvious benefits in low traction off road environments. I'm going to give it a shot on a spare d44ttb I have and let you guys know, but I wanted to see I'd anyone else has had the same idea
ordered a lower ball joint to work on my lc 100 series what i am in for bros
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Hope you bought new lca bushings and bolts
Finally back to the diesel swap, need to get this running so I can put the 4.0 I pulled out into my other jeep
Looks great
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And taco tabs
do you guys view google reviews as kin to social credit?
unironically yes
as in fake? Yes
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I should have specified whiteline bushings too.
almost all reviews should be taken with a grain of salt, you hardly ever hear from people that have a good experience with something because they're too busy enjoying or using whatever it is they bought
Endless custom coolant pipes and fittings, the more fun part of a swap
Not to mention the endless shills, they're everywhere now, even 4chan
Finish welded the motor mounts since everything is verified to be clearing and working
Painted and welded these bitches drunk with the rustoleum and I'm about to eat and pass the fuck out
is LBL worth going to with a stock XJ?
Take off both sway bars, lower your tire pressure a bit, and you'd be surprised where you can go.
TDI going in for the 12th time
Hopefully this is the last time, gonna try and drive it today
God Speed
bushings aren't bad surprisingly, hence why i bought the lbj. i did notice the ubj boot was torn, im praying it just needs a new boot
Should put whitelines in anyway if its got over 100k
Do the upper bjs too it's only a PITA but important.
Passed the fuck out hard yesterday, did not make it
Back at it fresh start this morning tho
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We're so back rn
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3 link time
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It's running, just need to bleed the brakes and it should be ready to drive
I'mma do a few trips around town and if nothing breaks I'm driving it to death valley
Still gotta tidy up the wiring and stuff and put new carpet in
Well meth isn't all bad apparently
Seethe loser, you wont post your truck
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Shut up and take the compliment faggot
>painted calipers
>uses a stump as a jack stand
>calls others meth users
>rusted out pile of truck
Kek, that's a good one
literal piss in a bottle
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I found it at a thrift shop for a dollar and grabbed it, I don't drink it
If I find a better beer I'll swap it out
I can try and find one for you from a proper beer country (Belgium) if you want
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Very defensive bub
I'm good, don't wanna give dox out on here with my haters so hurt
I'll rock the weineken even harder if it makes people mad 2bh
Don't they have mexicans for changing parts out?
They love toyotas, let em have at it, they'd probably do it for a few modelos
>don't wanna give dox out on here with my haters so hurt
fair, just know the offer stands
recommend me a beer, anon
>24e for shipping
difficult to justify, but I'll remember the suggestion.
Any other good beers from the west?
Idk there aren't any shitskin minorities here
Unless you count the French (I do)
Carapils (meme answer)
Jupiler, Stella Artios and Maes to a lesser extent are the go-to pilsners here
GrimBergen, goes really well in and with carbonade
Omer, they used to give you a free crate if you named your child Omer, dont know if they still do
personally, I quite like St.Bernardus
a lot of people will recommend Duvel, I wont because it makes my stomach turn over
Those french are weird as fuck
like weirder than normal french which is weird
3 inch exhaust not clearing the crossmember
Now it fits
Coors light, bud light platinum, Hamms. My least favorite beers are Rolling Rock, PBR, and Heineken.
This muffler sounds really good
Just drove it, it's running good but only making 5psi of boost, needs to be like 20 but i'm too tired to do any more tonight
that jack is a real long boi
No one cares
These are the only interesting posts ITT
How long do you expect that engine to last running 20psi of boost
Should be totally fine, stock boost is around 14psi but the stock turbo is way smaller than the one I'm running
Plenty of people out there running 25psi+ on these without opening the motor
I'm just after stock 4.0 power levels, but peak torque will be nice and low for offroading and chillin
Gonna try and turn the boost up right now and see what happens, may also have a boost leak it's kinda hard to tell really but it's the first time ever running so it's gonna have some small hiccups
daytona low profile long reach, best jack I've ever used it fits in tight spots and has tons of height when you max it out
Try 4 low, you've got this.
Because everyone else has stopped posting because nobody wants to be associated with the dog fucker or his trash collection builds.
Damn bro, you should try posting on facebook or some forums then, nobody keeping you here to seethe like a little bitch all fucking day
I'm just gonna let you know I'll be here 30 years from now, so if you don't like it you should just leave lol
Also, post truck
This little general was entertaining but I exist outside of 4chan.
I see my builds on TV a few times a year- I will not allow my name or creations to be sullied by association with the mentally ill sodomite.
The dog fucker wanted to turn this into his own personal blog, so let him.
He can samefag these threads to bump limit every week.
He's a sociopath and craves the attention.
If everyone just ignored him he would go away.
Oh sweet a schizo post with no truck attached to it
Going by your post count and post times, 4chan is your entire life.
You have to post when you wake up, or to show trash you collected from the junkyard or even when you're sitting alone in the garage.
I was deep offroad this afternoon, surveying storm damage on my property in an area I haven't been to in 5 or 6 years. I never once thought "gee, I need to post a pic of this online to random strangers"...

I do believe you will be here in 30 years- because 4chan is your only identity.
It's pretty pathetic.
Your life is utterly empty to the point that you have to smash the refresh button on /org/.
Go ahead and be king turd ontop of shit mountain, it's suits you well.
>guys fuck this dude who keeps posting his builds and stuff
>side with me, the dude who refuses to post a truck and talks shit like a little bitch on 4chan all day
Hes right though
Im right though
>I see my builds on TV a few times a year
lol so fake and gay
Do you actually own a truck or......?
I still post here! Been on the chan a very long time. :)
Hell yeah
Ewww no
incorrect, satan
Just drove the jeep and got 15lbs of boost holy shit that was fucking epic i love this fucking thing holy shit
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>If everyone just ignored him he would go away.
Dog fucker forgot he was samefagging again....
I'll give you the points about his personality and degenerate lifestyle, which make him insufferable, always having to have the best this the best that, he knows more than everyone about everything, etc.

BUT, his projects and wrenching content aren't bad. I like that he reuses junkyard shit, as stuff like that is accessible to everyone.
Are you calling me the name fag?
Because, nah
>degenerate lifestyle
My degenerate lifestyle of working on my cars and trucks and drinking beer all day?
Sounds peri comfy honestly
Holy fucking shit.
Look at what you typed.
Then look at what he commented on.

The guy is a piece of shit mental case that isn't worth pissing on if he was on fire.
Are you stroking out?
Bet it's the same kid who thinks you're all the replies that aren't his.
Probably kek, dude will never post his truck
It's almost done
Why are Ameritrugg fags so fucking retarded?
I can go to any Tacoma, Tundra, Jeep, 4Runner, or even a fucking Ridgeline forum and have answers to basic-ass questions with one simple Google search.
Then I Google the same question for an '03 F250 and get no less than two dozen conflicting responses.
It's always some 19-y/o wigger that thinks making wheels and tires "fit" means that they actually fucking WORK.
>oh yeah bro they fit, but they rub like hell at full lock and it's even worse when the suspension is flexed so I just put stops in and my turning radius is now eight city blocks but it looks fukn SICK bro
>google what tires fit on a tacoma with a certain lift
>get paragraphs of the most basic explanation
>Nothing is perfect and so there are some disadvantages of running larger tires that you must be aware of. Bigger tires and a lift put more stress on the suspension components, which may require more frequent maintenance. They also raise the vehicle’s center of gravity, which slightly improves the body roll. Due to the improved overall wheel diameter, the speedometer readings will no longer be accurate.
kek that's even more retarded.
You pretty much explained it.
Toyota, range rover etc forums--
>I tried to put these tires on but my local MP shoved a finger up my ass until I squealed "THEY DONT FIT MASTER!!"
Meanwhile Billy Bob mounted them on his truck and reported back that....
>they fit, but they rub like hell at full lock
>warning sticker for clamping
>on high voltage switchgear
safety supervisors need to get their priorities in check
I wish that were the case, because at least then I have an idea of what works and doesn't.
But there's an equal smattering of posts totaling to "they fit but rub" to "they fit with no rub!" to "they don't fit" to yada yada yada. All when discussing a simple question of "will 285/70R16 fit on <year/make/model>?"
They all conflict. It's fucking obnoxious.
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Can you identify what's going on in this pic?
What size tires?
Is there a lift?
Are there body modifications?
My point of this post is that the little black rubber piece below the chrome bumper has been trimmed.
So when you read "it rubbed", that notation is worthless unless you are familiar with the platform.

It was rubbing on fame or bumper or fender or oh that piece of shit rubber that was added because c.a.f.e. standards says we need it..
Hey /o/ff-road, I have a JKU 2014 I recently got a 6.2L lt1 with 2 speed atlas transfer case swapped in. I have a metal cloak 3.5" lift and have 37's, I noticed that the body rolls more and the front sags a bit more than before due to the new motor's weight.

Id like to upgrade the suspension. I wheel the Rubicon trail often, I can get through all obstacles with the current suspension, but am interested in getting something better. Could you recommend a suspension setup that would give me the flex and articulation for getting though rough trails like the Rubicon, but also be great for daily driving. Thank you
>that the body rolls more
Rough Country springs..
Never experience body roll again.
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Nah the part about you being a total poofta m8
Nice! Post pics. Sounds sexy
>posts pics of his generic wagie job over and over in the off road general like that makes his opinion matter
How about you post your truck instead lol
everyone who tantrums in these threads seem to be foreigners that don't own a truck
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nah just sick of tripfags.
i fixed one transmission leak and it's still leaking. need to clean the 1" layer of goop off the side to find it. not having fun. maybe someday i'll be able to take it innawoods
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We comfy posting?!?
I like your truck. You should post it more often. I don't understand the point of arguing about nothing though. He's just posting his truck, not saying anything weird. Sorry, not trying to throw fuel on the fire. I just don't understand why everyone gets so upset.
Hell yeah brother!
Hell yes.
The diesel jeep is running good enough I'm gonna drive it to death valley fuck it
Last time I did a diesel swap on my toyota I got it running then immediately drove it on a 800 mile trip without doing any testing, had zero problems
Gonna try and replicate that with the diesel jeep rn
I'm here for it. Planning a fun lil innawoods trip for when I get back in feb.
Ohhh! Sounds comfy. My buddy has the diesel rubicon he beats offroad a lot. So far he's a fan of it.
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The gladiator is so fucking hot holy shit
Peak truck
>we let fags and trannies in and now our hobby is ruined how could this have happened?!?
Do not let evil taie root
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posting sucks balls now with this random gay 9000 second captcha
truck got a new rad and hoses over the weekend. hoping to get out again once muh elbow is healed
thread quality is same as it ever was
end transmission
What did you manage to kill on your ZJ?
Yeah, the evil of on topic posting, it's insidious
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pretty much. my interest in the thread is ruined because actual gay tripfags post here
I was here long before you, I'll be here long after you're gone
Sorry bud, newfags like you just don't have the dedication
I feel a 2door would be peak desu. But the doggo loves the back. So good enough for me.
2 door would look amazing but I kinda want 4 doors since I already have 4 single cab trucks, I need room to put friends and guns and stuff in the back
I need more guns and less friends in my truck. I'm a simple guy like that
>says the doucjebag that blog posts about guns and beer in /org/.
You are AIDS to this board.
Guns and booze are pretty fun though.
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>I'm just after stock 4.0 power levels
Damn homie mine puts out stock 4.0 power with 0 pounds of boost.
Show me on the doll where the beer and guns touched you
Yeah but mine gets double the mpg of yours and runs on used motor oil lol
The faggot literally talks shit about people discussing non-org topics then proceeds to blog about non-org topics.
He's a fucking mental case on so many different levels.
Post your truck right now or forever remain silent
Ok. But I like guns, booze, and offroading
No life faggot is smashing the refresh button as usual for the reply dopamine rush.
Dance monkey, dance!!!
Keep doing my bidding like the little bitch you will always be.
>40mpg XJ
Damn nykkuh that must be some kind of world record. Especially since you tuned it for more power and put it in a heavier and brick shaped vehicle. Yet it gets better mpg than the stock vehicle (small car) that you took it out of. That's some fuckin wizardry right there.

You either broke the laws of physics or are just talking out of your ass.

>runs on used oil
This is something everyone talks about but nobody actually does.
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The car it came out of got 45mpg average on fuelly actually, and the jeep gets 15mpg average on fuelly
My toyota with the om617 gets 30mpg flat
Also. diesels don't work like gas, the fuel pump injects as much fuel as you press the pedal, a fully modified engine with bigger turbo injectors etc still gets the same mpg as the stock one unless you smash on the gas, then it goes down
Diesels don't have a throttle, the amount of fuel injected is the amount of power you get out, and on a mechanically injected diesel like mine, your foot directly controls the amount of fuel injected
If I floor it, black smoke comes out, if I barely touch it, no smoke comes out and I get amazing mpg
>This is something everyone talks about but nobody actually does.
Except the part where I actually do it lol
I've been doing this shit for longer than you've been posting in these threads kek
Notice that there was no reply with a truck to this, just a little pussy lol
Also I got 250 gallons of diesel on the property, all 3 of my trucks here will run on waste motor oil or the fuel that is in my storage tank
One of the perks of living on a large chunk of land like a landchad homesteader
Drove this thing about 100 miles yesterday, seems to be running great, time to embark on a week long drive to death valley for camping and exploring
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Cannot get these white line bushings flush for the life of me. I’m using a threaded bolt, washer and nut to press it in. Looks flush when I have it tight but undoes itself when I loosen the bolt. Am I doing something wrong?
They dont go flush, just make the metal race(?) on the bushing is inside the mounthing hole. Looks like it is.
Had the same issue
Flush isnt the right word but the bushings wouldn’t stay still, realized that I had to put the bigger bushing that goes around the shaft first to hold it in place. then I just pressed the bottom and top into place, one at a time. I can’t believe how badly the ride quality was effected from these
you're making this sound tempting.
is there any extensive ECU fuckery involved or is that a non issue with the mechanical pump ?
Worse ride quality now? Mine felt alot better but old bushings were rocks
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Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
I used to abuse the fuck out of my xj, put dump trailers and cars weighing 5k behind it weekly on the bump stops. put 100k miles on it and traded it for an eagle. let's see you tow anything without melting that slag heap down
GM hope.you had a white Christmas
Nah. Doesn't really snow here
>salty posting on Christmas morning
Holy shit that's grim
Anyways, yes TDI can tow, here's a video of it towing
Also, you're acting like I don't have 3 other 4.0 jeeps on the property other than my diesel swapped one lol
Do you really only have one jeep?
Shit, I also have my cummins for towing too, not that this little TDI can't as evidenced by that video
Speaking of 4.0 jeeps I just put a new head on one of my other XJs, the one I took the lift kit off last thread, it's running so fucking smooth now holy shit
Doing the timing chain now, quite a bit of slop in it
You'd be better off using the stock ecu and pump, the mechanical injection pump is around 800 dollars and another turbo that isn't VNT is also 800 dollars plus the need to make or buy custom manifold for the turbo
If you just keep the stock ecu and turbo you'll save thousands but I like mechanical diesels which is why I also diesel swapped my toyota pickup and own a 12v cummins
Got a few hundred miles on it and filled up, 29 mpg in the diesel XJ on 33s
I'm thinkin' we're fucking back
Can I put 31x105.x15 tires on my stock '93 Ranger without rubbing? Tire shop refused to do it saying it would rub, but I have seen lots of posts on forums where people say they have done it and it works fine. And would I need spacers?
Not enough information.
2wd, 4wd, splash?
4wd with the 4.0 engine
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She just wanted to say hi.
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She even brought her calf up to say hi too. His antlers were just starting to peek through so I guess that makes him a juvenile instead of a calf.
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I dont fear bears, I fear moose.
Just bust out your hi-point 45 and you'll be gtg
Hold up, we don’t talk about guns here, guns are off topic and bad
Make sure to donate to correct the record and every town USA as well
So is this kid posting shit here because he doesn't get enough attention on insta
Yeah they scared the shit out of me. I didn't see or hear them coming. I just looked to my right and see a big ol moose nose pressed against the window. Was something else. They were cool though. They didn't seem aggressive but I didn't try and push my luck.
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>You really don't hoard a bunch of 30 year old shitboxes?
No, I'm normal and have people I talk to that aren't on this board
If you want a tire size and the wages at the shop won't do it just put your truck up on jack stands and take just the wheels down to the shop.
I daily a 2020 car lol
And have a house
The property I live on gives me plenty of space to have a garage full of tools and tons of fun projects like multiple diesel swaps and turbo LS swaps
Yes 31s will fit.
They'll rub at full lock on the radius arms but will clear.fenders and bumper.
No I carry 10mm inna woods
Its crazy how they cam sneak up on you. They're too dumb to be afraid and will fuck you up.
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I own 2 houses but hoard 20+ year old shitboxes. Feels great actually.
That’s based I love Costco pizza
I basically just have a Costco membership for beer and hotdog pizza and tires
Fucking chad
Watched an episode of "Northwoods Law".
Dude heard a ruckus outside and went out to see a moose attacking his dog.
He unloaded his 10mm into it.
Cops showed up, checked to see dog was doing OK, verified the story matched the scene, called it a good kill and let the guy keep his out-of-season, poached bag 'o meat
Cool story bro
You don't like "COPS: Hillbilly Edition"?
Only been a member for a couple of years. I've been buying picrel and Kirkland motor oil. The gas savings alone is worth the membership.
You seem like a guy I'd go innawoods with. I like you big guy
No you
They had a sale on the Kirkland diesel oil it was like 8 dollars a gallon or somethin I got 3 gallons, should have got 6 or 7 gallons I fucked up

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